I kicked the goblin that stabbed me in my leg, leaving the dagger still there. The last two goblins both jumped at me at the same time and I swung my sword at them hitting them both and they finally disappeared. I dropped down to the ground thinking, 'I can't believe I survived that'. I looked at the dagger that was still in my leg and decided to pull it out. I grabbed and yanked it out and I felt pain like I have never felt pain before. I quickly used my quick heal magic, and the pain started to die down a little.
I also checked my minimap to make sure there were no more enemies nearby. With everything all clear, I pulled up my states again. I wanted to see the abilities I had gotten from the goblins that had gotten me stabbed.
Page 3
Name: Bentas Mistmoon
Race: Dark Elf
Level: 6
Points to the next level: 1200/2000
Age: 22
Height: 6 foot 2 inches
Weight: 195 pounds
Strength: 40/150
Intelligence: 40/150
Agility: 40/150
Defense: 40/150
Luck: 40/150
Hit Points (HP): 400
Magic Points (MP): 400
Un-Used character points (CP): 10
Un-Used ability points (AP): 1
Gold: 1,000
Buffs: Double XP 30 Days
Page 4
Archery. Level 3
Expert in archery.
Short Sword. Level 2. -->3. 5 AP
Proficient with a short sword.
~Dagger. Level 2. -->3. 5 AP
Proficient with a dagger.
Quick Learner. Level 3
Once the user senses an ability or magic being performed, the user has a 100% chance of learning that ability or magic. 30% chance it becomes a level 3. 70% chance it becomes a level 2. Does not allow user interaction, the ability is performed automatically.
~Night Vision. Level 3
The user can see at night as if it were the day.
Quick Heal. Level 1 -->2. 3A/P -->3. 8 A/P
The user can heal himself or others up to 10% of their total health. MP cost 30.
Night vision and a dagger ability, and I leveled up? Nice. I put the CP into strength reviewed my new abilities and then closed my stats.
I sat there for a little while, just thinking about everything that had gone on since I left work a couple of hours ago and waited for the pain in my leg to go away. I checked my HP and MP bars and watched them slowly return to full, and thought, 'Whelp, there's that' and got up to start to try and find people or a village or something. Anything really. I need to try and figure out where I am. I picked up the dagger that the goblin stabbed me with and then, in the middle of my screen, there was a message that said, {Would you like to store this item?} I though yes and it disappeared from my hand and ended up in my inventory. As I was looking around to see if there was anything else, I could pick up, I see shiny things all over the ground. I walk over and found out that for every goblin I killed they dropped a little bit of gold. 'This really is like a game' I thought and proceeded to pick up all the gold. in total there were 36 pieces of gold and just like the dagger, I was given the option to store it with the rest of my gold. I even practiced pulling out the gold from my inventory finding out all I must do is think about it and it will show up in my hand. I looked around one more time to make sure I did not forget anything, and I headed towards the woods. Time for me to find out where I am at.
I was walking through the forest that was on the outside of the town and every time I moved a little further, a portion of my minimap would lock. I also learned that I could bring the minimap to the front of my screen and enlarge it making it extremely easy to study. I walked for hours through the forest and I did not even realize that it had gotten dark. I guess it was due to the night vision ability.
After walking for about 8 or 9 hours, something finally showed up on my minimap that was not the forest. It was a big structure at, and it did not look like it was too far away. As I moved closer, red dots started to appear, usually in groups of 2 or 3. I went around and picked off the groups until I ran out of arrows. I had already killed 7 goblins. I just figured they were out here because there was a village nearby. There were only 2 more sets of goblins and I am sure they know that there is something out here because after I would shoot a goblin or 2 in a group the other goblins would start to make weird noises.
I checked my minimap and then moved to the other groups and killed them with my short sword until it broke, cheap starter sword. Well, there is nothing I can do about it now. So, I tossed the sword onto the trees and pulled out the dagger that I pulled out of my leg and finished off the rest of the goblins and moving toward the structure on my minimap. When I finally get to the structure, it looks like a cave entrance, but it has big wooded black doors on it. There was a sign in front of the door, but it was in a language I have never seen before, and therefore could not read it. I moved to the doors and push one of them open. It made that screeching sound that creepy doors in horror movies make. You know the one, SSSSCCCCEEEEEEEEECCCCCHHHHH! Yeah, that one.
As soon as I step inside the cave looking thing, red dots pop up all over my minimap. I stop for a second pull up my status screen and see that I have leveled up again. I thought with this many enemies, I would need my HP as high as I could get it and I dumped the 10 un-used CP in intelligence, and then I moved further inside. As I get a little deeper these 2 red lizards looking things that could stand on their back legs and were holding spears came running at me. As soon as they got near me, I got another notification pretty much saying that I got hand-to-hand combat level 2 and spear level 3. I gripped my dagger and got ready to fight.