As Tavanya and I walk toward the inn, she asks me, "Why were you nice to that human?"
I said to her, "She did nothing wrong to me. She also seemed like a nice human. Do I need a reason to be nice?"
Tavanya then says, "I see, my king." and they walked the rest of the way to the inn silently. When we finally got to the inn, I pulled out 2,500 pieces of gold before we even walk in. We walked up to the counter, put the gold pieces on it, in front of an elderly man working it, and said, "We would like a room for the night. I would also like to order one of everything on your menu and have it brought up to the room. There are 2,500 pieces of gold here, there will be another 2,500 pieces of gold when we depart tomorrow morning if we are left undisturbed for the whole night."
I wanted to nip this whole 'He's a dark elf' or 'He's a monster' thing in the bud before anything bad happened, again. If I just give them enough gold, hopefully, they will keep their comments to themselves. But it didn't work. As soon as I finished speaking the man behind the counter said, "Why don't you give me all the gold you have, and I might let you two become my slaves. To be honest, I will probably have you killed and keep your woman. She looks like she would be able to serve me well!" as he licks his slips and laughs while looking at Tavanya. A crowd of people, once again, started to form behind us, again.
I then say to Tavanya, "We need to find a town that has fewer humans in it. I'm almost at the point of just letting you wipe this town off the map. You know what, I am going to go find the kitchen. You go ahead and knock yourself out. Just make sure you clean up your mess when you are done playing. Only play with the people in the inn. Do not go outside of the inn, if possible."
I was really starting to get annoyed by all of this. This whole town is disgusting. All I wanted to do was find a way home. I make my way to the kitchen to find food. I also wanted to see if I could store food in my inventory and see if it would go bad. The food does go bad, just to let you know. I don't know why the bread I picked up in the dungeon treasure chests don't get moldy though. I shrug my shoulders and start to rummage through everything in the kitchen as I hear screams and laughter coming from the front of the inn. After about 15 minutes, Tavanya shows up and leans against the counter and says, "They were all too weak. The army did not get any power from them. I do not think we should stay in this town though. You have caused quite the scene here today." as she giggles.
I look at her and say, "That's fine." and then I pull the map out and spread it crossed the counter. I then tell Tavanya, "We need to plan our route. The capital those soldiers told us about, is here." as I pointed to where those guys said it would be. I then said, "There is a dungeon just a little out of the way. We should go to the dungeon first. Conquer it, and then see about dealing with this horrible kingdom. What do you think Tavanya?"
Tavanya says, "I think it is an excellent plan, my king. It will give you a chance to increase your army's strength and then, destroy that kingdom. That should be the only fate that awaits those that offend you, my king."
I say, "I am not sure if I want to destroy the kingdom. I really do not like picking on the weak but, I am tired of them thinking they can kill me, with how weak they are. I don't know. We will play it by ear. See how things go first. Who knows? By the time we get out of the dungeon, someone else could destroy them."
Tavanya pushes herself away from the counter she was leaning on, and nods. We then leave the kitchen and start to head out of the inn. We know it is not a good idea to stay in this town and we have a plan. It is time to move on from this backwards town. As we get to the entrance of the inn, there is a pile of, while I am not really sure what you would call it. Maybe flesh? It's whatever is left of the group of men that I let Tavanya deal with. I threw up in my mouth a little. I am still not used to seeing this kind of gore but, from how things have been going in this town, it looks like it might be a regular occurrence.
We head out of the inn and make our way back to the gate on the wall. As soon as we approach the wall, the guards automatically open the gate, not wanting to anger us again. We walk through the gate, and I bend down to allow Tavanya to climb on my back, and then I run at full speed in the direction of the next dungeon.
After a couple of hours of running, we stop and sleep in the woods for a few hours and then we get back to running to the next dungeon. 3 days later we finally arrive at the second dungeon, at least, according to the map. There is a huge tree in the middle of the forest that is so tall, I cannot see the top of it. This tree looks to be at least 100 feet long and I cannot even tell how wide it is. In the middle of this tree is a set of big black doors, just like the dungeon in the cave.
I put Tavanya down and we walk up to the black doors of this 'Tree Dungeon' and I push them open. When I open the doors up, all I can see is a set of stairs that leads down into the ground and I cannot see the bottom of the stairs. I turn to Tavanya and say, "Are you ready to conquer a dungeon?" and we start our descent into what I now officially call 'The Big Tree Dungeon.' Sorry, I could not come up with a cool name. I don't know what dungeons are supposed to be called.