As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I look around at the first floor of the dungeon. If this dungeon is anything like the last one, this will be what most of the other floors look like. It is a big and empty space, with what looks like roots on the ceiling instead of stalactites. I check my minimap and see a couple of red dots and 4 gray dots. I focus on the four gray dots and find out they are all humans and the highest-ranked one is a level 4.
I turned to Tavanya and say, "There is a group of humans in here as well. They seem to be extremely weak. We will not fight them unless they try to fight us."
Tavanya nods and then asks, "Would it be ok if I let your army fight for you in this dungeon? I think it would be beneficial to you if you allow them to grow stronger. I also think it might speed up the process of conquering this dungeon, my king."
I say to Tavanya, "Yes, but wait until after we are on the next floor to summon them. I don't want the humans to die if I can avoid it."
I pull out a steel Warhammer from my inventory and we make our way towards the group of humans. They just happen to be in the direction of the stairs going down to the next floor. As we come up onto the group while killing goblins with my Warhammer, we see 8 goblins surrounding them and one of them is on the ground and he looks like he was stabbed in the stomach. The other 3 were trying to fight off the small group of weak goblins and failing miserably at it. It was really a sad sight to see.
I approach the group and ask, "Do you guys need help?"
One of them looked back at me and realized I was a dark elf and said, "What can a weak dark elf do? They would just kill you as well. Get out of here or once we are done with these goblins, we will kill you next."
Then, the only female in the group says, "Shut up Lowen! We could use all the help we can get. If you could help us, that would be great!"
I said, "Ok" and fired two acid arrows at two different goblins. When the acid arrow hit the first goblin, the goblin burst into light and then 3 more arrows went toward 3 more goblins causing them to burst into light as well. In the blink of an eye, all 8 goblins that this group of humans were struggling to kill, are defeated by me, like it was nothing. I then walked over and put my hand on the injured one and started to use quick heal on him. I had to use it 4 times on him but, he was able to move around now and he would not die.
I then look at the rest of the group and say, "You guys are good now. We will be continuing forward through this dungeon. There are no more goblins between us and the entrance to this dungeon." and I turn to walk back towards Tavanya, and we start to continue our journey to conquer this dungeon.
As we were leaving the nice female from the group of humans suddenly says, "Wait. What is your name? I wish to thank you properly."
I stop and turn my head towards her and say, "My name is Bentas and you do not have to thank me." and I continue to walk toward the stairs leading to the second floor. When we got to the stairs, I checked my minimap and saw that the 4 humans were heading toward the entrance of the dungeon.
Tavanya turns to me and says, "I do not understand you sometimes, my king. Sometimes you are ruthless and other times you are caring."
I look at Tavanya and say, "I choose not to be evil but, if evil comes for me, I will crush it with every fiber of my being." Sounds cool, right? That is how I am officially telling this story. I said that and you cannot prove me wrong!
As soon as we made it to the second floor, I looked at my minimap and I only saw red dots. I turned to Tavanya and said, "Ok. Let the kids out to play. I am pretty sure they are bored just hanging out in your shadow. I want everything on this floor killed before we move onto the next floor."
Tavanya nodded and let out my army. They left just as quickly as they came out of her shadow. I wanted to see if I can get points for their kills, which I do. Then I say to Tavanya with a smile on my face, "This dungeon is looking like it will be easier than the last one."
It only takes about 20 minutes for my army to kill all the monsters on the second floor. We then proceeded to the third to do the same thing. It takes us about 3 hours to get to the tenth floor where we meet the first dungeon boss. It was a huge wolf that looked like it was made from trees and grass. I did not have time to see what it was called because, as soon as my army saw it, they rushed it and killed it. The poor thing did not even have a chance to attack. I kind of felt bad for it.
The next 4 days went much as today went. My army killed anything and everything on the floor and then we moved to the next floor. My army has gotten stronger and Tavanya is now able to summon 400 undead creatures. When we were resting on the 39th floor, I asked her if she could summon anything that we have killed so far and she said that, once we leave the floor, she cannot summon anything from that floor again. The only way she would be able to summon all the strongest creatures from those that we have killed would be, conquer this dungeon. Before I destroy the dungeon, she can summon the strongest of all the creatures we killed on any of the previous floors, so that is the plan.
By the end of the fourth day, Tavanya and I finally made it to the doors in front of the floor boss on the 50th floor. I have been bored for the last couple of days as I have not been able to do much. I have leveled up 12 times though, so there's that. Before we enter the boss room, I turn to Tavanya and say, "These last two bosses, I want to fight by myself. I am getting bored just walking through this place. I do not want to always rely on you and my arm to do the fighting for me. If it looks like I might lose, then you and the army can jump in."
Tavanya nods and says, "As you wish, my king." and we move up to the big black doors leading where the floor boss of the 50th floor resides.