Who Are You?

"What do you mean, I am your King? Don't get me wrong but, aren't you a monster? I don't even know what a lich is!" I said to her.

Tavanya says, "Well, I am a queen and now I serve you. A queen cannot serve under anyone less than a king therefore you are now a king. A lich is an undead creature that can summon an undead army. Depending on how strong the lich is, determines how many undead they can summon. I was once alive though. I was a dark elf just like you. I studied necromancy and when I summoned my first undead, it cost me my life. I stopped being a dark elf and started to be a lich."

Then I asked her, "So can you still summon an undead army? How does that work?"

She said, "Yes. I can now only summon an army of 200 but, they become a part of my shadow. Once I summon the 200 now, I would not be able to summon anymore until I become stronger. Seeing as no one has been able to get past the 10th floor, I believe if you summon 200 of the strongest from this dungeon, no one from the outside world, would be able to even touch you. Not that you would need them though."

I said, "Ok. Go ahead and summon the 200 strongest."

She said, "Please wait."

Then I yelled, "Wait! NO SPIDERS!"

She gives me a weird look and then nods and summons the 200 of the strongest in the dungeon. They all appeared before us. The minotaur, the lich, the orc chieftain, and a bunch of orc elite warriors and ogres that looked like they were from the higher floors, are bowing at us. It was a truly fantastic sight to see.

Tavanya then says, "As your undead army fights and gets stronger, I get stronger. The more you use them, the more undead I will be able to summon. Please use us in battle, my king."

I sighed and said, "I thought you meant something completely different. I will defiantly use you in battle. You said that this is the final floor of this place, right? Do we have to walk all the way back out of here to get back to the surface? Because that would be a long walk."

Tavanya said, "No. Once you defeat the dungeon and form a contract with the final boss, you become the owner of the dungeon. If you wish to leave the dungeon intact and allows its inhabitants to grow stronger and fight the being from outside of the dungeon, you can. If you wish to destroy the dungeon, you can do that as well. Please let me know what you wish to do, and I will make it happen."

I thought about it for a minute and then said, "Please destroy it. I only wish to return home and the only way I think I can do that is, by defeating all the dungeons. This makes it 1 down and only 29 to go. Which reminds me, do you know where the rest of the dungeons are?"

Tavanya said, "I do not know where any more dungeons are located. My dungeon was the first built in this world. I was already inside here when the other dungeons were built. I will now destroy this dungeon and transport us outside, my king. Please wait."

I just nodded and waited. After a couple of minutes, the whole dungeon started to rumble. Cracks started to form in the walls, ceiling, and floor. Then, the walls and ceiling started to break off, dropping huge boulders of gold everywhere. Tavanya summons her undead army into her shadow and then walks over to me and reaches out her hand and says, "Please take my hand, my king. We will now transport out of here and to the surface. This dungeon will be completely destroyed in a matter of minutes."

I take her hand and notice, it is ice-cold. As soon as I think that we get transported to the entrance were the wooden doors once stood to enter this cave looking place. Everything is still shaking, and I can hear loud bangs and explosions that sound like they are coming from below us. After a few more minutes, the rumbling and the shaking stops. The first dungeon I needed to destroy to get home, is now destroyed. Still holding Tavanya's hand, we walk out of the dungeon and were treated by... not what we were expecting.

What waited for us when we exited the now defeated dungeon, was a human army. Most of them had armor on and some of them were wearing robes. The colors of the army were white with a blue accent. They had many flags raised up and every flag was white and had what looked like a blue lion with wings on it. There were several hundred of them. I checked my minimap to see if they were enemies and all the dots were gray, and I thought to myself, 'At least they're not red'.

There was a tall burly looking man standing in front of the army, and he looked like he was the one that was in charge. He had a tanned complexion was bald. He had a thick and well-trimmed brown mustache on his face, and he looked like he had seen many battles. He had a scare going down the whole right side of his face.

When the army finally noticed us, the burly man said, "Who are you?"

I looked at him and said, "I am Bentas. Who are you?"

The burly man says "I am the Knight Commander Strovan of the Kenorn Empire. We are here to finally show this world that only we humans, can conquer these dungeons. No, step aside and let us enter that dungeon unless you want us to dispose of you."

Tavanya started to laugh and then she says, "You are too late humans! My king has already conquered this dungeon by himself and I am the proof of that."

Strovan says, "I do not believe what you say. Dark elves can't even conquer a bowel movement and you want us to believe that he alone conquered a dungeon. How are you proof that he did what you say?"

Tavanya says, "I was the final boss on the 51rst floor. I am the Lich Queen Tavanya. When he defeated me, he took over the final boss contract that now allows me to serve him. It also allowed him to destroy this dungeon for good."

Strovan yelled, "Do not lie to us or we will kill you where you stand!"

I was starting to get tired of the back and forth between Tavanya and the dumb guy over there and I said, "I just conquered a dungeon all by myself! I fought thousands of monsters and creatures that you could not even imagine. When I fought Tavanya, she summoned over a thousand creatures that I had to fight at the same time I was fighting her. All of them were stronger than you. Do you really think you have enough people here to; how did you say it 'Kill me where I stand?' I would like to see you try!"

Strovan yelled, "Whoever brings me his head, will get 100 pieces of gold!"

And then I yelled, "Whoever brings me your commander's head, I will give you 1,000 pieces of gold." Then, I used 'divine sword' to summon 15 floating swords that formed an arch above my head, which were all on fire.