5. The Punishment.

We walked to the principle's office and stood infront of her door contemplating on what to do with the remaining 2 minutes. Miranda soon took the risk and knocked

"Please mam may we get inside" it did not take a second her heavy voice echoed inside the office

"Can you explain why you are one minute early" is that even a crime?!

"Don't move till 4 o'clock" Miranda cursed under her breath and I could see her getting irritated.

Standing infront of the office for five minutes was enough to make Miranda snap

"If you didn't check mam we are real humans" she shouted unintentionally, that's what she said later on

"You wouldn't have done that, we'll be in a big mess right now" I whispered feeling like disappearing from that spot I stood.

"I don't care she's getting on my nerves" she whispered back getting her temper on check.

The door opened revealing the now fuming principle, can't she just find a hobby apart from school or just being nice

"Who had the guts to answer back" we all shrugged facing the floor avoiding the rain to come, good thing we were the only ones left on the hallway I guess

"Answer me" she got closer leaving the door wide open, we remained quite escaping her gaze.

"You naughty girls seem restless to find out your punishment so this is what you would do, you are my new janitors mop all the floors of the school, clean the cob webs I dont want to see even the tiniest stain on the floor or dust anywhere and don't forget the toilets, I'm I clear"

She bagged the door on our faces not waiting for our response, I turned to look at Miranda sharing the same look of doom

"She's got to be kidding me!"

This is more like slavery, how can a 21st century teenager do all those chores in less than 3 hrs, isn't there a law in a constitution concerning that.


After two hours of labour it was nearly 6, we collected the tools then headed for the exit door

"We did a great job today" she spoke nonchalantly like we did all the work for our own sake.

"We did not clean the toilets and some halls" i spoke in a 'areyouserious' kinda tone waiting for her reply.

"The workers will do their job, the principle wont even bother checking our work today" she took out her phone after that, texting.

"Are you sure about that?" I stood looking at her waiting for an assurance

"Very sure, trust me, her fats wont tolerate being active at this hour" she chuckled at her own words as she kept her gaze to the phone, I continued walking leaving her one to two steps behind.

We entered the parking lot and walked to my car still looking at the compound for any memory trigger, but nothing came, I quickly noticed a guy on a black motorcycle and a leather jacket, his hands were rested on the handle bars, he must have been here in a short while before we walked out, he took his helmet off showing off his black hair and grey eyes that would catch any girl's attention, I didn't intend to see the eyes, he just wasn't that far

He looked at Miranda in that look that got me all questioned up as he moved closer to where we parked, her cheeks grew red on every step he took.

"Hi Liz, long time no see, where have you been?" His voice was low and deep, he placed his hands in the pockets

"Just around nothing suspicious" I sure have to learn how to speak with everything going on, luckily he did not want to ask more questions, he wasn't interested with what I've been upto, so obvious

"I see... hey there beautiful want a ride home" I looked at Miranda clearly pleading with no hope for her to stay

"Sure!" She did not even took a second to think

Miranda looked at me in a 'pleaseforgivemeiknowyouwontgetlost' look, I nodded is not like I had a choice

"Wait a second!" Oh my she's thinking it through

"I still have your phone Liz" oh that, thanks for getting hyped for no reason

She took out the phone from her pocket and slid it in mine.

"You'll thank me later, stay safe"

She climbed the bike, gestured the I will call you sign before holding onto the guy then left me there alone...lonely...feeling so lonely and abandoned.


It was already dark when I reached home, I checked on the phone to find out it was already 7, the road wasn't jammed but I lost my way a couple of times till I reached my destination .

Mom was outside waiting impatiently, I walked towards her on the front porch

"G_good evening mama" she initiated a hug then kissed my cheek lightly

"Where were you Elizabeth I've been expecting you since 4 only to show up this late" her tone was mostly filled with concern and worry

"I'm sorry mom, we were given some work to do and..." I hesitated a little

"I got lost on my way back home" she watched me intentively and all I did was looking anywhere else from her eyes

"Okay but you better not scare me like this again, and call me when you need some help, alright" her voice was soft and warm by heart, I didn't get why she did not ask me why I lost my way home.


We entered inside and the first thing I noticed was how Mr William glared at me

"Where have you been miss" his voice firm but a bit scrachy

"School...had work to do" I said politely

"Mmmh like I care about your stupid excuses" he turned his focus back to the TV

I stood there for a moment then decided to climb into my room.

After taking a warm shower i dressed in my pj's and opened my door to go find something to eat, halfway the stairs I over heard the steamy argument going on down stairs that made me stuck

"You know what Hilda, I'm tired of this talk, from when she moves in I told you it wasn't a good idea, she will always be a problem, why can't you see that" he shouted

"Cause she's my daughter love" she said calmly in a lower voice

"I don't want her in my house! From the first place she lived with that divorced husband of yours, who knows maybe she was the cause of his sudden death" my heart beats accelerated, I stopped breathing for a moment

" Can you please stop this nonsense..." her voice was trying to hide a cry with no success

"Why should I, cause you know I might be saying the truth huh" he said coldly causing my palms and feet to sweat all together

" William stop it please" her voice broke and I could feel my eyes getting wet, why I'm I still listening

" by the way she fu*king wants to die, what are we doing protecting her while that might be for her own good!" Oh Gawd

"Your being so selfish, this wasn't what we agreed on remember" she tried keeping her composure

"Yeah yeah the stupid agreement..."

I could not take it anymore, I got a bit of energy to rush to my room and broke in tears against my pillow, there has to be an explanation on this, I didn't kill anyone but how would I know, I'm just a stupid teenager who lost her memory.

The nightmare make sense now, or maybe I did kill my father, mom didnt try to defend the fact that I didn't, my heart was heavier than how my eyes were, if the real me was this broken then I hope not to remember a thing, I did not want to anymore

As a lot of thoughts kept dwelling my mind I heard a buzz on my phone, a text message from Miranda, I didn't want to ruin her night with my problems, so I drifted into sleep.