What Happened?

As soon as I summoned my divine swords, Tavanya also summons my undead army and I use levitation to float up in the air a little and then summon my spear and my staff. I am not going to lie; I thought the whole thing looked pretty cool. I am finally starting to understand why people play these kinds of games. I look down toward the knight commander, whose name I have already forgotten, and said, "Do you truly wish to stand against me? I have been stuck in a dungeon for over 3 weeks! I am tired and I want to sleep in a real bed. I want to eat something other than jerky and bread, and I really want to drink something other than water. I come out after conquering this dungeon, and this is how I am greeted? By tiny insects that think they can defeat me! I do not like to pick on the weak but, you threatened me and now, you offer a bounty for my head! If you stand down know I will not kill every single one of you."

Strovan has a shocked and scared look on his face. His whole army has the same look on their faces as well. There is a dark elf with 15 flaming swords above his head, a spear in one hand, and a legendary staff in the other. He has a woman standing next to him that summoned an undead army of 200 strong and intimidating monsters. There is a giant minotaur, a lich hovering a couple of inches off the ground, an orc chieftain that looks like he can rip your soul out of your body without really trying, and orc elite warriors and ogres making up the rest of the ranks.

All the soldiers that were standing behind the knight commander, hardened their hearts. They would fight and die if their knight commander told them to.

Strovan then yells, "This can't be possible!" and he falls down in shock trying to crawl backward. His army sees this and now starts to panic. If their knight commander is scared and cannot fight, how would anybody expect them to fight?

Strovan then says, "Quickly. Kill them all! We have them in numbers!"

I sighed and said, "Is that your final answer?" Then I see {New magic and abilities acquired. Bluff, Drive, Intimidate, Ride, Sleight of Hand, Sneak, Swim, Charm Person, Animal Thoughts, Acid Arrow, Wind Shot, Water Shot, Earth Shot, Acid Shot, Cleansing, Earthquake, Dispel, Squirrel Summon, Spider Horde, Whoopie Cushion, Glitter Blast, and Snowball.}

I quickly dismissed the menu not really having time to go through it and had all 15 flaming swords shoot out towards the knight commander. All the swords hit him and... He exploded. There were blood and guts all over the place. I am not gonna lie, I was not expecting that. I thought it would be like the creatures from the dungeon where, when they die, they just turn into particles of light and then disappear. Having someone explode because I just shot 15 flaming swords at them, was kind of, disturbing.

As I was standing there, stunned at what I just witnessed, the army started to scream and run away, some of them with parts of their knight commander still on them. One of them was even holding what was left of one of his arms. Tavanya then said, "You should not let any of them escape, my king. It could become a problem if they were to spread rumors about what just happened."

This broke me out of my shock, and I turned to Tavanya and said, "What happened? Why did he explode? All I wanted to do was, leave and find a place to sleep comfortably."

Tavanya then said, "Nevertheless, you will not be able to walk into a town or village now, plus it will give your undead army a chance to become more powerful."

I did not want anyone from the human army to die but she brings up a valid point. Still, I do not think I can kill someone knowing that they can actually bleed and die. I mean, it is one thing for them to disappear into particles light but, it is a completely different thing if they actually die. Plus, they were only following orders and none of them attacked me. I need to talk to a couple of them alive though. There is still a lot of things I do not know about this world and it might be a while before I get another chance to talk to someone from the outside world.

I look back at Tavanya and say, "Bring me 5 people from that group unharmed. The rest leave be. Let them run away. We will have many opportunities in the future to make our undead army more powerful."

Tavanya nods and then sends 10 elite orc warriors to bring back a couple of humans. She then turns to me and says, "You cannot be soft-hearted in this world, my king. There are those who will be quick to take advantage of you."

I then say to Tavanya, "I understand what you are saying but, I will not kill someone who is actively running away from me, especially if they have not attacked me. I believe that to be cowardice."

Tavanya said, "That human that you killed, did not attack you, my king."

I said to her, "He told his army to attack me. That is the same as attacking me. At least, that is how I look at it."

After a couple of minutes, my undead army brings me, 5 humans, kicking and screaming. they are begging me not to kill them. I look at them and say, "I am not going to kill you if you do not attack me. I only wish to ask you 5 a couple of questions. If you answer my questions, I will give each of you 1,000 pieces of gold and let you be on your way." I then pulled out 5,000 pieces of gold so that the men could see that I was telling the truth.

I then ask, "My first question is, do any of you know where the nearest town with actual people in it, is?"

One of the men said, "It is that way, about 2 days walk." and he points towards a mountain range.

I then said, "Thank you. Now the second question, I am currently looking for the locations of all the other dungeons. Do any of you know where any of them are?"

Another one of the men said, "You can get a map of where all of the dungeons are, at any guildhall or magistrate's office in any city or town. The town that my friend has pointed out to you actually has both."

I nod and then say, "I only have one more question. Why did you knight commander find it hard to believe that I actually conquered this dungeon?"

Another man said, "Dark elves are not known for there for being powerful. They hide in the shadows and tend to look down on any other race that is not elvish. From what I know, and that is not a lot, they can only use dark magic and they are not very strong. For you to have so easily killed the knight commander, who was considered the strongest in the empire, is definitely not normal. Dark elves are almost extinct due to their arrogance. They picked a fight with our empire almost 60 years ago, claiming it was their ancestral land, and their whole army was wiped out in a matter of days. You are the first dark elf I have ever seen in my life."

One of the other men then says, "The knight commander was known for hunting and killing dark elves. They are considered enemies of the empire. They are either captured and turned into slaves, or they are killed. Men, women, and children."

This one kind of pissed me off and I said, "If the war was lost by them almost 60 years ago, why is your empire still hunting them and enslaving or killing them?"

Tavanya is the one that answers this question. She says, "It is to make sure that they never try and revolt against this empire ever again. That is one of the downsides to the humans that reside on the surface world. They are cruel, vain, and fear what they cannot control."

I then ask the men, "Where is your capital?"

One of the men that had not spoken yet says, "We will never talk. You will have to kill us!"

I pull out another 5,000 gold pieces and say, "I will give the first person to tell me where the capital is an extra 5,000 gold pieces."

The first guy that gave directions to the nearest town was also the first one to say, "It is that way, and it is about 2 weeks walk away." I threw the gold at him, divided up the other gold I promised them in the beginning, and told them to leave.

I then face Tavanya and say, "I don't usually fight empires but, ok. I have never fought an empire but, I might have to make an exception for this one. How fast can you run Tavanya? I think if I run, I can make it to the town that they told me about, in a couple of hours instead of a couple of days."

Tavanya says, "I do not think I would be able to keep up with you my king but, I can ride on your back. That is if you are strong enough to carry me."

I nod at her and turn around and allow her to jump on my back. I then tell her to hold on, and I start running at full speed, in the direction I was told. While we are traveling, I finally get a chance to look at some of the abilities and magic I received from the army. A lot of them are actually pretty good and you can guess what they do, just by the name but there are a couple that actually, kind of piss me off. I now have an ability that lets me hear the thoughts of animals but in their language. Who would learn such an ability? It is completely useless to most people, I got lucky because my language ability, allows me to translate what they are saying. Then there is the whoopie cushion magic. It allows me to make a 5-second-long fart sound behind anybody. Then, there is glitter blast. It lets me shoot glitter from my hand. I can also summon 2 squirrels for 3 minutes. That's it. Just summon them. Nothing else. And then, there is a magic that I am pretty sure I will never use, spider horde. I can summon 100 non-venomous spiders for 5 minutes. That's never going to get used. Oh, and I can summon 50 snowballs. That one actually, might be fun. If I had friends, that is.

It takes about 8 hours of running at full speed but, we finally make it to what my minimap shows to be, an actually, pretty big town. There is a huge stone wall that surrounds the whole town and a steel gate in the middle of the wall. There are a few guards standing at a smaller wooden gate that is right next to the big steel gate, allowing people into the town. We walk up to the gate and there are only a few people in front of us.

After about 10 minutes, it is finally our turn to enter. When they notice I was a dark elf, they draw their swords and then they say, " I don't know what makes you think you can just come up to this town and think we would not kill you and take your woman but, that's what is about to happen."

"Bahahaha. These humans are very entertaining. I think I may enjoy myself on the surface with you, my king." Tavanya says.

I sighed and said, "The last human that threatened me, I made him explode. Am I going to have to do that, every time I meet humans? Because that would make me look like a villain. I just wanted to get something to eat that was not jerky and sleep somewhere that was not made of rocks."