Up in the Sky!

When Tavanya summoned the new members of our army, I got excited just looking at them. I now and a few centaurs, a giant, the cyclops I beat by myself, another minotaur, and a bunch of ogres. There was also my new, grove guardian that Tavanya summoned right in front of me. I bent down had patted the head of the grove guardian and he started to wag his tail. I then say to my new grove guardian, "I think I will call you Jake. I like that name." and Jake just kept wagging his tail.

I then turn to Tavanya and say, "Is there a way to keep him out for as long as I want? I think I would like to travel with Jake as much as I can."

Tavanya says, "Once I make them a part of your army, they are always summoned, they just usually stay in, my shadow. To have them out full time is just like having them in my shadow. There is no problem." She then sent all the new members of our army to her shadow except Jake.

I nod and say, "Ok Jake. Are you ready to get out of here?" Jake barks and wags his tail. I turn to Lindeena and says, "I wish to destroy this dungeon and move back to the surface, Lindeena."

Lindeena nods and then teleports the 4 of us to the entrance to the Big Tree Dungeon and we walk through the big doors. The dungeon starts to rumble and makes loud crashing and banging sounds and the whole giant tree, disappears into particles of light, and is gone forever.

I sit on the ground and Jake plops down next to me. I pulled out my map and some jerky and look at the map to figure out how we are going to get to the capital of the I plan to 'fix'. Lindeena and Tavanya come and sit down next to me and then I say, "We will be heading here." as I pointed to the capital which I do not know the name of, in the empire, I also do not know the name of. I then say, "I would like it if, we could enter a town and not have to fight due to me being a dark elf. I plan on 'fixing' this empire so that I can achieve that." Tavanya nods and Lindeena says, "Why does this empire not like dark elves? I thought all of the creatures that lived on the surface lived in harmony with one another and fight together to try and conquer the dungeons."

I then tell her what I was told about how the dark elves tried to invade the empire and how they are now enslaved or killed for a war that happened almost 60 years ago. Lindeena says, "I see. That is most unfavorable."

As we are sitting there on the ground, in the forest deciding how to best accomplish what we need to do to live a little better in this world. Suddenly, Jake perks up his head and looks up into the sky and starts to bark.

I look up and see 5 different colored dragons. There was a green one, a blue one, a red one, a yellow one, and a black one. The black dragon looked like it was flying out in front of the other dragons. I took that to mean, the black dragon was the one in charge.

I turn to Tavanya and say, "Do you think we can beat them? I think they could solve most of our traveling problems plus, it would be really cool to fly on the back of a dragon."

Tavanya says, "I am not sure. This is the first time I have seen one of those creatures."

I stand and say, "I want to meet them and see if I can get them to let me fly on one of them."

The dragons noticed me standing up and they start to fly towards me. As they get closer, I can see how truly big they are. As I start to predict how big they are, all 5 of them started to descend upon us. I could actually feel the wind they were producing, every time they flapped their massive wings. The black dragon landed on the ground in front of us and the other 4 landed behind it. Tavanya summoned our army and Lindeena readied her Warhammer and got into a fighting stance. I summoned my now, 50 swords making half of them, fire and the other half electricity. I also summoned my legendary staff and my legendary spear, lighting the spear on fire.

I started to levitate from the ground, and this caused my army to let out a bellowing roar, that could shake the souls of mortal men. As soon as our preparations for battle were complete, the black dragon said in a loud voice that you could not tell if it was a man or a woman, "We did not come here to fight. We only wished to investigate the magic that has been felt, that has been coming from these lands. I can now see that it is coming from you and those you surround yourself with."

While I was still levitating in the air I said to the black dragon, "Now that you have discovered the source of the magic, what do you intend to do about it?"

The black dragon then said, "It all depends on why you are conquering the dungeons and what you intend to do with the power you have obtained from them."

I thought for a second and then said, "Well, this human empire that we are in, has rubbed me the wrong way so, I will problem knock them down a peg or two. They have been killing and enslaving dark elves for a war that happened almost 60 years ago. The lives they are ruining now had nothing to do with the war of that time. I will not let that continue!"

The black dragon said to me, "What you do to the world of man bears no consequence to us dragons. We wish to know what you intend to do after that."

I then said, "All I want to do is, conquer the dungeons. I don't really have anything else planned after that."

The black dragon then said, "There is a prophecy among the dragons that says, 'The one to conquer the dungeons will be the one that rules the world. They will bring great prosperity to those that serve them loyally'. If you truly are the one that has started to conquer the dungeons, then we dragons will serve you, if you will have us that is."

I was not really too sure what to make of what this dragon just said to me. I said to them, "You are willing to follow me just because of some prophecy? I mean if you want to go with me, I will not turn it down. I have always wanted to fly on the back of a dragon."

Tavanya summoned the army back into her shadow and then said, "I was told a similar prophecy as well. The being that created my dungeon told me, 'The one who conquers your dungeon, will be a great ruler. Follow and guide them on their journey, they will need your help.' Why else do you think I call you, my king?"

I turned to Tavanya and said, "Because you said that you are a queen, and you could not serve under anything less than a king."

Tavanya said, "Well, there's that as well. Why else do you think the giant eyeball calls you, her king as well?"

I turned to Lindeena and said, "Is this true Lindeena? Is that why you were so willing to follow me?"

Lindeena said, "Yes, my king. I too was told by the being that created my dungeon the same thing that your pet zombie was told. That is why I followed you. I believe adding dragons to your fighting force will help you in the future."

I turned back to the dragons and said, "Well, do you all have names or do I just call you by your colors?"

The black dragon says, "My name is Zurry, the green one is Lizairy, the red one is Beauna, the blue one is Jalane, the yellow one is Fanina, my king. We pledge our undying loyalty to you!" And all five dragons bowed their heads.

I then say, "Thank you Zurry for choosing to join me. I do have a question though. Does this me that we get to ride on your back? That would make flying to the next dungeon or city go a lot faster."

Zurry bends down further to the ground, to allow me to climb on. Lizairy and Jalane also do the same thing. Lindeena climbs up onto Jalane and Tavanya climbs up onto Lizairy. Then Jake barked and I nodded my head towards Tavanya. He then ran and jumped into her shadow.

Then I said, "Now. Let's go bring down an empire!" and my new dragon's roar and jump into the air, heading toward the capital of this empire.