Tavanya was still standing behind, watching everything that I did with a smile on her face. While I was deciding what to do with the royal family, Tavanya said, "My King, you did say that anything, done to your people, you would do to her. Your people were murdered, enslaved, beaten, and r@*ed. I think she should share the same fate as your people."
I turn to Tavanya and say, "I did say that but, there are some things that should never be done. That last one you said is definitely one of them. If I lower myself to their level and start acting like one of them, then I am no better than them."
I paused for a second looking blankly into space and then say, "But I will do this. Come forward, my people." And I pointed at what was left of the dark elves. They slowly started to move towards me and then they all started to kneel.
I then pull-out hundreds of spears, swords, daggers, and a couple of longbows, with some arrows and then say, "Please lift your heads and stand up. I offer you the chase to take back your own lives. These 3 here are all that is left of the tyrannical monarch that once enslaved and murdered our people. Use these weapons to end their reign of terror. Kill these 3 and it will all be over. The regular citizens had nothing to do with what was done to you and their army has been annihilated. Go! And take back your freedom!"
None of the dark elves moved for a couple of minutes. I am not really sure why but, I will not force them to do anything that, they do not want to do. I waited patiently to see if they would kill the royal family or if I will have to do it. Either way, this family of evil dies today! After a couple of minutes, one of the adult dark elves grabs a spear and stands up, and says, "I will take back my freedom, my King!" and she bows her head and then starts to walk over to the royal family. That was the catalyst that this group needed because more and more dark elves started to stand up and grab weapons, declare their intentions, and then move over to the royal family.
After a couple of minutes, there were about a hundred dark elves surrounding the royal family. The portly Ex-Emperor was begging for the life of his wife and daughter but, I could tell that none of the dark elves were listening. One of the adult dark elves yelled, "Where was your sympathy when my husband begged for the life of our daughters that your soldiers r@*ed and murdered in front of our eyes?! Where was your sympathy as many of us here, including our young, were forced to lay with human men including yourself! Where was your sympathy when we were being beaten and branded like lick stock?! NO! We will not show you or your family any sympathy! Your deaths will be slow and painful. You will watch as we torture your wife and your only daughter in front of you! You will beg for death, and then, you will die!"
I was impressed with the will of this woman. I then asked, "You! What is your name?"
The adult dark elf turned and dropped to one knee and bowed her head and then said, "My name is Tamary Orvosh, my King."
I then say, "Tamary Orvosh, I will have you supervise and care out the execution of the royal family. Take as long as you need to properly accomplish your task and then find me once it is finished."
Tamary then yelled, "YES! MY KING!" and I turned around and left the throne room. Tavanya and Lindeena followed closely behind me. I turned to Tavanya and say, "Do you know why, people I have never met before and that barely know me, are so quick to call me their king? I understand the dark elves somewhat but, that human baker from earlier still has me a little puzzled."
Lindeena is the one that answers me, and she says, "You now have the aura of a king. You are kind and gentle to the innocent but, ruthless and merciless to those you deem your enemy. You inspire others around you to follow you and to be better versions of themselves. You are decisive and caring. That baker from earlier, you took the time to stop and talk to him about his troubles and find out what was really going on in this empire. From the short time I have been with you, you have sought the counsel of not only myself but, also that of Tavanya. You are willing to learn and if you combine all of those qualities and traits, you will be seen as a good king."
Tavanya then says, "You also have morals and lines that you will not cross. You do not seek bloodshed but, you also do not shy away from it. You cannot stand by and see the innocent suffer, today was the best example of that. You do not owe these dark elves anything but, once you put it all together in your head in the throne room, everything that had been done to them, all the suffering they had gone through, it angered you so much that you could not contain it. As soon as the legion brought them into the throne room, I could see something snap inside of you. You wanted to punish all the injustices that had been brought to light. I genuinely believe you will be a great king. One that I wish to stand beside for as long as you will allow me, my King."
The whole time they were talking, I was completely focused on what they were saying. Every word that they spoke, rung true as I looked back at my actions over the past. We had stopped walking when Lindeena started to talk because I wanted to make sure I heard everything she said.
I then say, "Thank you. Both of you, for the kind words. I will keep them in mind in the future. I do not wish to be a king but, I will not stop people from addressing me as they wish to. I will only try to move forward and conquer the rest of the dungeons of this world. My main goal is still, trying to get back home but, I think that leaving this world a better place than when I got here, would not be a bad thing. In the future, if I start to go down the wrong path, please speak up and show me the errors of my ways. I will rely on the two of you now and well into the future."
I then let out a long breath and then say, "I am going to search this place for a bed that is not made from rock and dirt. Please inform me if anything should come up. Oh. Tavanya, please send someone to pick up the baked goods later today. I am looking forward to eating the cake."
Tavanya nodded and said, "If you wish, my King, I could join you in whatever bed you do finally land in."
Lindeena then said, "I was going to offer the same thing." with pouty lips.
