The Speech

Feeling the ground beneath her feet she opened her eyes appearing in the same spot she left from.

She sighed, exhausted, and hungry. She mind-linked to Elric.

'I'm back. Where are y'all?'

'Where are you I'll come to fetch you.'

'It's fine you must be tired. Just tell me where y'all are. I'll ask for directions from the folks.', she conversed with him as she walked.

'We're at Blue Crescent Inn, you'll get directions it's a well-known place.', he replied to her.

'Ok. See you soon.', she replied cutting off the link and walking to some people nearby to ask for directions.

'Was that the Boss?', Alya asked.

'Yeah, she's back. Lucky she's back before midnight.', Elric spoke with a relaxed tone.

'Yeah and we better not tell her about that incident.', Elijah joined the conversation leaving them stiff and looking at each other.

'You're right, only the heavens would know what would happen if she found out.', Elric spoke with a concerned tone.

Just after Amara left

'You are correct, child. She needs space to control herself.', a sweet voice echoed causing the trio to turn around and bow.

'Your Highness. Greetings.', Elric greeted her formally while Alya and Elric mumbled a greeting earning a glare from Elric and a chuckle from the Queen.

'Rise, children. You all look tired. Just finished a mission?', she asked dropping her formal attitude.

'Yes, saved a village from demons and the prince of darkness. Nothing new.', Elijah told her.

'I see the sarcasm hasn't left you, Elijah and Alya my child you are looking so beautiful its been a long time since I've seen you, half a year now and Elric look at you such a fine and handsome man .', she spoke in a motherly tone making them all blush.

'Yeah your majesty it's been long.', Alya whispered looking at her.

The Queen smiled,' Where is Amara? '

'She had some business to attend to she won't be back for a while.', Elijah informed her.

'Hmmm, I see. Well then tell her I said hello and I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.', she smiled as her royal guard landed on the ground beside her.

'Your Majesty you can't be doing this.', he spoke as he looked at her worried, ignoring the three in front of him.

'I'm sorry Xavier but look who I met.', she spoke as she looked at the trio in front of her making him look too.

'Hello, Uncle.', Elric greeted him.

'Hello Elric. I see you're well. Hello Elijah, Alya.', he greeted the three of them.

'Hello Sir Xavier.', Alya greeted followed by Elijah.

'Oh children when Amara comes back please tell her that she will give a speech tomorrow at the party.', the Queen spoke.

'No!', Elijah shouted gaining everyone's attention.

'Uh you see she got hurt bad and her voice is bad so she might not be able to speak properly so you will have to excuse her.', Elijah lied.

'Oh it's ok but if she is better can't save her Elijah.', the Queen spoke with a smile.

'Your Majesty we should leave before your little escaping incident becomes a headline on the news board.'

'Fine I'll go. Goodbye children. I hope to see you tomorrow.', she waved as Xavier teleported them away.

'Scary.', Elijah whispered.

'No kidding, she doesn't believe you, you know.', Alya replied.

'Yeah, but if we told the boss to give a speech tomorrow, she'll throw a fit. At least last year she got cursed with the silence spell so she got lucky and wasn't able to talk for a month.', Elijah continued as they walked and followed Elric.

'Well dishonesty aside we lied to the Queen and we're gonna lie to the boss. Two people that we shouldn't lie too but we need to make something up or just tell her the truth.', Elric spoke looking at the inn in front of him.

Present time

Amara found the inn quickly and went inside.

At the front desk was a fairy. Her wings fluttered and danced to the music being played.

'Hello, mam. What can I do for you this fine evening?', the fairy spoke politely.

'I'm here to look for some friends. Um, do you have a booking under the name Elric.', Amara asked her.

'Yes, mam, by any chance are you Amara?', she asked her.

'Yes that's me.', she replied.

'Oh then here. Sir Elric said to give you the key when you arrived.', she smiled handing over a gold key.

'Thanks.', Amara smiled taking the key.

Walking away she looked around.

'It's a big place.', she thought as she continued walking.

'For a small village, it surely has a great inn.', she whispered, her words catching the attention of a person nearby.

'It sure does.', a man chuckled as he walked towards her.

'Akira. Akira Tanaka. I'm the owner.' the mysterious man extended his hand to greet her.

She accepted and greeted back with a smile. 'Amara. Just Amara.'

'I see you are impressed with the inn. Many people travel here just to stay at this inn.', he boasted.

'I see. It must be new. I haven't been here in two years. I'm a bit of a wanderer you see.', she continued the conversation as they walked.

'I see. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay. Good Night Miss Amara.', he said as he turned in the opposite direction and walked away.

'That was awkward.', she thought as she sighed while walking.

Glancing at the door numbers she looked for her room. Room number 10.

'7.8.10!', she became excited when she saw hers.

Opening the door, she walked in to see Alya, Elijah, and Elric playing cards. Suddenly hearing the door open they all turned their heads to look at her at the same time.

The image made her chuckle. 'They look so cute like little puppies waiting for their owner.'

Taking off her boots and leaving them at the entrance she started talking.

'Hey, guys. Who's losing?', she asked walking in while taking off the long swords attached to the belt on her waist.

'Eli's losing!', Alya said excitedly while Amara laughed taking the daggers on her hands and ankles off.

'Can fight demons but can't win at cards.', she teased him while taking off her gloves and opened her hair. Her long hair falling to her hips.

She looked at them playing cards and decided not to disturb them as she went to the bathroom located on the second floor of their room.

Opening the door she looked at the tub and smiled. She walked up to the tub and filled it.

She removed her dirty clothes and put them in the corner of the bathroom.

She gently dipped her foot into the hot water, then her leg, followed by her body.

She sat comfortably in the tub. She loved bathtubs.

They allow you to relax and rest your sore muscles. The smell of soap invaded her nostrils. The sounds of shouting can be heard from downstairs making her realize she wasn't alone.

She scrubbed herself, washing off the dirt on her body. Massaging her arms and legs that were tired.

She could feel the heat of the water. It feels nice. She thought as she sunk deeper and deeper into the water. At this point, her entire body including her head was submerged in the warm water.

It's warm. It feels nice. It feels lonely but... I like it. I like hearing the noise of other's happiness. Their screams of joy, their laughter, their pure excitement at every little thing.

Wait...I...can be happy too...' Boss!' Huh, I can hear a voice. 'Boss! Boss!'


Opening her eyes she found herself in the arms of her youngest member. Her cries and whimpers piercing Amara's heart. Amara clung to her and patted her head in a comforting manner.

'Hey, Alya everything good ', Elijah asked from downstairs in a panicked tone.

She looked at Amara who smiled and hugged her tighter.

'We're fine. I just got a little dizzy from the heat so she got scared.'

'K boss.', Elijah spoke and looked at Elric who nodded and went back to sit at their table.

'I...I thought you...were gonna die...I pulled you up but your eyes didn't open.'

'I'm sorry.', she apologized and kissed her forehead.

'Oh, you got all wet. Come have a bath with me. I'll srub your back.' Amara told her while patting her head as she nodded her head.

Scrubbing her back Amara looked at her back that was shivering and cursed under her breath 'crap'.

'Rinse off. I'll wash our clothes.', Amara spoke as she placed her clothes in the washing machine and grabbed the spare clothes in her bag handing them to Alya.

'Are you ok now?', Amara asked her.

'Yeah. I'm fine but next time, be careful.', she reprimanded her.

Amara chuckled and patted her head,' Go on now. They're waiting for ya.'

She smiled lightly and walked out of the bathroom. Sighing as soon she heard the bathroom door close she looked in the cupboard for a hairdryer. Going to her room she saw a lot of human devices. A television, radio and many other things.

This place has everything, doesn't it? I wonder who supplies all these. A permit to hold human devices is expensive. Who is this Akira person? , she thought as she dried her hair that took far too long for her comfort.

Walking down the stairs she looked at the three people sitting at the table still playing cards. Laughing, having fun. She could enjoy the presence of others but...did she want to be a part of that presence?

'I'll cook us some food, k.', Amara said as she walked past them to the small kitchen.

'I'll help you.', Elijah appeared behind her.

'It's fine, carry on playing.', she reassured him.

Cutting an onion she sighed as she watched him.

'Stubborn brat.', she spat.

'Learned from the best.', he smirked as they giggled softly.

'Dinners ready. Pack those cards away.', she told them as they made way for the food.

'Tastes great boss as usual.', Alya complemented her making her smile.

'Thank you.', Amara said while drinking some tea as she ate.

'So did she come today. The Queen. Her magic is lingering on your clothes.', Amara asked as she drank the tea causing them to turn their heads to look at her.

'How? Didn't we wash the clothes?', Elijah said out loud.

'Nah I'm kidding. I just knew she would come, that lady has a way of sneaking out and finding me. Let me guess she wants either a speech for tomorrow or a gift blessing. Correct.', she laughed as she spoke.

'Yeah actually she wants you to give a speech but...we lied and said that you can't speak.', Alya spoke.

'Ugh, she's really annoying. Isn't she. -', she spoke taking a sip of tea'- I'll do it.'

They all looked at her shocked. Their mouths are wide open. Their minds stuck in a labyrinth of thoughts.

Did she really just say that?

What the ****!?

Oh gosh, I lived to see this.

Alya, Elijah, and Elric thought.

'Yes, I'll do it. I want to do it. I mean I can't avoid it now. It's been 5 years since a said a speech.', she said as she looked at them.

'I see that you have finally matured I just hope you won't pull a stunt like 5 years ago.', Elric spoke as he glanced at her.

'Hehe yes. Why would I do that? I'll do something even better. Hehe', she said with a sadistic smile that gave them all shivers.

They are looked at each other and Alya mouthed 'Oh no, she crazy.'

They looked at her playing with her cup and thought to themselves sarcastically.

'This is gonna be fun.', Elijah laughed.

'I pray that tomorrow nothing bad happens.', Elric clasped his hands.

'Boss...why?', Alya gripped her head.

The Speech END