3.Back To School

"We are here" the words kept echoing in my eardrums

"Are you coming or just sitting there day dreaming"

I did not notice she was out of the car already, i took a long breath then opened the door

"Am ready we can go..." I close the door slowly

"You are forgetting your bag" she interrupted

"Ooh yeah" I said a little shyly opening the door again, she turned moving back and forth impatiently

"Ooh how I wish you stay this way for the rest of our lives, you won't be torturing that poor guy"

"Who are you talking about" i closed the door as she locked the car

"Well...!" She dragged the l's "that's not today's topic" she smiled mischievously

"Just tell me pleease, Mira, can I call you Mira" I looked at her with puppy eyes about to collect my palms in a prayer gesture

"Okay okay, just don't look at me like that geez! You act like a six year old" she laughed silently

"I'm waiting"

"It's about you getting into fights with your boyfriend, he's called Jackson Connor"

"So I've gat a boyfriend" the news got me nervous, seriously nervous that my stomach turned

"Yeah and he's kinda possessive over you, you know..." She tried gesturing things I did not understand one bit

"What's..." I imitated the gesture swinging my hand on the side then pulling it back

She pinched the bridge of her nose before saying

"Okay, he simply doesn't like you talking with other guys, always holds you like he's addicted and he hates it when you answer him back or shout at him which you always do"

"How did I end up with a guy like that" i scratched my hand then leaned towards the car with my back

"He once saved you from being run by a car outside school campus...acted like Mr Hero hero so you became friends two days before upgrading"

I just smiled uncomfortably then she added

"Yes it was crazy, now lets get inside, we are too late,and the principle will eat us alive if she sees us here mumbling about someone's possesive boyfriend"

She took my hand then walked me into the building. The school was big with a long corridor having lokers on its sides. The corridor was empty and too quite that it gave me goosebumps, I wispered at Miranda

"Why do I feel like it's a ghost's school" I pressed her hand tighter then she whispered back

"It's worse...the principle is a devil herself, she can take you to hell and back if she wants to with just her chubby looks" we walked silently side by side

"Don't underestimate her chubby ass though " I kept quite processing what was told

"And I forgot to tell you that no phones are allowed in the campus" unfortunately enough her phone buzzed in a text

"Like seriously phone, did you have to do the demonstration huh and i thought I put you in silence" she wispered in clear fustration

"let's hide, we are already in trouble "

She quickly pulled me in the closest door to the left, it was so dark inside like my eyes were closed

We heard a door not far away being opened then closed, I was so scared but excited of what's going to happen next, we could hear heavy foot steps that kept me wonder , I was about to speak when Miranda shushed me. After a moment of pressure we heard a door being opened then closed again, we exhaled hardly and started giggling, Miranda spoke first

"That was close"

"Very close" I instantly felt something cold touching my bare hand, it moved and caused me to jump a little

"Miranda stop it, you're too cold"

"What cold! Am always warm and by the way what I'm I even doing to you"

"Oh my gosh" reality hit me hard

I felt the coldness sinking in my tank top OMG if it's not Miranda then it's...I screamed my throat out and kicked the door open

"Aaaaaa it's getting inside me " I screamed while fanning my top, Miranda who was out too was all shocked and stayed immobile facing the other direction

A grey lizard fell on the floor, I managed to kick it across the hallway still shaken

"That's for making me scream" I mumbled unprofessionally then turned to meet a shocked Miranda

I followed her sight which landed on a brown scary fat woman in a black Bob hairstyle, nobody had to tell me she was the principle with that look. She walked our direction her skin radiating danger,anger and death combined, I was terrified my heart forced to come out

"Miss Norman, miss Simpton, you girls hate peace in M.H High you always search for trouble"

"No ma..." Before we could finish the sentence

"Shushhhhh" she hold her index finger on her dry lips

"Don't even think of saying an extra word or you'll regret it!" She talked very close to our faces raining spits on our temples but we handled it

We remained quite and innocent facing the floor, she was about to scould when she changed her mind

"Get to my office now" she shouted in a lower voice.

We entered inside her office and stood nervously infront of the table still facing the floor, she walked to her throne and sat majestically legs crossed

"So... You kids always love trouble, you are so indesciplined, you come to school the time you feel like coming, you bring your toy phones in the school compound, you make annoying yet loud voices that ment to disturb other disciplined students....in general you always BREAK THE SCHOOL RULES!"

We are so cooked, her voice penetrated my flesh and pierced my heart with no mercy, if looks could kill, the one she's giving could trim you straight into bones

"We are sorry madam Florence, we wont repeat these mistakes ever again" I threw Miranda a glance, how could she get the courage to talk back

"You are sorry!" The principle chuckled, then quickly wore her serious face

"You said that the last semester remember" I gulped, Miranda opened her mouth about to speak

"Don't try adding any other word lady...this is how you'll learn your lesson today, at sharp 3:30 pm after classes I want you here in my office, don't be late nor early or else your punishment will be doubled or tripled or even be for the rest of your lives, do you get what am saying"

"Yes mam"

"Good, now off to class, I dont want to see your stupid faces"

In a blink of an eye we were off her office, I looked at Miranda and we all cracked into a mute laugh.

We walked to a room inside the school building, it was a green house or something I guessed

"Why are we here?" I asked checking out the transparent dusty walls

"There's no point of going in class at this hour, it's about 10 o'clock breaktime, we can wait for the third session"

"Okay.....this place is beautiful by the way" we both faced the same direction standing next to each other

"Yes it is, that's why I brought you here...you remember the first time we broke this..ooh shit you don't remember a thing" her voice turned from excited to low, I kinda felt bad

"Let's get inside" she giggled clearing the weird atmosphere between us as she pulled my hand with her into the green house

The flowers were blossoming, everything inside was gorgeous and breath taking, I bent towards the roses and inhaled the scent, I touched the branch about to pick it up when...

"Don't pick that rose! This place is out of bound" my eyes widened

"What do you mean by out of bound?"

"It means we are not supposed to be here except if your a member of environment club which we are clearly not"

"Mirandaaaa" I shouted in a whisper

"What?! Is not like we'll be caught or something" she ended up chuckling while I panick

"Please let's leave" I said walking to the exit

"Okay chicken Liz" she giggled

We walked slowly not knowing where we were going, the bell rang and the silence turned loud, new people, new faces, what will happen next...