
Waking up to the sound of birds, Amara groaned and tossed in her bed. The scent of trees and food invaded her nose causing it to scrunch and forcing her to wake up.

'Ugh I hate mornings.', she grumbled and sighed as she stood up and looked at Alya.

'Alya wake up. Did you leave the window open again.', Amara said as she ruffled her red hair that looked so majestic in the morning sun. It looked like a scorching fire. Her hair itself looked more magical than anything Amara had ever seen.

'Five more minutes...', the teen mumbled and shifted closer to Amara.

'They made breakfast.', Amara said in a monotone voice.

Hearing the word breakfast she shot up and sniffed the air, looking at Amara, she smiled and rushed to the bathroom.

Quickly brushing her teeth and washing her face, Alya ran down the stairs while Amara took time to brush her hair, wash her face, and brush her teeth.

Walking down the stairs she sees them sitting at the table waiting for her. Smiling, she sat down and greeted them all with a 'good morning' which they replied to politely.

'How was your sleep? Good, I hope.', Amara asked pouring juice in their cups.

'I managed to sleep well but...someones loud snoring was problematic.', Elric said looking at Elijah who looked at him confused.

'Who? Me?', he said pointing and looking behind his back sarcastically.

'Ugh yes, you. I'm gonna kill one day. ', Elric said.

'No please don't. If I don't sleep next to you. You would be so lonely. And I know you love me too much to do that.'

'Love? You? Ha, what a joke. Here choke on bread.', Elric said feeding him some bread that Elijah ate while smiling.

'I already ordered the clothes for the ball so we will have no problems and transport will be provided. We leave at 6. So today you all can have a break and have fun.', she said walking away from the table stoping at the stairs.

'Eli and Eric you two have kitchen duties today wash the dishes.', she spoke as Alya ran with her to the bathroom.

'That's unfair it's your turn.', Elijah whined.

'For once I agree didn't we do it yesterday.', he sighed as he looked at the dishes. Raising his hands he spoke 'MOON tide: gentle curr-'

'And don't even think of using magic to clean them!', Amara shouted from the bathroom.

'Ugh, Elijah, you scrub I'll rinse.'

'Why don't you scrub?'

'Cause I did it last time.'

'Hmmp fine stupid boss and elf.', he mumbled.

'I heard that!', Amara shouted.

Groaning they started cleaning while Amara read the messages sent to her by the royal fire phoenix.

'You are to arrive at 6:30 pm in proper attire. Your comrades shall be asked to remain in the ballroom. You will go to the throne room as instructed by the elders. When there, a meeting will be held. A meeting of great importance to the future of our country. That is all.


'Ugh, what a pain but clever that old geezer actually used his brain for once.', she spoke as she sighed petting the phoenix and feeding. her some hazelnuts

Covering the meeting by using the ball would not cause suspicion as everyone would need a reason to be there.

'Alya ya done in there.', Amara called out to which Alya responded with a 'yea'.

'Ok give me half an hour and we both are gonna go shopping for clothes.', Amara said making Alya smile.

'Ok.', Alya said as she sat on the bed quietly and nodding.

After finishing Amara changed and grabbed all her gear and assembled everything, her daggers, swords, and fans were ready.

'Come on let's go.'

'Where?', Elijah asked.

'Isn't it our day off?'

'Yeah, but we have preparations to do.', Amara told him making his eyes widen.

'Wait what do you mean 'we'?', Elijah asked confused.

'Did you not listen? We have to prepare for the ball.', Amara spoke as Elric hit Elijah on the head.

'Wait you mean the color ball?', he asked surprised.

'Yes, that ball. This year we will all attend. I need to get Alya's magic license and report card.', she spoke.

' never took us before-', he spoke confused, '-so why now?'

'I didn't want to bore you with the petty things and also the people there are... judgemental tyrants who chop other peoples heads to look taller. They're rude and whine. And they hate me so I decided to not open you to that environment but now I'll protect you so don't feel bad. A palace is an ugly place filled with vile pests what kind of person would I be to introduce you to that environment.', she spoke as flashbacks rolled in her mind of the insults and glares she received as a child.

'Aren't you introducing us now though.', Elijah spoke.

'Yea you are grown you can handle it there and I was lazy to take you before.', she said leaving him in shock as she and Ayla walked away hand in hand, with Elric following.

Exiting the room they walk to the reception hall and towards the door. Opening the door and allowing the others to go out first, Amara sees Akira at the corner of the room looking at a picture, he turns to her, his raven black hair that matched her own shone in the light. He smiled at her to which she returned and joined the rest outside.

'Let's go. First, we pick up the clothes, then we buy some weapons and rocks and finally we eat lunch, Alya's treat.', Amara said walking away.

'No fair. I bought last time.', Alya complained.

'You mean last month and don't be stingy you have enough money to buy lunch for 2 weeks.', Elijah teased.

'Fine but Boss where did order the outfits from I mean we only came here yesterday and you didn't have time to go to a store.', Alya asked.

Amara smirked and the trio shivered. Her expression held a mischievous, sadistic look that made them gulp and sweat.

'You don't mean 'there', right.', Alya spoke first.

'Why yes. We are going 'there'.

Preparations END