I turned to Tavanya, who was still a little upset at me, and said, "I wonder what she was trying to say to me at the end?"
Tavanya said, "Just go and ask her. I don't understand why you are so obsessed with her anyway." as she crossed her arms and turned her head away from me.
I said, "Do you mean to tell me, I will get a contract with her as well? That's awesome. So, any dungeon I conquer, I get to keep the final boss?"
Tavanya did not say anything to me and was ignoring me. I shrugged and made my way to the 3 huge chests that were behind the table that the female cyclops was sitting at when we first walked in.
I stab each one with my spear and then opened the first one. Of course, it had gold in it but, it also had a Necklace. It was a twin swords pendant that looked like the twin swords that I have on my screen. It was attached to a long silver chain that was big enough for me to just put it over my head and wear it. So, that's what I did. I then checked my armor status and saw that it was called the Necklace of Armantos and it allowed me to imbue any magic I have an affinity with to all my armor. My eyes got really wide when I read this and I immediately tried it out, and suddenly every piece of armor I was wearing was now covered in flames. I yelled, "This is awesome!" and started waving my arms and legs around to see if I could put out the flames if I move enough, which I could not. I went through all the magic I have affinities for and the ones I thought were the coolest were the fire, ice, and lightning. The one I hated the most was... Glitter. I do not even know why I tried it but, it made me look like a giant disco ball. Tavanya was rolling on the ground laughing so hard, that she was having a hard time breathing when I imbued glitter onto my armor.
After I finished my experiments with my new necklace, I walked up to the second chest and opened it. I summoned all the gold into my inventory and the only thing left was some big black metal armored boots with big spikes on the toes. Thinking that I don't really have anything else going on after I am done with this dungeon, I plop down on the ground and try them on. As soon as I put them on, I pulled up my armor screen again and found out that these boots are called The Boots of Demious, and they gave me a +10 to agility plus, the spikes on the tips of the toes can grow or shrink. So, of course, I played with the size of the spikes on my toes. They can get really big but then I have a really difficult time walking in them. The really cool thing is, when I have the big spikes up to say, my knees and then light them on fire along with the rest of my armor, I think it looks really intimidating and cool.
I shrink down my toe spikes and then I remember that I leveled up twice, which is exactly what I was waiting for. I have been saving up my ability points to level up my divine sword to level 3. I leveled it up and, I was amazed at what it turned into.
{Divine Sword Level 3
Allows the user to control up to 50 swords at the same time, using only the user's thoughts. The proficiency with the swords depends on the user's sword ability level. The user can now add any magic the user has an affinity with, to each individual sword, having them all different if the user so chooses.}
And so, I played with my swords until Tavanya said, "My king, this is getting boring. I understand that you received new toys but, you have been playing with them for the last 4 hours. Can we move this along please?"
I turn toward Tavanya and said, "Did you already summon the strongest out of this dungeon?"
Tavanya said, "I have to wait until you open all 3 chests."
I rubbed the back of my neck and said, "I am sorry Tavanya. I did not know that. I will open the last chest now." and I put away my flying swords and walked over to the last chest. There is gold and a scroll. I put the gold into my inventory and picked up the scroll and it disappeared just like it did for Tavanya. {New item acquired
Final Boss Contract.
The user can now form a contract with the final boss of the dungeon, Lindeena the Master Blacksmith. Would you like to complete the contract?}
I completed the contract. Why would I not? A chance to have the beautiful blue cyclops fight and travel alongside me would be awesome. As soon as I completed the contract, Lindeena materialized in front of me and said, "Thank you, my king, for saving me from this hell. I have been here for so many years that I have lost count. As per the contract, my life and my body are now yours to command, my king. Please treat me well."
Tavanya said, "Tsk. This is going to be annoying." as she clicks her tongue.
I then said, "Both of you, do not need to keep calling me your king. I am just a guy trying to get home. I have enjoyed the company of Tavanya as a traveling companion and as someone who will fight beside me, and I look forward to having the same type of relationship with you."
Lindeena started to slightly blush and she said, "I look forward to that as well, my king."
Tavanya said, "Don't expect much from him. He does not pick up on hints and is completely oblivious to womanly charm."
I turned around and said to Tavanya, "What does that mean!"
Tavanya said, "Never mind... My king." and sighed.
I turned back towards Lindeena and say, "You are a blacksmith? Are you able to make armor and weapons for anybody?"
Lindeena says, "Under the contract, I am only able to make armor and weapons that you, my contract holder, would like me to make. All I need is the materials and space for me to make it, my king."
I then say, "Welp, I cannot do anything about either of those two for now but, maybe in the future I can set up a workspace for you if you like. Once we find a country that does not discriminate against dark elves, that is."
I then turned to Tavanya and said, "Have you summoned the new members of our army yet?"
Tavanya says, "Not yet my king. I will do it now."
I nod and then said, "I also want you to summon that wolf that looked like it was made of trees from the 10th floor. I have been feeling a little bad about what our army did to him, and I really want a dog."
Lindeena says, "The Grove Guardian? He is a loyal beast, my king."
Tavanya nods and then summons 199 of the strongest monsters from this dungeon and a wolf that looks like it should be part of a forest, The Grove Guardian."