
While walking Amara thought to herself about the truth behind Elijah's words. Lucas was a snake, an unashamed snake.

His reputation was something he never hid from anyone. Those mysterious black eyes and big, bushy, caramel-colored, curly hair of his hid many secrets.

Secrets that Amara could care less of but.. she was curious about how he entered this sort of business.

He was young around her age. His magic never had a trace in his workshop and he never used magic ever.

That could mean one of two things.

One. His magic veins were cut and were not treated in time, causing a leak but he did not seem to have any injuries but some injuries can be hidden in places she can't see.


Two. He was born without magic. There are a few that did not possess magical abilities, who eventually do less dangerous jobs like baking or furniture making but he deals in weapon and potion trading.

A very dangerous job.

Throwing away her thoughts she looks at Elijah who was looking at the freshly baked bread on a stand. She chuckled causing him to look at her.

He tilted his head in confusion.

'Why are you laughing boss?', he asked with a curious tone.

'Nothing I'm just so hungry-', she said pausing as she glanced at the bread, '-Hey do you want bread? I think they have the cheese ones that we like.', she asked looking back at him.

He looked at the bread and back at her. A large smile appeared on his face as he nodded.

'He looks like a puppy.', she thought as she walked up to the teenager selling the bread.

'Hello. How much for four cheese bread?', Amara bent a little to match the short girl's height and asked the girl who looked at her blushing. The girl was silent, taking in Amara's beauty.

Amara's black hair was in a messy bun, pieces of hair clinging to her face. Her brown skin shining and her big close-set eyes that had deep black irises with purple and orange flicks showing her magic attributes shined, leaving the girl in a trance.

'Hello. Hello... Miss.', Amara called out to her.

'Um, sorry mam.', she apologized turning even redder.

'It's ok, beautiful.', Amara teased her.

'How much for four cheese bread?', Amara asked her again.

'Um... it's for.. 40 silver mam.', the girl stuttered as Amara smiled even wider.

'OK I'll take 'em.', Amara said as she took out a gold coin and gave the girl who handed her the bread that she passed to Elijah.

'Thank you for your service mam.', the girl told them as she waved goodbye.

Amara smiled at the polite gesture and waved back.

'Mam, your change!', she screamed.

'Keep it.', Amara responded.

They walked away as Amara took the bread out of the paper bag and bit it.

'I think you opened a new door for her.', Elijah joked as he bit into the bread.

'Me? I think that door was already opened.', Amara responded.

'You flirt too much.', Elijah tackled back.

'YoU fLirT ToO Much.', Amara mocked him as she continued eating her bread.

'You-' Elijah was about to speak when he was interrupted by cheers.

Amara and Elijah looked at each other.

'A festival?', Elijah asked.

'Can't be, it's not that loud.', she responded.

'Let's check it out.', she spoke once again to which he nodded in response.

They walked closer spotting a crowd.

'What's happening here!', Amara screamed amidst the noise as a person responded, 'The leader has signed a partnership with a knight who agreed to stay here and protect us at all times.'

'Knights can't do that. ', she spoke in his mind to Elijah.

'Do they know. ', Elijah spoke back.

'I don't think so! Let's check it out!', she spoke again as they pushed their way through. Finally reaching the front of the crowd they saw who the crowd was cheering.

'Barnelby! What the hell!', Amara screamed so loud that the crowd was brought to silence.

'Amara! Elijah! What are you doing here!?', he screamed.

'What are we doing here? Ask yourself that. Signing contracts to villages are illegal, you know that. Are you seriously doing this? ', she spoke with a calm voice.

'So what it's already signed and what do you think I'm stupid, this old fart can't even read. This contract is to overtake the village.', he laughed as he spoke.

'You idiot. Do you know what you have done and besides what can you do with that? Only someone with extremely strong power can overtake or buy a village. That contract won't acknowledge someone like you. ', she snickered.

'I never said it was for me.', he spat as a cloud of black smoke appeared on the podium.

'Run! It's dark magic!', the villagers screamed from the crowd as they ran away from the podium to a safe distance still watching what was going on.

A tall figure appeared. Draped in black and gold clothing, hair slicked back, and a cape that's too long.

He appeared.

'Oh shit. Eli get Barnelby ', Amara said as she clutched her head. 'Not him.'

'Well if it isn't my favorite villain, Amara. Hello.', he spoke as he walked to her.

His high heeled boots making a clicking noise on the wooded podium, his jewelry clinking as he moved.

'Why hello... Ryder. It's good to see you.', she spoke with sarcasm.

'What does the prince of darkness want with me? Did mommy send you to call me again?', she asked.

'No! Mother did not.

I came to call you.

I have a proposal.

I have decided to marry you.

I don't want that sister of yours.

She is far too annoying. She can't shut up. So marry me and I give this village back.', he spoke.

'For an adult, he has the mindset of a 5-year-old child but he isn't wrong that thing is annoying.',

she thought as she sighed.

'Last time he came and kidnapped that thing and now this. I even had to save her last time. Talk about a pain.'

'Listen Ryder. One, that thing ain't my' sister'. Two, those shoes are annoying.

Three, I have standards. ', she spoke as he looked at her bored.

' Amara. One, these shoes are cool. Two is that your standards-', he spoke as he pointed at Elijah,' Three. I don't think. ', he spoke.

He looked at her deep in thought, ' How could she not want me? Look at me.

I mean all I want is the kingdom but I just couldn't handle that annoying sister of hers.

By the way they look and behave, you can tell they aren't sister's.

I get it' I'm too cool to like my sister and I hate her vibe' but to insult my shoes. Honestly!'

'Look, Ryder. Just leave quietly and we'll act like this never happened. Give me those papers and leave or I'll take them from you and you know I can.', she spoke.

