
Staring at the gold in her hand and she turned to look at the others. Their expressions were something she was far too used to.

Alya smiling and holding out her hands.

Elijah looking at Amara with those puppy eyes of his.

And Elric's bored expression plastered on his face.

Alya walked up to her first which started up their normal routine which ended in Amara giving Alya her share,  followed by Elijah who took his share grinning, and lastly Elric who took his share quietly leaving Amara with hers.

'Elric passes me those ashes.', Amara asked him as he opened his bag taking out 21 beautiful pots.

'Ok. Find accommodation I have to go somewhere alone.', she told them looking at the sky changing color to a darker tone than before.

'OK. Let's go I'll make arrangements.', Elric spoke as the other two followed him leaving Amara by herself.

'Again she's gonna go.', Alya complained.

She liked having Amara around. Amara filled a family bond that Alya never had. Amara was like an older sister to her.

'Yeah it's best we give her some space. That's around the corner, she needs the time to herself, you know how it is every year.', Elric told her.

Alya sighed as she acknowledged his comment. What he said was true. She needed space, time to herself.

As Amara watched them leave she sighed' I could've said that better huh. ', she thought.

She looked at the pots and covered them in her magic.

She closed her eyes and concentrated all her magic in one thought and spell.

' Disappear. ',

she whispered as she fell in a bottomless, endless place her eyes still closed, her breathing was calm, her soft breaths piercing the silence that the void created.

As she fell she could feel the cloth around her eye loosen, making her panic. Grabbing it and tying it again she relaxed. Suddenly she felt the ground, gently sitting down on the soft green grass that she landed in she opened her eyes.

Beautiful green and blue tones invaded her eyes. She took a breath, smelling the air.

'Didn't you come here yesterday Amara?', a voice spoke to her sarcastically as Amara turned around and smiled.

'Arena, it's been a while.', Amara spoke as she went to hug the beautiful woman.

'Well it's not like you come here-', Arena spoke as she looked at Amara's wrapped eye and  the pots knowing what they meant, '-I thought you would go there.'

'I was planning on going there but you see I'm here to talk to your wife and I need your help.', Amara told her as they walked to her house.

'Did you order those?', Arena asked her.

'Yea, I need them. I have a feeling that I'm gonna attend a party so I want to make it fun.'

'You. You can't keep on doing this. You know that it's illegal to carry weapons to a royal banquet.', Arena scolded her.

'I don't care, if an attack happens I can protect my people that is all I care about. So you coming tomorrow?', Amara spoke.

'No I don't want to deal with Bee.', Arena answered honestly.

'Yea neither does I but I'm only going to meet Callie. It's been forever since I saw her. I haven't been back for more than six months-'

'Hey, you flirt!! Get away from my wife!', Amara heard a scream.

'Alex.', Amara called out to her running.

'What's up sugar? You finally decided to come and pick up these.', Alex spoke as she gave Amara a heavy weapon wrapped in cloth. Opening the cloth she gasped.

A beautiful pair of fans. It's beautiful. And knives.

'I ordered only a knife. What are these?', Amara asked picking them up.

They're heavy.

'These my friend are something I've been working on for a long time and I want you to have them. Test them for me and tell me how they are.', Alex told her.

'Hmm sure but  Arena I need help. Again.', she said taking out the piece of clot her eye making Arena gasped.

The silver on her eyes was bright, far too bright.

How is she still in control?, Arena thought.

'Come here hun.', Arena called her closer,

'Now what did I tell you about losing control.'

'Don't lose control because the dragon and I have still not come to terms and that if I make a mistake. I could lose control and destroy everything.', Amara spoke.

'Yes, this is serious now. You did your best all these years but unless you and her come to terms. It's gonna be bad.', Arena told her.

'Dumb wizard. Just let me take control. You can have whatever you want. I mean you're already i-', the dragon spoke.

'Shut up Scaly.', Amara channeled her out.

'Was that?', Arena asked.

'Yea it was her.', Amara told her.

'OK, we'll d, deal with this later. Come here I'm sure I can suppress her.' Arena said as she closed her eyes and entered Amara's mind.

'Where are you, silver dragon?', Arena called out.

'Well look if it isn't the green dragon and her pet.', the silver dragon spoke.

'Hello, silver.', the green dragon surfaced.

'Green. Again. You side with the humans to suppress me. Look at what we have become. We are supreme but now we are trapped in these vessels what a disgrace, you would rather bow your head than reject what you have become.', the silver dragon spat.

'You're wrong silver. We are equals. We need hosts that can help us and others. You have a good host who cares for you. Become one, use each other as comrades, friend. Times have changed silver. We can't keep this idea of superiority. It's stupid.', Green spoke.

' Stupid! I was fine without a host! Friends! Don't make me laugh! My kind betrayed me! What can I expect from a human! ', the silver dragon roared as she charged towards the green dragon.

' Eurgh ', the silver dragon groaned. The Green dragon had caught the silver dragon's neck in her mouth.

'Stop this, you're not a child anymore Silver.', the green dragon spoke as she chained silver back with beautiful gold chains that contrasted to the scales of the silver dragon.

'Come back here now Green! This is not over! I'll free myself one day! ', the silver dragon roared at Green who just shook her head and left.

Escaping Amara's mind, Arena came back to reality.

Clasping Amara's face she spoke, 'I know it's tough but one day you two will have to accept each other. This is a task you cannot do alone.'

'But...-', Amara was cut off.

'No buts. You have to try and find an understanding or you'll hurt those you love.', Arena told her as she looked at Alex's face and the three claw marks on her left eye dragging down her face.

Closing her eyes, she sighed and walked away from Amara, standing next to Alex who held her hand.

' I think it's time for you to go, they're worried about you.', Arena told Amara as she nodded, hugging them and waving as she walked away and closed her eyes.

'Disappear .', she whispered as she sunk again in the void, only her soft breaths could be heard. With her eyes shut, she could feel the darkness surrounding her.

It was heavy, cold, and lonely but... it felt comfortable.

At least sometimes it did.

Abditory END