We move towards the only structure in this run-down empire that looks like it could be the capital. Everything looked worn down and broken. There were deathly skinny humans scattered in dark allies and old buildings that looked like they could crumble at any moment.
I turn to the princess and say, "Why is your empire so run down? Why do you let your people starve and live-in conditions such as these? And I pointed toward the run-down buildings.
She turns her head and points her nose up and says, "What we do as an empire is of no concern to you. Our citizens are simply happy that they can live behind a wall where they can be safe from the monsters that now roam the forests and the mountains. We offer them safety and protection and ask for truly little in return. A small tax of 1 gold coin a year, is all they have to pay if they want to stay in these walls."
I walk over to one of the open windows where a man and his child are standing there watching us go by. I look at the man and say, "Excuse me, sir, might I ask you a quick question? It will help me determine the fate of your current rulers and their families."
Then, the man says, "Y...Y...Yes sir."
I ask, "What do you do for a living?"
The man says, "I...I...I am a b...baker, sir."
I say, "A baker? Wonderful! Can you make cakes and cookies and other treats?!" I started to get excited. I was really tired of eating bread and jerky. The man looked at me and just nodded. I said, "Wonderful! How much do you make a year?"
The man thought for a second and then said, "I make about 3 gold pieces a year." and then he turned an evil eye to the princess and says, "And she and her thugs, takes 2 of them."
I said, "I see. Well, today is your lucky day. I am going to fix that her and her thugs, and" I pulled out 100 pieces of gold and hand it to the man and said, "I wish to commission you to bake me a cake and a batch of cookies. Use this gold to buy the necessary ingredients and keep the rest. Buy something nice for your son. When do you think you can have it down by?
The man now has his eyes wide open. He had never seen so much gold in his life and now a dark elf who was invading where he lived, was just handing it to him, and he wanted was some cheap baked goods. He looked at me and said, "I shall have it done at once! Thank you, my king!"
I look at him and say, "King? All I wanted to do was, free the dark elves and have a nice place to sleep. You would really let a dark elf rule you? I thought you humans hated dark elves?"
The man said to me, "Only the rich people and the nobles hate the dark elves. We are treated just like them. We see them in the markets and must work with them on a daily basis. The common people do not care if you are a dark elf or not, we only care if you are not cruel and will help protect us. If you can do that, we will loyally follow you."
Tavanya says, "See, my king? Even these humans know that they should follow you."
I turned to the man and said, "I am not sure if I am ready to be a king to an empire but, I will see what I can do about your current one. I will send someone later to retrieve the cake and cookies." I nodded to him and then turned back towards the palace and continued onward. After a couple more minutes of walking, we arrive at the palace gates. There is a small group of guards standing there guarding the gates. When they see us dragging the princess along by a rope, they start to yell and run towards us. One of them says, "Release the princess or we will kill yo..."
As soon as he started talking, I summoned my legendary spear and threw it at him. I knew exactly where this was heading. My spear went straight through him, leaving a hole in his chest, and my spear landed in the wall that was behind him. I use my levitation skill to bring my spear back to me. I then say, "I do not enjoy this but, I will not stand by and watch evil people do evil things. What this empire is doing, not only to the dark elves but also to its own citizens, is evil. For the guards, and the army who are supposed to protect the citizens of this empire to stand back and do nothing is also evil."
The rest of the guards froze for a second and then started to run away from me. Lindeena jumps into the air after them, swinging her Warhammer. She did not let any of the guard's escape. When she got to the last one, he was on the ground screaming and crying. The only word he could get out was, "Why?" Lindeena looked at him and said, "I will eradicate all those, my king judges to be evil." She swings her Warhammer down on top of the guard's head and it explodes like a watermelon.
We pushed through the gate and enter the palace. As soon as you walk into the palace, there is a grand staircase made from gold that leads up to the second floor. There are corridors on both sides of the staircase on the first floor. Tavanya says, "The throne room should be up those stairs. The workers are usually the only ones on the first floor." I nod and we head up to the second floor. When we get to the top, we come upon a large hallway with paintings on both walls going all the way down to a set of golden doors.
Tavanya says, "That should be the throne room, my king." And we all start to head to the big golden doors. As we get closer, I could hear frantic voices yelling and screaming from the other side of the door.
"We must give him the dark elves! That is the only way he will let us live!"
"No! We must fight him. Call all our armies and have them rally to this city. If we have a large enough force, we can defeat him!
"I will not surrender to a dark elf. They are inferior to us in every way!"
I kicked open the door and it shot off its hinges and hit a couple of the people that were standing directly behind it. I walk in and summon my 50 divine swords and light them all on fire. I then light my armor on fire and look at all the nobles who were standing around, yelling and bickering at each other, just a few seconds ago. All of them froze and looked at me. They all had a look of filth and disgust on their faces.
Directly in front of me was, a golden throne with a portly old man sitting on it. There was a beautiful middle-aged blond standing next to him. They both had golden crowns on their heads. I took them to be this empire's current rulers.
The portly emperor stands up and yells, "How dare you just walk into my palace! Who do you think you are? I am the emperor! You will not do as you please here!"
I looked at him and then sent one of my swords to one of the nobles that were standing in front of him, piercing him right through the back of the neck. Blood spurted out of his neck landing on everybody around him, including the emperor and the empires. I summoned the sword back and it joined the rest of my floating swords over my head. I then look right into the emperor's eyes and say, "Are you sure about that? Your army is dead! Your guards are either dead are scattered! Your citizens despise you! You have no one that is willing to come and save you! I think I can do whatever I want! Is that not what it means to be strong?"
The Emperor looks at me with and he is now covered in the blood of the noble I just killed in front of him, and he falls down into his throne with a shocked and scared look on his face.
I then say, "Is that not what you have been doing to my people for the last 60 years? Today, I will end your tyranny! You will no longer rule! I have not decided yet if I should cleanse this world of your bloodline yet but, I believe the time for me to place a judgment on you and your bloodline will come soon."
I can now hear voices and footsteps behind me. I turn and see my Legion of Death, escorting what look to be hundreds of dark elf women and children towards me. None of them look like they are in good health and all of them have tattered clothes on. A lot of them look like they have been beating and whipped severely by their former masters. I look at Tavanya and say, "How many were you able to find and how many of the owners did you have to kill?"
Tavanya says, "There are 103 adult female dark elves, 94 female dark elf children, and 7 male dark elf children. None of the children are pureblood dark elves, there are all half dark elf and half-human. There were 316 humans that did not want to give up their dark elf slaves."
What Tavanya just told me, shook me to my core. I could feel a rage building up inside of me that I was not sure if I could suppress. I put my spear away and summoned a steel Warhammer that I had, light it on fire, and turned to Tavanya said, "All of the nobles in this 'empire', ALL of their bloodlines end today! See to it!"
She smiled an evil smile and said, "As you wish, my King!" and turns to face my legion, and then she says, "GO! KILL!"
With my Warhammer on fire, I jump into the air and start to smash and burn all the nobles in the palace room. After a couple of minutes, the only ones that were left alive in the throne room were, the royal family, and the newly freed dark elves. I turned to this EX-RULER and say, "Now. How do we punish you?"