I then said to both of them, "No thank you. You 2 go have fun and explorer. I don't want you 2 getting bored watching me sleep. Go, have fun. Go shopping. Here are some gold pieces." and I handed them each 1,000 gold pieces.
I then turned and walked away from them. I could hear Tavanya call me a dummy king and Lindeena looked like I ran over her dog. I still have no idea why they were so upset. Oh well. I started to explore the palace looking for a bed to sleep in and after about 20 minutes of wandering aimlessly, I finally found one. It was a huge 4 post bed with red and gold sheets and pillows. I walked in and shut the door. I unequipped all my armor and climbed into the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep. I had finally found a bed.
There was a knock on the door that woke me out of my slumber. I stretched and sat up in the bed I commandeered and said, "Come in." A beautiful woman of average height and an explosive chest walked in. She had long black hair and bright red eyes. She was wearing a white kimono with black dragons on it and she had wooden sandals on her feet. As soon as she entered, she bowed and said, "My King. There is an army approaching us from the north. The legion of Death is already gathered and waiting for your orders!"
I said, "Thank you but, who are you?"
She said, "It is me, my King. Zurry. Your loyal black dragon. Hehehe"
I looked at her with a surprised look on my face and said, "Zurry? You have a human form? I did not know that. That's amazing!"
Zurry said, "All adult dragons have human forms. It allows us to move through towns and cities without scaring the populace. My King, what are your orders about the army approaching us?"
I get out of bed and reequip my armor. I then say to Zurry, "Let's go find out if they are friendly or hostile. Take me to where everybody is gathered." Zurry nodded and turned around, walking out the door. I followed her for a couple of minutes. We are now outside in a massive courtyard. Tavanya, Lindeena, and my dragons all bow when I walk into view of them.
Tavanya then says, "I am sorry your sleep was interrupted, my King. How would you like to proceed with the current situation?"
I then asked, "Do we know how big this army is? Do we even know where they are from?"
Kurry says, "We estimate the army to be around 20 to 30 thousand strong and we do not know where they are from. I am sorry, my King."
I turned to Kurry and said, "Thank you Kurry. You have nothing to be sorry about." I then turned back to the others and say, "Let's go introduce ourselves. Lindeena and Tavanya, you will ride on the dragons as you did before. I will ride on the back of Kurry. Mount up and get ready to go. Tavanya, is my legion in your shadow?"
Everybody starts to get ready to go, Lindeena climbs onto Jalane and Kurry turns back into a dragon, and {New ability acquired. Dragafication} {New magic acquired. Dragon's breath.} now, I can turn into a dragon. Oh. And breath fire while I am a dragon. I will have to test that one out later. I think it might freak out a couple of people if I just suddenly turn into a dragon.
Tavanya turns to me before she mounts Lizairy and says, "Yes, my King. Your Legion of Death are all resting in my shadow." and then she climbs onto Lizairy. I nod and then climb onto Kurry and, we lift off the ground and start to head to the army approaching us.
It only takes us about 10 minutes to reach the army that is heading for the city I just liberated. I point to the ground about 200 feet away from the army and Kurry heads there. When we land, I get off of Kurry and the other dragon's land. Lindeena and Tavanya dismount the dragons they were riding on and walked up behind me.
The 3 of us start to walk towards the army and I check my minimap. All it shows is a sea of gray dots. I think to myself, 'At least they are not enemies at this moment.' As we get closer, we can see the army better. They are all wearing white and silver armor. There were some of them that were riding on horses, and there was a massive infantry. The infantry all had white shields and long white spears. the troops on the horses had long swords hang from their sides and a longbow with a quiver of arrows strapped to the sides of their horses. They all have white and silver helmets and so we cannot see what their faces look like.
Three of the troops that are on horses, notice us walking towards them and they pull the reins of their horses and started to trot over to us. When we all get closes enough one of the troops on the horses says, "You are a dark elf? I did not know the Alador Empire had started to put their slaves in their armies. Please let us by. Our fight is not with you but, the nobles and the royalty of this empire. If you do not try and resist us, we will help free whatever is left of your people."
Tavanya started to laugh hysterically. Lindeena chuckled a little and I looked right at the person who was talking to me and said, "I have already killed all of the nobles and the royal family is being slowly tortured by what is left of my people. I have also destroyed their entire fighting garrison. You have no fight here unless it is with me and my Legion of Death!"
As soon as I said that last part, Tavanya summoned my legion and my dragons jumped into the air and roared.
I then said to the troop on the horse, "I do not wish to fight but, I will not shy away from it. If you want to go against me, know this, I will crush your army until there is nothing left!" I then summoned my legendary spear, lighting it on fire and I summoned my legendary staff. I then light my armor on fire and summon my 50 dive swords and light them on fire. Tavanya starts to levitate off the ground and Lindeena grips her Warhammer and crouches down into a fighting stance. All 5 of my dragons shoot fire out of their mouths over the army. They now see we are prepared to fight!