Chapter Eighty Nine

"I'm at your service, Your Majesty." Kasuyi stood and bowed at Naian.

"Please, enough with the formalities. I have a lot to thank you for, and I am forever indebted to you. While I don't really care which of my children take over the throne, I am just glad I didn't lose my only son to Vampires." He waved at Kai with a smile.

"It was nothing, sir. I rather enjoyed my time showing Boyd how to live in a less flamboyant way." A playful glint shone in Kasuyi's eyes as he sent Boyd a wink. The Elven prince's jaws dropped as his neck flushed red.

"Y-you!" He couldn't muster up a comeback while his father and sister burst into laughter. His embarrassment was washed away when he felt how lighthearted the mood in the room had turned. He sucked in his lips to hold in a smile, suddenly feeling the a seventeen year old all over again.

When the laughter died down, Naian wiped away the tears that had gathered at the corners of his eyes.