I rushed toward a skeleton that was in front of me and knocked his head off with my spear. The head crashed into the wall and broke and disappeared. The rest of the skeleton body was still moving toward me. I used a lightning shot at the skeleton, hitting it right in the chest with a lightning bolt fired from the palm of my hand, and it disappeared. My MP bar went down by a lot. I figured I could not kill all these skeletons with just my lightning shot. I needed to find a way to kill them all without using it.
Now knowing hitting the head did not kill the skeleton, I started to aim for the spine and rib cage. I hit the next skeleton in the ribs, and it pushed it back a little. The one thing I had going for me was, that the skeletons were slow and dumb. If they were fast and smart, I am sure I would not be able to tell you this story.
I moved toward the skeleton that I hit in the ribs and aimed for the spine. It finally disappeared. So, now I know, I either must hit them twice or aim for their spine. Both of those were going to be hard as this is a tiny room for this many monsters. I swung my spear around trying to use it as a blunt object thinking if I snap their spines, it might kill them. Turned out I has right. I swung my spear, breaking the spines of the skeletons. I was getting really tired, as they did not have any weapons and the only thing, they did to me was bite me. There was just a lot of them. There were now piles of loot all over the floor and the skeletons just kept coming. I had already used my quick heal twice since starting this fight. My MP was now down to about a quarter. I moved again to strike another skeleton spine and... I slipped on something loose on the ground and four skeletons jumped on me and started biting me. I de-equipped my spear and equipped my dagger and started to try and stab the skeletons that were on top of me, getting luck a couple of times and hitting them right where I needed to. I managed to kill 3 of the 4 that were on top of me, and the last one, I grabbed by the spine and threw it up against the wall. Now there were only 2 skeletons left and they were running full speed at me. I was still on the floor, hoping I still had enough MP to kill them, I shot 2 lightning shots at them and both disappeared. They were all dead now and there were gold and items all over the floor.
I looked at my MP and HP bar, my MP was down under half and my HP was down to about a third. I laid my head on the floor feeling extremely exhausted. I just killed a treasure chest from hell and 37 skeletons, so I think I have a reason to be exhausted. I leveled up and put the CP into defense and then noticed that I now have 4 un-used AP. I looked through the list of my magic and abilities and decided to level up my lightning shot, hopefully making it a little more useful, which it did.
{Lighting Shot. Level 2 -->3. 9 A/P
The user can shoot a lightning bolt from the palm of his hand. The lightning bolt causes 500 HP damage to the target it hits. Once it hits the first target, it will cause a chain lighting to the 3 closest living creatures to the original target causing 200 HP damage to the other 3 targets. Secondary targets must be within 10 feet of the original target. MP cost 50.}
Finishing up with my status menu, I look around and notice there is still items all over the floor, but I am too tired to get up and collect them. I laid my head back onto the ground and passed out. I woke up a few hours later feeling completely refreshed. I sat up and looked around again and saw that all the gold and items were still all over the ground. I checked my minimap to make sure that there were no enemies around and got up and started to pick up all my new stuff.
By the time I was done, I now had 14,356 gold, 2 rusty swords, a shield, a pair of black leather boots, and a weird-looking key that I had no idea what it went to. I moved over to the wall where I first entered and as I approached, it just opened for me. When I left the room, the door shut behind me. I look at my minimap and saw that there were a few red dots scattered all over the place and now on my minimap there looked to be a set of stairs that I had no idea where they led to. I decided to get rid of the red dots and then go to see where the stairs went. As I was heading toward one of the red dots, I learned that if a focus on a red dot, it will pull up its basic information. The one I am heading to is called a Kobold and it is a level 2. That is all that it tells me, but that is more information than I had earlier. So, I moved to the Kobold, took care of it, then went onto the next red dot.
After about 2 hours of going after red dots, I leveled up again. I was now a level 10 and I was awarded 20 CP and 2 AP. I guess hitting level 10 is a big deal. I put 10 CP in luck and 10 CP in strength. I liked to see the nice, clean, round numbers on my status screen. After another 30 minutes, I finally made it to the stairs. They went down and I could not see the bottom of them from the top. I checked my minimap and made sure there were no more red dots in the area, and I started walking down them. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, it looked exactly like the floor I had just been on, except there were more red dots on this one. Figuring this was going to be my life until I found and clear all the dungeons so I can go back home, I readied myself and headed to the first set of red dots. 2 kobold and 3 goblins.