Chapter Eighty Six

Boyd tried to increase his speed, but he still wasn't able to loose the pair of golems that chased after him. They stuck with him insistently until he started to loose his breath and slow down.

"Finally!" Firm holds made of earth snaked up his ankles in an instant, tripping him. He stumbled as he lost his footing before falling down and rolling along the ground roughly. The golems also stopped by him, grapping him firmly. Before he could struggled, he felt the two golems molding into a thick armor made of earth. The earthen armor prevented him form moving, turning around and beginning to sprint through the forest, and back towards the clearing.

Boyd noticed with increasing despair that he could do nothing to escape from his current predicament. After a while, he finally arrived back at the clearing. The robed dark haired mage was seated on the tree stump from earlier, an annoyed look plastered across his face.