The Secret Room.

The first lizard thing, (which I later found out is called Kobold) rushed at me thrusting his spear towards me. It is weird when I get new abilities. It is like, all this knowledge is downloaded into my brain, and my body knows instinctively how to use it, without me having to think too much about it. My body moves on its own and grabs at the closet Kobold's spear, pulling him off balance and I thrust my dagger into his head. He disappears and I now have a wooded spear with a sharp pointy rock at the end of it.

Armed with my new spear, I hurl myself at the other Kobold and thrust my spear into his gut, and the fight was over. I know, I know, kind of anti-climactic right. Know I have a spear and a dagger in my quick equip boxes and I look around to see if these two left me anything like the goblins did. I found some 19 pieces of gold and 2 pieces of jerky. I was kind of skeptical about the jerky but, I figured my quick heal will save me if anything goes bad, plus a man's gotta eat, right?

I picked up the jerky and smelled it first. I do not know why I smelled it. It is not like I know what poison or anything that could kill me from eating this jerky, smells like. I then ate the first piece, and nothing happened. So, I ate the second. This was the first time I had eaten since coming to this new world, and I did not realize that I was starting to get hungry. Now, all I need is some water or some caffeine and I will be all set. I am sure I will not be getting that second one though unless it is from coffee. I think tea has caffeine in it too.

I check my minimap and see there are a couple of other groups of red up ahead and then just passed them, there looks to be a secret room blocked by a wall. If I did not have my minimap, I would have never found it. I moved in the direction of the secret room, which was also the same way as most of the red dots. As I get closer, I run into a group of about 12 goblins. Coming this far, I decided to just go with it. I do not know what else I needed to do, and it is not like I have anywhere to be, might as well try and clean this place up. And I rush toward the goblins and take them all out in a couple of minutes. I am just glad I did not get stabbed this time.

I finally make it to the wall with the secret room behind it. I look and feel the wall looking for a button or a lever to open it. There was a rock to the side of the hidden doorway sticking out just a little if you were not looking for it you would have missed it. I pushed it and the wall slid inward allowing me to enter. When I got into the room, it is not a noticeably big room. It looks to be a 12-foot by 12-foot room and the only thing in this room is 3 treasure chests up against the wall directly across from the door.

I walk over to the first chest and it has a water pouch, gold, and a scroll. I grab the water pouch, open the lid, and drink the water. it felt like I could drink this water for as long as I wanted. Every time it started to empty out, it would fill itself back up. I thought this was extremely useful. I put the lid back on and then, luckily, I was able to put it into my inventory I grabbed the gold and put that into my inventory as well. Now, all that is left is the scroll. I pick up the scroll and it then disappears just like when a kill goblins and kobolds. I then receive a message on my screen saying, {New magic acquired.

Lighting Shot. Level 1 -->2. 4A/P -->3. 9A/P

The user can shoot a lightning bolt from the palm of his hand. The lightning bolt causes 100 HP damage to the target it hits. MP cost 75.}

Well, that is useful, and I get up to go to the second chest. I open it up and inside there is gold, which I just put into my inventory figuring if this world is giving me this much, there must be a reason for it. There is also a steel dagger and another scroll. I put the dagger into my inventory and then pick up the scroll and just like last time, {New magic acquired.

Quick-Step. Level1 -->2. 5 A/P -->3. 10 A/P

The user can move in any direction in a 10-foot radius in the blink of any eye. MP cost 10.}

I was really excited about this one. It could save my life when I am in a tight spot, and it does not cost that much. I then moved over to the third chest and went to open it, and it BIT me. The front of the chest grew a mouth with sharp teeth and bit down on my arm. It was latched on and would not let go. It freaked me out and I started to wave my arm up and down with this treasure chest biting my arm.

{New ability acquired}

I pulled out the dagger I just got and started to stab it repeatedly until it disappeared. I then used 'quick heal' to start the healing on my arm and plopped down on the ground. I leveled up again. So, I put my points into agility and then checked my new ability. I was shocked when I pulled it up.

{Morph. Level 3

The user can change his appearance, body, and voice to that of any creature or object the user has enough knowledge about.}

I thought to myself, 'Let's just relax for a minute'. As soon as that thought went across my head, red dots started to show up in my minimap, in the same room I was in. I take a quick look around, and I see a bunch of skeletons just pop into existence inside the room I am in. I quickly put 'lighting shot' and 'quick step' into my quick equip, making all 5 slots full. I have the steel dagger in the first slot, the cheap spear in the second, quick heal in the third, lighting shot in the fourth, and quick step in the fifth. Making sure everything is ready, I pull out my spear and start my battle with what looked to be about 30 skeletons.