The 10th Floor.

It takes me 4 days to reach my ninth set of stairs. I look down at what will be my tenth floor of this weird cave. It looks the same as all the other stairs I have come to. In the last 4 days, I have defeated a couple hundred goblins and kobolds. They are everywhere, in here. I have even beaten 2 more of those demon chests that I found out were called mimics. After that first one, every time I found a chest, I would stab it with my spear. Oh, that reminds me, I found a new steel spear. The last one broke pretty early on the second floor. I have found 2 new abilities and 2 new magic scrolls. The abilities, I received from the goblins and kobolds, and the magic spells came from treasure chests.

{Blunt Object. Level 3.

Expert with blunt objects.

Throwing Weapons. Level 2. -->3. 5 A/P

Proficient with throwing weapons.

Fire Shot. Level 1. -->2. 4 A/P -->3. 9 A/P

The user can shoot a fireball from the palm of their hand. The fireball will cause 100 HP damage to the target it hits. MP cost 75.

Freeze. Level 1. -->2. 4 A/P -->3. 9 A/P

The user can freeze one target for 2 seconds, making the target unable to move. MP cost 60.}

I quickly look at my minimap to make sure there are no more enemies, check that I had the spear, sword, lighting shot, fire shot, and quickstep, are in my quick equip boxes, and then I head down another set of stairs. When I get to the bottom, what greets me is not what I expected. Instead of a vast area like the other 9 floors of this cave, there is a small room that leads to a set of huge 20-foot-tall black wooden doors. I check my minimap and I do not see any red dots on either side of the doors. I shrugged my shoulders and walked toward the doors.

When I reach the doors, I place my hand on one of them and start to push it open. It lets out a loud creak, just like the doors when I entered this cave. I walk in, and once I get a few feet inside, the door that I had opened, closed behind me. As I scan around the room, I see that it is a big and empty room. There is nothing of note inside the room, I look up and see stalactites covering most of the ceiling of this room. The ground is just flat smooth rock, like what I have been walking on for the last couple of days.

Suddenly, a light flashes at the opposite end of the room, and now, standing in the room that was empty a couple of minutes ago, there is now a couple of goblins and one of them looks weird. The weird one is a little taller than the other goblins and he is also a darker green. He has a fat belly and unlike the other goblins who only wear a loincloth, this one is wearing brown boots and brown pants. He is also carrying an ax that looks like an executioner's ax from medieval times.

Standing on either side of him looks to be about 10 goblins. I focus on the weird goblins red dot and find out he is a Goblin Chieftain level 4. We stand there, just staring at each other for a few seconds, and the Goblin Chieftain let out a loud roar, and the goblins that are on either side of him, start running toward me. I quickly equip my new steel spear and raise my hand to shoot a lightning shot at them.

They get close enough for me to use my spell and I shoot my lightning shot at them. A bolt of lightning hits the first goblin and then hits 3 goblins that were standing right next to him and all 4 of them disappear. I shoot another one at another group of goblins running towards me and another 4 disappear. I grip my spear and start to run towards the rest of the goblins who are also running at me.

I jump into the air and thrust my spear at one of the goblins and then land where it once stood. I quickly de-equip the spear and equip the sword that I have. I swing the sword at 2 goblins that are trying to rush me on my right side, then focus on the 3 that are approaching me on my left.

I quickly adjusted myself to receive the 3 goblins on my right and swing my sword in a large arc hitting all 3 of them. While I was in mid-swing, another goblin jumped at my back with a dagger in its hand and is able to stab me in the shoulder. Pain shot through my hold body as this was the first time since that room on the first floor that I was injured again. With my free hand, I reached over my shoulder and grabbed the goblin's arm, and threw him as hard as I could at another goblin that was jumping at me. Both of them disappeared. The last 4 goblins cautiously circled me, all of them armed with daggers. I quickly checked what the Goblin Chieftain was doing and noticed he has not moved this whole time. He was just standing there watching everything, holding his ax.

I de-equipped my sword and re-equipped my spear and rushed toward the goblin in front of me, shearing him through the chest. The other 3 goblins then rushed at me. I swung my spear around and used it as a blunt weapon, hitting two of the goblins in their sides, and then I used my free hand to punch the last goblin. All 20 of the goblins that I started out fighting are now all defeated. I turn to face the Goblin Chieftain and he is running full speed at me. I position myself to intercept him, and as soon as he got a couple of feet from me, I used freeze and then quickstep to land right in front of him. As soon as I was in front of him, I thrust my spear at his chest, and surprisingly, my freeze did not work on him and he rolled to his side while swinging his ax at me.

I rolled to my side just barely missing his ax swing and then I shot a fire shot at him and watched it hit him. When the fireball disappeared, he was still there, like it did not faze him. I guess magic did not work on him so, I quickstepped right behind him and thrust my spear, right through his bell. He did not have time to react for some reason this time, but he finally disappeared.

I quickly checked my minimap to make sure that there were no more enemies, and then I plopped down on the ground. I pulled out a piece of jerky and my water pouch and swapped my sword out for quick heal in my quick equip boxes and started to heal myself.

After a quick break, I check my minimap again and noticed that there is another set of stairs on it. I get up to head towards the stairs and I notice 3 chests. I walk over to the chests and pulled out my spear and stabbed at all 3 to make sure they are not mimics, and then I proceeded to open them.

For the first one, I received a bunch of gold and a scroll. The scroll was

{Divine Sword 1 -->2. 7 A/P -->3. 15 A/P

Allows the user to control up to 5 swords at the same time, using only the user's thoughts. The proficiency with the swords depends on the user's sword ability level.}

The second chest, I received, that's right, you guessed it, more gold. I also got 5 Damascus steel swords, so there was that. I now have 5 cool looking swords for the new ability I just received. The last chest had more gold in it. I do not know what I am going to do with all this gold. I have yet to find a good use for it. Maybe I will buy some cool stuff with it when I finally find a village or a town. Who knows? In the last chest, there was also a pretty cool looking cloak called "The Cloak of the Flame. It has fire resistance and it is a long black cloak that goes down to about my knees. The best part about this cloak is, the bottom looks like it is on fire. It looks like there are real flames dancing around the bottom of it. This is my new favorite item in this messed-up game world.