As I was looking around, trying to figure out what was going on, I noticed that I was standing in the middle of an empty cobble road. The building all looked abandoned like they have not been used in many years. I made sure there was no one around before, I started to freak out.
After the initial shock wore off, I started to process everything that just happened. I started to question myself about everything like why do I have a screen in front of me? How come I cannot touch the screen? Why are my hands a blueish gray? And many other things.
I plopped on the ground and start to try and figure out one by one, why I was here, and what I needed to do to get home. The first thing I did was try to figure out how to use my screen. I had already figured out that I cannot touch them, as my hand went right through it like the screen was not even there. Next, I tried to concentrate on a specific part of the screen like the cross swords symbol, and it popped up. "I did it!" I then started to go through the 5 pages that are up there. Once I was able to use my screen, I found out a lot of the answers to my earlier questions. I was also able to pull up my status page and found 1 or 2 interesting things there.
Page 3
Name: Bentas Mistmoon
Race: Dark Elf
Level: 5
Points to the next level: 200/1000
Age: 22
Height: 6 foot 2 inches
Weight: 195 pounds
Strength: 10/150
Intelligence: 10/150
Agility: 10/150
Defense: 10/150
Luck: 10/150
Hit Points (HP): 100/1000
Magic Points (MP): 100/1000
Un-Used character points (CP): 150
Un-Used ability points (AP): 25
Gold: 1,000
Buffs: Double XP 30 Days
Page 4
Archery. Level 1 -->2. 2 AP -->3. 5 AP
Beginner with archery.
Short Sword. Level 1 -->2. 2 AP -->3. 5 AP
Beginner with a short sword.
Quick Learner. Level 1 -->2. 5 AP -->3. 10 AP
Once the user senses an ability or magic being performed, the user has a 50% chance of learning that ability or magic at level 1. Does not allow user interaction, ability is performed automatically.
Quick Heal. Level 1 -->2. 3A/P -->3. 8 A/P
The user can heal himself or others up to 10% of their total health. MP cost 30.
My name was a randomly generated one that the game came up with when I built my character and I thought it sounded kind of cool, so I kept it. I also have not used any of my CP or AP from leveling up and now I have a lot. The most interesting thing is the ability the game gave me as my "Reward" Quick Learner. At least it will help me get magic and abilities to help me stay alive in this world until I find my way home.
Looking over all my stats and abilities I thought that I need all five and I have 150 unused points so, I split them up evenly, putting 30 CP in each. I then look through the abilities seeing as I do not have a lot of them, I put the 15 points it takes to max out Quick Learner, then 8 points to max out Archery, and the last 2 points I put into Short Sword, getting that to level 2. I became an expert in archery and proficient with a short sword. The interesting one was Quick Learner. I did not expect this to happen.
Quick Learner. Level 3
Once the user senses an ability or magic being performed, the user has a 100% chance of learning that ability or magic. 30% chance it becomes a level 3. 70% chance it becomes a level 2. Does not allow user interaction, the ability is performed automatically.
At that time, I was happy. I had no clue that, that one ability would cause me so much grief in the future. But that story is for later.
I then moved to the mission's page and found, there were no missions. By this time, I was now sitting in the middle of the empty road in this seemingly abandoned town, thinking about what I had to do. Maybe if I bet all the dungeons, I can go home. But I do not even know where they are. I wonder if I am going to need to sleep and to eat. Those should be important questions to answer as I am quite sure I could sleep somewhere in this abandoned town but as far as food, I think I might have to hunt or gather edible food to survive, and that would bring up a whole other slew of problems, like what is edible and what is not.
As I sat there alone, I thought to myself, 'This is annoying'. And then I made sure my starter longbow, my starter short sword, and quick heal filled up three of the five boxes in my quick equip. It would not let me put quick learner in there, I just figured it was due to the whole 'Does not allow user interaction' thing.
Once I made sure everything was set, I figured the only thing for me to do was, to see what this world was about. I mean it cannot be as bad as my job. That place slowly sucked the life out of you. This must be at least a little better than that, I hope.
I stood up from the ground and started to move to the edge of the town. As soon as I walked out of the city, a bunch of red dots started to show up on my mini map, and they were already heading towards me. If I remember, red dots are enemies, blue dots are friendlies, and gray dots are neutral. I am not going to lie, I got scared, I did not know what would happen if I died here. As I stood there trying to figure out what to do, 2 goblins stepped out of the woods looking right at me. Then three, then five. By the time they all showed up, 10 goblins were standing at the edge of the woods, looking at me, and then they all started running towards me. I grabbed my longbow and just started shooting at them. The first arrow hit the goblin right between the eyes and he slowly dissolved into particles of light. It was very unsettling. This did not even faze the other goblins coming toward me. I fired two more arrows and two more goblins disappeared. I dropped the bow on the ground and equipped the short sword as they got closer. I then lunged at the first goblin while swinging the sword. I hit the goblin in the head, and it disappeared. Then I swung around and thrusted my sword at another goblin, hitting that one in the gut and it disappeared as well. 5 down 5 to go. I then punched a goblin and swung my sword in a big arc at 1 more running towards me. The goblin I punched and the other 1 I hit with my sword also disappeared. I was thinking 'This is going to be easy'. I was down to 3 goblins. Then, in the middle of my screen, I receive a message that caused me to pause for a second.
{New abilities acquired.}
And then one of the goblins stabbed me in the leg with a dagger.