When we enter the floor boss room, it looks like every other floor in this dungeon. At the other end of the room, there is a huge and tall giant cyclops. It is holding two big wooden clubs, one in each hand. It has loose fitting black pants on and what looked like combat boots. It had no shirt on and had no hair on his head, which really brought out the fact that it only has on eye.
I turn to Tavanya and say, "Remember, only enter the battle if it looks like I am going to lose. I feel like I need to hit something."
Tavanya nods and moves behind me standing close to the black doors that are now shut. I then summon my 'divine swords' and this time instead of flames, I imbue lightning on them. The now 15 swords floating above my head all look like they have electricity running through them. They are also making a zapping and crackling sound, as the lightning is now running through each sword. I also summon my legendary staff and my Damascus steel spear in each hand.
The cyclops lets out a bellowing roar and starts to run towards me. I let out, what I think is a war cry, and start running towards him as well. The cyclops swings one of his clubs down at me and I used 2 of my 'divine swords' to block it. As soon as my swords hit his club, it sends a small shock through the wood. Not enough to really do anything, but enough for him to quickly pull his club back. When he pulled it back, I lunged forward and thrusted my spear towards his gut. He lifted his head back and a red light started to come from his one eye. I was not sure what was about to happen, but I used 'quick step' and ended up behind him still thrusting my spear towards him.
My spear hit his skin but did not penetrate through. I used 'quick step' again and got as far away from him as I could and put away my spear and my staff. I pulled out my Bone Dragon Longbow and fired two flaming arrows at him. Those did stick, right in his back. He let out a scream and quickly turned around and his eye started to light up again. I started to shoot an arrow at him but a red beam of light shot from his eyes heading straight towards. I jumped to my left but, I still get grazed by it. It hit me in my leg.
I was trying to do this fight without using most of my big attack magic but, he just pissed me off. I quickly put away my bow and pulled out my staff and spear again. I then light my spear on fire with flame bestowment and pointed my staff at him while shooting a lightning strike at him. He let out a loud roar and then looked at me again and started charging. I then sent all 15 of my lightning swords towards him aiming at different parts of his body. Once they hit, they all sunk into his skin and started to electrocute him. He let out another roar and I used 'quick step' to jump above his head and stabbed my now flaming spear into it. My spear stuck this time. I assume that physical attacks alone do not work on him but, physical attacks with magical properties do. I leave the spear in his head and used 'quick step' to get back to where I was and summoned a 'lightning strike' on him again, aiming at the steel spear.
The 'lighting strike', struck the spear and sent all that electricity straight to his brain. As soon as the 'lightning strike' was done, the cyclops fell to his knees and turned into particles of light and disappeared.
Tavanya is still standing by the big black doors and she is now clapping. She walks over to me and says, "That was a truly magnificent fight. I thought you were going to make it boring but, you were fighting with more weapons and less magic. You also had a huge smile on your face the whole time you were fight him."
I look at her and sit down on the ground, put my spear, staff, and swords away and said to her, "I wanted to see if I could beat him without using my attack magic but, when he hit my leg, I got upset and lost my cool."
I then took out my water pouch and took a long drink. That fight made me thirsty and a little hungry, so I snacked on some jerky as well. After my HP and MP fully recovered, I got up and walk over to the 3 chests. I pull my spear out and stab all three of the chests to make sure that one of them is not a mimic. I open the first one and there is more gold in it. There were also 6 books in there. I have gotten used to finding books in chests and I start to put them into my inventory when Tavanya says, "Why do you not read the magic tome's you find in the dungeons?"
I ask her, "What? The books?" as I pick one up and look at it. Tavanya says, "Yes the, books, as you call them. they are actually called, magic tomes. They can usually make you faster or stronger. Some can even make you have better luck or make your bones stronger. If you are really lucky, there are even tome's that can give you special abilities. Those are considered legendary tome's and they are very rare. How many tome's do you have?"
I quickly pull up my inventory and then I say, "With these 6, I have 58. I just thought they were books, and I was just waiting for a time when I could relax and read one. How does it work? Do I have to read the whole book? Because that would take me a while."
Tavanya says, "All you have to do is, open the cover and all of the information in the tome will flow from the tome, into your mind. As I said, most of them are ones that can increase your physical abilities. What does the book in your hands say?"
I looked at the book and said, "I don't know." and I opened it up. There was a quick flash up light and then {New ability acquired. Dual Caster. The user can cast 2 different types of magic at the same time.}
I said, "Whoa! It's called dual caster. What else is in these books?"
And I spent the next 20 minutes opening up all of the tome's I had gotten so far. None of them were anything like the first one but, I was pretty happy with what I had received. 11 tome's that gave me +10 to strength a piece, 9 for intelligence, 7 for agility, 14 for defense, and a whopping 16 for luck. This was a good day. Happy about what I just learned, I walk over to the second chest and all it had in it was gold and a couple of rings.
I picked up one of the rings and said to Tavanya, "Is there anything special about the rings? Because I have a bunch of these as well."
She said, "Most rings are just, rings, but some rings do have magic attached to them. When we are not in the dungeon, we should go through all of them. I will help you identify all of the good ones that you have, my king."
I nod and put all the gold and rings into my inventory, and I finally walked over to the last chest and opened it. There was of course, gold and there was a long black spear with bone white flames etched into the whole thing. I quickly put it into my inventory and find out it is called the Spear of Hades and it has a X2 to physical attack power.
Now armed with all my new stats and a new legendary spear, I am ready to move onto the final boss and clear this dungeon. Tavanya and I open the door to the final floor of this dungeon and walk down the final set of stairs.