6. Drama Drama Drama.

The next morning I woke up very early around 4 nobody was awake so i took my time cleaning the floor and the dishes, it was like a natural instinct that pushed me to do it. I remembered the last time I filled my stomach with anything causing it to turn and complain, I went to see if I'll get anything from the fridge, I took the yesternight's leftovers then dig out my hunger, my stomach reacted on the cold but I did not care, I was just glad I got satisfied.

I went straight into my bedroom after that waiting for the time to leave to school, I stayed immobile idle on my bed facing the ceiling, i placed my hands on the back of my head thinking about my life that seemed like a puzzel, the house was huge and everything was fancy inside but I did not see anyone else except the three of us. It's like I don't belong here, they take me as a nuisance and I'd rather leave, but I have mom who takes a good care of me, that would be too selfish of me..

I jumped when I heard my door screeching open, I sat straight to find mom poking her head

"Good morning mama" I said tiredly though I was feeling very energetic

"Good morning " she ended with a dry cough and stepping inside the room.

"Are you alright" I stood walking to where she was

"Yeah am fine, I was just checking you out" she held the door ready to leave the room

"Thanks mom" she stood for a while the closed the door behind her back

I took a shower then got dressed well ready to leave, my mood was not on check so I felt like keeping quiet all day.

I knew I was a fast learner when I recalled the way to school, it made me so proud but never lessened the mood i was in, aargh I wish I could forget what I heard yesterday, the words keeps on repeating in my head.


"Hey" she yelled very close to my ear that made me jump bumping my locker

"You scared me!" I said breathlessly rubbing my forehead

"Still the scary cat" she chuckled while opening her locker

"Am not!" I said in a lower voice

We headed for the sessions, I was lucky enough to be with her in all my classes, she told me some tips about the teachers and how to handle myself if anything happens.

We walked slowly towards the first class, we were early, we had extra time.

"So how've you been girl, dont you know how to reply a text" she spoke looking at me like trying to read my expressions

"I...no is just that i had a lot in my mind at the time" I replied avoiding her gaze

"Trouble with your step dad again" I turned to look at her this time a little bit shocked, then I remembered she knew me better than myself

"Do I always have an argument with him" I lowered my voice not ready to hear what I've asked for

"Well yeah...you dont get along with that man, I dont even see why mom Hilda married him in the first place, he looks too evil for her" she spoke giving all her hate out, before I could reply she led me to a room

"We are here"

It was physics class and the teacher who I couldn't remember the name was teaching about electrostatics, in the middle of my concentration I felt someone touching my hair pulling it playfully, I turned to find a guy grinning at me, he kissed the air then winked at me, that's so weird, I just fake smiled then turned my concentration back to the teacher but that man never gave up, he poked my back, what's wrong with the guy seriously.

I looked at Miranda trying my best to speak with my eyes, she gestured my shoulder, that's when i saw an orange stick note written


I turned to face Mira second time, she whispered close to my ear still looking at the front,

"It's him!" Who is she talking about, then realization hit me as my eyes widened,Jack

"Don't freak out" she whispered again but it did not help much, I continued reading the note

'MEET ME OUTSIDE CLASS IN A MINUTE' I was starting to get annoyed with how demanding he was.

"Go before he do something stupid" her whisper cut in my thoughts

"I'm not going anywhere, I love physics." I said seriously furrowing my eye brows, she put a hand on her mouth holding her laughter but her eyes lingering with amusement.

Mr Maclaurin yeah that's his name, kept demostrating on the attraction and repulsion using balloons when the door was kicked open

"Drama drama drama!" Mira said to herself while sliding on her seat

Everyone looked behind revealing a little confused Jack, when did he get out, ooh gawd

"Sorry! Has anyone seen my love" he said in a bit of a british accent, everyone was like oooh

" Young boy, what do you think you're doing?" Mr Maclaurin stated calmly while putting his glasses on the table

" Ooh excuse me Sir, I didn't mean to interrupt!" He was moving slowly to the front of the class.

"But how would you feel if you get ignored by the love of your life for a whole week and three days and you get to see her beautiful face then she turns you down!" What is this, a drama club?!

"That's not a proper question to ask your teacher Mr Connor!" I could see him getting annoyed any minute from now

"Just try to be in my shoes Sir.." he turned to face the audience, I could see people staring at me, that's when I realized he was looking directly at me, oh gawd

"Look at you, you look so innocent, how can you do this to me angel face" okay now I'm the centre of attention, this is crazy.

" I can't take this stupidity, Mr Connor get out of my class! Now!" His voice was still calm but you could see him angry and annoyed.

" Not without my girl" he looked at Mr Maclaurin sympathetically looking hurt.

" you too miss Norman, get this boy out of my class" Mira was now laughing uncontrollably, I was so embarrassed than annoyed, I stormed from the class and leaned on the wall next to the door, thinking of how to handle this.

He walked out with a huge grin plastered on his face, then stood close, very close to where I stood, I opened my eyes to see his grin slowly disappearing, he was trying to read me like a magazine but his confused brows showed that he couldn't

"What's going on with you Liz!" His voice low full of hurt, I started feeling sympathy, we remained quite locking my eyes with his.

We remained in the same posture for a while then he cupped my neck with his hand, and the other folded on my waist that caused my breath to hinch a little, he started geeting closer but before he could do anything I turned my head on the side, his grip on my neck lossened and we went back to the staring contest.

"What did I do wrong...or you have someone else " he let his hands to fall on the side, creating a space between us

"There's no one...I'm afraid the principle or anyone could see us, you need to get to your class" I said confidently acting unaffected, he chuckled humorlessly

"You are afraid huh...I missed you Liz and I couldn't even wait for the break cause I felt like I was in a living hell without you and I get to see you, you dont even look at me the way you always do and you say you're afraid, I'm the one to be afraid here Liz" He was so broken and confused.

The site hurt me much, I couldn't be angry at him for doing what he had done, he looks loving and caring, that's all I need right. Don't do it Liz, please don't aah I know I'm doing it anyway I pecked him quickly on the lips, he instantly touched my waist holding me in position, then kissed me slowly, it wasn't long minding we were still on the ends of a hallway.

"Sorry I got an accident during the time, but I'm okay" a flash of pain crossed his eyes.

" I'm sorry I wasn't there for you!" I nodded, He's sweet ooh gawd I get why I'm in love with this guy.

" okay we better get going" we heard another door being opened, causing us to rush giving each other quick 'see you laters' then I went back to my class.