'Try me.', he responded which sent her running fast to him. She quickly pulled out the sword hanging on her waist striking, as he disappeared in smoke.

'Eli. Find him.', she spoke to Elijah in a calm tone.

'Alright.', he answered as he focused and summoned two shadow hounds, who ran into the smoke.

One ran to Amara and the other sniffing around.

Minutes of searching, the crowd heard a scream.

'Get this mut off me.', Ryder screamed.

'I got you.', Amara appeared behind him, slicing him on the leg as he smirked stabbing her on her arm, leaving her smirking back.

One of her eyes glowed silver in that moment of excitement causing him to retreat.

Surprised by his reaction she had guessed what had happened. Quickly covering her eye with her palm, she retreated too. Quickly covering her eye with a cloth she looked around to not find him anywhere.

'You're an even better catch than I thought. That's why she was hiding you. Isn't it?', he spoke as she felt a cold blade on her neck.

'So this is why you're so strong. This power-', he was cut off by her.

'You're wrong I didn't need this power to be strong. I became strong on my own.', she said as she kicked him in a spot that made all the men in the crowd shriek.

Hurt and in pain he stepped back, the knife falling from his hand.

'Haha. You. I like you. As I thought you are a worthy opponent. I'll definitely marry you.', he spoke as he disappeared in smoke.

'Are you ok?', Elijah ran to her.

'Yea, nothing I can't fix. See I fixed it while we were standing there. Are you alright?', she asked him.

'Yea I'm fine. Your eye. Is the magic wearing off?', he whispered.

'Yes I got too excited and it surfaced but I'm fine.'

The hounds walked up to them.

'Thank you, Arlo, Sekka.' Amara said patting the hounds on their heads as they disappeared.

She looked the at crowd next that gathered back.

'Come on people whatcha looking at. Shows over. Go home.',

she shooed them away as they grumbled but left.

She got up walking to the paper and infusing her hands with magic as she tore the paper on the floor. Walking to the elder she bent down to match his short height.

'Sir. Don't sign these contracts. They're illegal and you will go to jail. If you need help do it the right way. Here-',

she said passing him 5 rocks,

'-just infuse the rock with your magic and I'll be summoned here immediately but it has to be an emergency or it won't work.'

' Thank you, knight. '

' Sir I'm not a knight.

I just help people cause it's fun.

Now run along and do leader things. ', she told him as she walked away.

Walking off the podium she was greeted with a glare from an angry-looking Elric.

' Hey, Elric. What's up? You see I was walkin' around minding my own business and guess what. Ryder appeared and I had to kick his ass. ', she spoke as she looked at him.

' Phew. She's safe. '

He sighed.' I don't care as long as you both are safe. Here catch. ',

he said as he threw a ruby to Alya who grabbed it and smiled widely.

' Thanks, boss. ', Alya spoke looking at Amara as she put the red rock in her bag.

'Come on let's go find a place to stay.', Elric spoke.

'Wait. I have to deal with something.', Amara said as she walked back to the podium and looked at Barnelby who was restrained by Elijah's shadow magic.

'I wonder how much I would get paid to turn in a traitor.', she spoke with excitement in her eyes that gave him the chills.

He knew what she was doing.

She was playing with her prey.

'You wouldn't...', he spoke trembling.

The punishment for treason is having your magic removed. That's why so few did it.

'You're right... I wouldn't. For the right price.', she spoke.

'I'll give you anything. Money. Land. Potions. Anything.', he spoke making her laugh.

'What makes you think I want that? I want something that I don't have.', she replied.

'So what do you want, wretch!', he screamed angered and frustrated at the position he is in.

She looked at him and chuckled as she punched him in the face, breaking his nose.

'This wretch wants information.', she spoke politely as if she didn't punch him.

He glared at her before bowing his head in defeat.

The blood was already running down his nose.

He spoke tasting iron.

'What information?', he asked.

'What information, mam?', she responded.


'It's' What information mam?', do I look like another knight you just talk to. Talk with respect.', she snickered having fun.

'What information mam? ', he gritted.

'Where are the demons? Ryder and you planned this attack to fool these people right, so where are the rest of the demons. I mean you were waiting to attack after you got the papers so the villagers wouldn't have any protection as they would believe you would protect them but you fell for Ryder's trap by not knowing I was already here. Am I right? ', she concluded leaving him shocked.

' How did she know!? ', he thought as she interrupted his thoughts,' I know everything. ', she spoke in his mind as he shrieked.

' Oh sorry I forgot you don't know my magic that well.

Yea I spoke in your head. Sorry.', she said with sarcasm lacing her voice.

' Now tell me cause if I read your mind it won't be pleasant.', she warned him.

' OK. OK. There are 40 by the riverside on the East and 40 by the old oak South. I told you. Now. Let me go.', he spoke with fear.

'Of course. Did you hear that Hendrix ?', Amara spoke as a man with brown, gray hair and eyes as blue as the ocean walked from behind the podium.

'Yes, thanks. Seriously Barnelby I kinda had high expectations for you. What a waste.', he groaned as 2 knights dragged him away.

'You snake, wretch. I'll kill you.', Barnelby screamed at Amara.

'Oh shut up.', one of the knights hit him on the head.

'I' ll KilL YoU' Oh I'm so scared. ', she mocked him.

' Thanks for the help Amara. ', Hendrix thanked her throwing her a heavy bag of gold which she caught.

' It's ok, Hendrix. I hate people like him. Imagine how dumb to try and betray his kingdom.', she spoke.

Hendrix laughed,' You're right. Well, I'll be on my way to the locations he gave us. Again many thanks. '

' See you soon, Hendrix.'

'Goodbye Amara.', he said walking away.

Insipience END


The villagers watching Amara and Ryder fighting like:
