Chapter Ninety

When Kasuyi stepped into the room, the first thing he felt was the obvious tension in the air. Marvin sat aside from Titus and Nedra, his face pulled into a frown. His eyes darted to Kasuyi the moment he stepped into the room and he shot up to his feet, crossing the distance between them in an instant.

"Answers." He spat through gritted teeth. "We need damn answers to our questions."

"If you will sit the hell down and let me explain without acting like a child, then I would have been able to explain a long time ago without the king having to chase you all out of the first waiting room." Kasuyi didn't back down, taking a step forward to look straight into Marvin's eyes. Marvin faltered and averted his eyes, taking a step back.

"Fine." He grumbled and marched back to his seat, leaving Kasuyi standing at the door. Kasuyi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was tired of this day and ready to go to bed.