As we flew toward the capital city of the empire, I still do not know the name of, we start to see the capital, off in the distance. I point to where I want Zurry to land and I can already hear bells of the capital in the distance. I think it is a safe bet that they have seen us approaching. We land in an open field about a half of a mile away from the capital gates. I dismount Zurry and then say, "We will march from here. I want the whole army out. If I can, I want to end this empire's rule with as little bloodshed as possible but, I will not stand for bigotry of any race on this planet. Dungeon monsters excluded in that, for obvious reasons."
Lindeena and Tavanya dismount their dragons as well and the dragons jump into the air and start to follow us as we make our way to the main gate. As we get closer, we can see an army has started to form outside of the gate. There are already hundreds of soldiers in armor, all armed with swords, spears, or bows.
We stop at the edge of the field, and I turn to Tavanya and nod. She then some my army and my dragons land right behind them. There are now 400 undead monsters of all shapes and sizes, 5 intimidating dragons, a lich queen, a cyclops, and myself staring at an army that is starting to outnumber us 5 to 1.
Jake runs up and sits on the ground next to me and Lindeena and Tavanya stand right behind me. I turn to the 2 of them and say, "You 2 stay here. I am going to deliver a message to their commander." and I start to walk towards their army with Jake following. As I move towards the middle of the field, in between the two armies, a group of 4 men starts to walk towards me as well. When we get about 10 feet away from each other, I stop and say, "I do not wish to fight but, if my demands are not met, I will destroy this whole place and there will be many lives lost."
One of the men steps forward. He is a little shorter than me, has short well-kept brown hair, has bright green eyes, and he looks to have a strong and muscular body. He is wearing silver, blue, and white armor and has a giant sword that looks to be 4 or 5 feet long, strapped to his back. He looks at me and says, "I do not think you are in a position to make demands, dark elf! Submit now and we will make your death painless."
I said to him with a calm tone, "That is pretty much what your knight commander said before he died by my hand. I also have dragons. Do you really think you can defeat my dragons?"
This upset the knight in front of me and he said, "We do not need to defeat the dragons, we only need to defeat you. I fail to believe that the Knight Commander Strovan, was killed by the likes of you!"
I look at Jake and says, "Lunchtime, buddy. Just the one in front of us. Leave the other 3 alone."
The knight in front of us turned red in the face as this really, made him upset. He opened his mouth to say something but suddenly, Jake made, wait looked to be a green thorn whip out of his body and sent it flying at the knight. Before he could utter a single word more, Jake's thorn whip hit the knight in the neck, removing his head from his body. Blood started to spurt out from his neck and then, fall to the ground, covered the other 3 men in blood.
I then looked at the 3 men left and said, "I want all of the dark elf slaves freed and I want the head of your ruler. You have 4 hours. If you do not comply in the allotted time, I will unleash my army. Just to let you know, Jake here is my weakest soldier, that is how powerful my army is! Now, go! Bring me the head of your ruler I will wait here."
The 3 men had shocked and scared looks on their faces and I just turned around and walked back to where my army was and started to wait. After the first hour, I noticed the army was getting bigger so, I sent my five dragons to fly around the capitol and allowed them to be as loud as they wanted. I needed to make sure that the people inside this place are scared. After they flew around for 15 minutes, they landed again, and we continued to wait.
By the 3rd hour, my army was now outnumbered by at least 12 to 1. I turn to Tavanya and say, "I do not think they have told their soldiers what awaits them once the 4 hours is up. I think I will do it instead. I am bored again anyway." and I started to levitate. I summoned my legendary spear and set it ablaze. I then summoned my legendary staff and all 50 of my divine swords. I ignited my swords on fire and using my Necklace of Armantos, I ignited my armor on fire as well. I levitated towards the enemy army and as I got closer, I yell to them, "Is this what you genuinely want? To die for a ruler who only cares about his wellbeing and for slaves of a war that none of you fought in? You enslave and murder dark elves for no other reason than to feel important and powerful! You ruin lives so that yours can be comfortable. You are a weak and pathetic race, who is only still here because you have the ability to breed faster than the other races. The only thing you have is numbers and nothing else."
Suddenly a young, beautiful, and a very well-endowed lady walks forward. She has long white hair with a golden tiara on her head. She is wearing a set of armor that looks more like a very heavy dress. It is gold, white, and blue. She has a very lovely face and bright blue eyes. If she were from my world, she would have been a model or an idol. The young woman looks up and me and says, "And who are you to try and lecture us on ruining lives. I heard you were the one that killed the Knight Commander Strovan. His wife still mourns his death and both of his boys have lost their father. The knight you killed earlier today, he, too had a family that you took him away from. We enslave and murder those we deem an enemy, and right now we deem you one as well."
I look down at her and say, "And who might you be, pretty one? To talk about the 2 lives, I have ended when you and your empire have probably killed and ruined thousands of lives. You try to take the moral high ground because that is what you must tell yourself so, that the evil you are perpetrating on the world, does not look and sound evil to you are your people! You are no better than the monsters I have killed in the dungeons!"
The woman says, "My name is Princess Elena Arturus, daughter of the great Empire of the Alador Empire. And we shall see which of us is truly weak."
I say to her, "You still have some time left to think over your actions."
Princess Arturus says, "Why wait? Our answer will be the same."
I said, "Very well." and floated back to my army. I then yell, "These humans think they can defeat us. They think they can enslave or kill your king. What say you, my army, my Legion of Death? I like that. From this day forth, you will now be known as the Legion of Death! Now, go! Destroy my enemies! Do not kill or harm any dark elves but, the rest have sealed their fates!"
My Legion of Death lets out a deathly howl and my dragon's roar, and my legion starts to move towards the capital of the Alador Empire. I will have it wiped off the map by the end of the day.