Chapter Eighty Seven

Over the next few days, Boyd recovered, and soon enough, he was back on his feet. Kasuyi had spent a lot of time with him, trying to build a bond between them, but Boyd was unreceptive. He had come to learn that Kasuyi didn't know all the details of Boyd's circumstances, only knowing what was told to him by Boyd's father. He had no idea of Boyd's banishment, thinking that Boyd was just someone who was important to the king, perhaps some child born out of wedlock, or something like that, but nothing more.

Time passed, and soon enough, under Kasuyi's intensive training, Boyd stepped into the Master Class. Several years passed, and through that time, Kasuyi had formed the adventurer group that he had always told Boyd about, the Hidden Bolt. They had welcomed some other people into the fold, a bear of a man named Titus, the embodiment of physical strength. and a beautiful lady that went by Nedra, the embodiment of sensual beauty.