The Void And An Unwanted Guest

'Why yes. We are going 'there'. So prepare yourselves. Come on put this on.', Amara said handing them each a blindfold.

Placing the blindfold to their eyes, they each tied the blindfold and Amara guided them towards her. Placing them in a circle with all of them holding hands, she closed her eyes and whispered, 'Disappear.', causing a beautiful eruption of purple magic to engulf them, the magic in a fiery state consumed them making them disappear and causing people nearby to gasp at the strength and power of the magic they had just seen.

Falling into the empty space their breathing became faster, louder, and uneven despite being in the void before they couldn't get used to the sensation it gave them. The only way they could describe it was that it felt like death. It was cold and quiet, only their breath and pants could be heard. The first time they went into the void. Amara had strictly warned them to NEVER OPEN THEIR EYES. Elijah remembered the first time he traveled in the void, he almost opened his eyes and in half a second a hand that belonged to Amara closed his eyes quickly.

Along with that rule was four more:






Feeling the ground beneath their feet they relaxed and Amara instructed them to untie their blindfolds.

As they opened their eyes, their blurry vision was met with a night sky filled with stars and a house in the distance.

'Come on let's go. I'm sure they're still awak- (shoo)', Amara was interrupted by an arrow flying at her piercing her elbow.

Looking at the arrow and then back at the direction it was fired from. She saw a pair of eyes glinting in the dark and felt corrupted magic from the spot.

Pulling out the arrow from her shoulder causing the trio to shudder, she infused it with her magic and then threw the purple fiery arrow into the air where it disappeared in the air, appearing at the back of the demons neck piercing and attaching the demon's body to the tree

'ARRRRHHGHHH!!', a loud thunderous scream filled the air as the arrow appeared at the back of the demon's neck piercing and attaching the body of the demon to the tree, the scream causing the people from the house to rush out.

'What in the-Amara?!', Alex screamed from her house with a huge gold shotgun in her hand and Arena in dragon with her eyes and hair full green.

'Sorry there was an unwanted guest here!', Amara screamed while rubbing her head and grinning. Her expression filled with embarrassment.

Arena rushing to her side carefully held her as the blood kept gushing out of her shoulder while Alex brought some blankets for the three also there.

Entering the house they closed the door and Arena laid Amara on a chair carefully.

'What were you thinking? I know you pulled some sort of weapon and from the looks of it, it must have been an arrow and a large arrow too. ', Arena scolded her.

'It's ok it's just a scratch.', Amara spoke as Arena hit her head carefully with little force.

'A scratch! There's a hole in your arm! Honey, are listening to this? 'A ScRatCh' she says.', Arena shouts as she looks at Alex.

'Love, calm down. First, let's clean the wound. Sorry guys but can you go to the backroom.', she spoke to Elijah and Elric who nodded and walked away leaving the four ladies alone.

Alya standing there in horror never saw Amara get hurt like that. The hole in her arm was bleeding and it wasn't feeling fast enough like before.

'Alya, I'm fine but I need your help ok. Help Arena and Alex by holding me down. Come on I know you can do this.', she spoke but her voice couldn't help but shake. Amara herself was afraid. She couldn't feel the pain, she couldn't feel her shoulder, she couldn't feel anything. Her body was numb.

Alya nodded and held Amara's left shoulder and Alex held her legs tightly. Arena took off her coat and shirt leaving her in her vest while at the same time she also put a piece of cloth in her mouth and told her to bite it.

'Listen your body is numb from shock. You never had an injury this bad and the shock got to you but as soon I start to clean the wound with my magic is going to hurt bad, so bite on the clothe ok, and breathe properly. I know how strong you are so I am going to clean and heal in one go, ok.', Arena spoke as Amara weakly nodded. The blood loss-making her weak.

Arena's mouth opened and the word,' Disinfect.', filled in Amara's ears like poison as her screams were muffled by the cloth but still loud enough to be heard in the next room by Elijah and Elric, who sat up from there chairs so fast they fell down, their tension rising, they paced back and forth with anticipation.

'MMRRRHGFHH URRRGH!', muffled grunts and moans of excruciating pain could be heard for 15 minutes before they slowly got quieter.

'She passed out, you can let go.', Alex held Alya's shaking shoulder as she hugged her patting her head while Arena bandaged her.

'Can you please bring those boys in, honey?', Arena spoke.

'Sure, love.', Alex answered leaving Alya by Amara and Arena, who hugged her.

'It must have been scary but do not fear. She will be fine, sweetheart.', Arena stroked her head gently calming her down.

'Is she ok?!', Elijah screamed.

'Yes she is fine, please stop screaming-', Arena scolded him' she is unconscious right now, she must be resting, with the Silver Dragon right now.', Arena spoke.

'She will be fine but it seems that the dragon and her are having more problems than I thought. The rejection is too strong that they refuse to help each other despite being partners.', Arena spoke as she covered Amara with a blanket.

'Leave her be. We will talk later. For now, have some tea.', Arena spoke as she went to the kitchen.

'Y'all hungry.', Alex asked and they replied with a 'no' and explained that they ate breakfast.

As their gaze's fixed on her sleeping body, drinking the tea in their hand, their heads filled with worry and concern for the person in front of them.

The Void And An Unwanted Guest END