While the guards are still pointing their swords at me, the guard with his back to the gate suddenly has a really scared look on his face. All the color runs from his face and it turns white. He then starts to step back, and he says, "G..g... Goblins! It's a goblin horde!" The other guards turn around to see what he sees, and there are about 12 goblins coming out of the woods heading toward the town. One guard starts to run back toward the gate yelling, "Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! Goblins are coming." The rest of the guards run toward the gate as well.
Tavanya and I, turn around and see the 12 goblins coming at us, and I say, "Where is the goblin horde? There are only about 12 goblins there." and Tavanya starts to laugh again. I look over my should and see the guards and, they are no longer there. The little door that was opened to let people into the town was shut. I hear noises from the top of the wall and see a bunch of archers running around, trying to get ready to, well I am not sure what they are trying to get ready for. There are only 12 goblins. I look back at the goblins and back up to the top of the wall with a confused look on my face and I then say to Tavanya, "What are they so scared of? It's just a couple of goblins." I then raise my hand and say out loud "Lightning Strike" and 3 lightning bolts come out of the sky and kill all the goblins.
I look back up to the people on top of the guard wall and yell, "Why are you all so scared of some weak goblins?" and of course Tavanya is now laughing hysterically.
Suddenly, all the archers that had their arrows pointed at the goblins, now have them pointed at me. Then a heavyset man walks into view on the top of the wall and says, "Monster. Only monsters have that kind of magic power! Archers, prepare to fire!"
I then turn to Tavanya and say, "This is really starting to get annoying. I really hope this is not going to be my life from now on." and I then summoned 'divine sword', again. They are all on fire, again. And I am holding my spear and my legendary staff in my hands, again.
I started to levitate up to the wall and say, "All I want to do is, find a bed to sleep in, some food to eat and get a map of the dungeon locations from the guildhall. Now. I can do it by killing you all, or you can just let me in, and I will be out of your town by tomorrow. Please do not end up like that knight commander who tried to kill me. What was his name? Stroganoff? I don't remember."
Tavanya says, "Strovan, my king." and I said, "Oh yeah. Strovan. That was his name. I still can't believe he just, exploded like that. It was weird. You don't think, all human bodies explode like that, do you Tavanya?"
The heavyset man on top of the wall then said, "There is no way you could have killed knight commander Strovan!"
I then say, "He said the same thing when I told him I had conquered that dungeon he found me outside of. I proved him wrong too but let's try doing this without, you exploding."
He then says, "Archers! Fire!" and all of the archers started to fire. I then used 'quick step' and I was now standing directly behind the heavyset man and I tapped him on the shoulder.
All 15 of my flaming swords were in front of him, all pointing at different parts of his body. He slowly turned his head, and a bead of sweat was running down his cheek. I could not tell if it was from me, or the swords, but at this point, I don't really care.
I then say, "Why did you order your men to shoot arrows at me? Did I not just save your little town? I did not want much, and you had to try and kill me? The humans of this world are disgusting!"
As I am talking to the sweaty heavyset man, Tavanya floats up to the top of the wall. I look at her and said, "I didn't know you could do that. That's pretty cool." Tavanya said, "You never asked, and you did not give me enough time before you killed me in the dungeon, my king."
I then turned the heavyset man around and pick him up by his chest plate and say, "Now. Tell me where there is a good inn to stay at, one that serves food. Also, where is the guildhall?"
The heavyset man pointed to a building that looked like an inn and a big building that I am assuming is the guildhall. I put him down and Tavanya walks over to me and we levitated down from the wall and head toward the guildhall first. Before anything else happens in this town, I want to get a map that shows where all the dungeons are.
The building we are heading to is a huge white building made of stone. It looks to be at least 5 stories tall and has big wooden doors at the entrance. It looks like a really fancy church, with a bell tower on the top. When we reach the door and open it, we see a huge hall with tables and benches in 4 rows all the way to the back where there is a bar. There are chandeliers with candles in them providing light to the otherwise dark guildhall. Behind the bar, there is a set of stairs the leads up to the higher floors and there are 4 women working behind the bar. As we walk through the guildhall, everybody that was in there stops what they are doing and looks at us. They continue to watch us until we reach the bar.
When we get to the bar, one of the girls who was not really paying attention says, "What can I get for you?" and I said, "I need a map to the location of the 29 dungeons that are left." She looks up at me and says, "But there are 30 dungeons, and all of them are left."
I look at her and shake my head and say, "I conquered one a couple of hours ago and now I want to find the other 29. I was told that the dungeon I conquered is about 2 days away from here."
As soon as I had finished speaking, there was a crowd gathering around me. Someone from the crowed said, "We should beat you up for saying something as stupid as that." Then another one chimed in and said, "Yeah. Most of us have lost good friends in that dungeon. How dare you say something like that. Let's get him!" Then I heard a bunch of people yelling "YEAH!" I looked at Tavanya and say, "Would you please let the minotaur out. I think I am going to name him Mike. Yeah Mike. Could you please let Mike out please?" Tavanya giggled and let out the minotaur that was now named Mike.
As soon as Mike came out of Tavanya's shadow, the whole room froze. Tavanya turned to me and said, "Should I have Mike rid this room of all the trash that seems to be piling up, my king?"
I said, "No thank you. I think just having him there, will make them think twice before trying to attack us." and then I turned back to the woman behind the bar and said, "So about that map. Do you mind if I get one? I will pay for it."
The woman behind the counter looked at me, looked at Mike, looked at Tavanya, and then looked back at me and said in a shaky voice, "I h.. have o..one r.. right here." and she pulls a map out from under the counter that has all of the dungeons on it. I open it up and spread it across the bar counter and then say, "Tavanya. Which dungeon was yours? I want to cross it off this map."
Tavanya walked over and looked at the map and then said, "I am not sure, my king. This is my first time on the surface."
I then said, "Oh. Right. Sorry, I forgot. You. Miss bar lady, which dungeon is about 2 days away and is near an abandoned town?"
The woman behind the counter was still scared and unable to speak. She just points to the dungeon that he described. I say to her, "Thank you. You wouldn't happen to have something to wright with, would you?" She nods and reaches under the counter and pulls out a simple feather ink quill and hands it to me. I draw an X over the dungeon she pointed out, hand her back the ink quill, and then roll up the map and put it into my inventory.
I turn to leave and the woman behind the counter asks with a still shaky voice, "D..did you really conquer that d..dungeon? That abandoned town you talked about earlier, that is where I am from. We had to leave in a hurry because goblins started to go into the town and kill men and kidnap women. I you truly conquered that dungeon, then I want to say, thank you."
I turned back around and walked back up to her and but 1,000 gold coins on the bar and said, "Here. Travel back to that town and bring life back to it. I also killed all the goblins I could find around there. It should be safe to live there now." I then turned around and Tavanya summoned Mike back into her shadow and we walked out of the guildhall and headed towards the inn.