Feelings Of Unrest And Curiosity

After they were escorted to the next room, Elijah and Elric sat down and groaned in frustration.

'What was that?! How didn't I sense that but how could I sense that? It was so fast and perfectly timed like that demon was waiting there for a long time, I mean we only arrived and it got shot as if everything was prepared beforehand, we should go check it out.', Elijah spoke with anger and frustration in his voice.

'No. We can't leave Amara here and venture off. What if there's more out there and it's night now they are at an advantage. We need to assess the situation, how did they know we were here, how did they break Arena's magic barrier and how did they get a weapon like that, and if they have more, which all will be answered when Amara is awake.', Elric spoke calmly which frustrated Elijah.

'Elric what if the body disappears, what if her arm doesn't heal, what if she dies? How can you be so calm? Look at the situation did you see the blood pouring, that wound wasn't healing!', he screamed.

'I understand but confrontation isn't the answer. What if they come to the house? This was clearly an assassination attempt and we need to watch over the house. Those three in there are busy if we leave they are vulnerable to an attack.', Elric calmly explained.

'You! You are right but Elric did you hear that shake in her voice, how it trembled with fear. How can I remain calm after hearing that?', he held his head in frustration as Elric sighed.

'I understand after all she is my best friend you know. I know you care for her but you must be rational-(MMMMRRRRGHHGH-UGH!!).', he was cut off by Amara's loud muffled screaming causing both him and Elijah to jump out of their chair's, the chairs falling to the ground made a loud noise snapping them out of the shocked state they were in and they both tensed up.

'Elric, what the hell was that? What's going on in there?', Elijah voiced out in frustration. Amara never screamed like that or at least to them, the sound was horrifying. They had seen her with injuries before that got healed and most of the time she avoided getting injuries so this was the first time they saw her in such a state.

Elijah's hands trembled when the image of Amara's wound popped up in his mind. The way the arrow piercing her shoulder, the way her breath hitched, and the look in her eyes. The way they widened and slowly calmed down. She realized she wasn't healing as soon as she pulled it out and the way her voice trembled when she talked to Alex.

His pulse raised and his palms were sweaty as he paced back and forth, listening to the constant muffled screams from the room next to them, while Elric sat in his chair his hands clutched and mind racing as he tried to remain calm.

After 15 minutes they heard the cries and screams die down. Looking at each other the worst thought claimed their minds as they looked at each other. Eli walked to the door and stopped.

Was he ready to see what was on the other side of the door? What if the smiling face he loved was replaced with a face of pain?

Holding the door handle he clutched it as he turned it and opened it to see Alex standing there.

Patting his shoulder she looked at Elric and smiled which made put his heart at ease.

Rushing past Alex he looked at Amara's tear-stained face.

'Is she ok?!', Elijah screamed.

'Yes she is fine, please stop screaming-', Arena scolded him calming him down

'-she is unconscious right now, she must be resting, with the Silver Dragon.', Arena spoke calming him down.

'She will be fine but it seems that the dragon and her are having more problems than I thought. The rejection is too strong that they refuse to help each other despite being partners.', he listened to Arena speak as he watched her cover Amara with a blanket.

'Leave her be. We will talk later. For now, have some tea.', Arena spoke as she went to the kitchen.

'Y'all hungry.', Alex asked and they replied with a 'no' and explained that they ate breakfast.

As their gaze's fixed on her sleeping body, drinking the tea in their hand, their heads filled with worry and concern for the person in front of them.

'Hey, Alex told me what you did today for Amara. I'm proud of you. It must have been hard watching her in that state.', Elric said as he patted Alya's head.

'Yea Al, you did well today but are you ok.', Elijah spoke.

'Guys she...she was crying so much(hic), the blood(hic) it kept pouring and the screaming but she didn't move her shoulders at all she(hic)  used all her strength to keep them still but her legs shook so violently(hic)  that Alex herself had a tough time holding them. Why? (hic) Am I that weak that she held back? (hic) ', her voice trembled as she cried.

'No Al I think that her upper torso was numb and she couldn't move that's all.', Elijah lied, he knew that Amara knew that Alya would feel bad if she couldn't hold her down. As strong as Alya is, Amara could unconsciously hurt her.

Amara's level of strength was greater than all of them because of the training she went through and the power of the dragon.

'Yes, Alya he's right. As strong as she is, you know she cant handle pain so she would react.', another lie told by Elric.

She nodded and drank her tea quietly as she watched Amara. The pain in her heart decreased and she calmed down.

After drinking her tea she ran away to Alex and Arena who were cooking food in the kitchen.

'Can I help?', Alya asked as she popped her head from the side of the door.

'Sure, dear. Come cut these mangoes. When Amara wakes up, she will be hungry so let us make her, her favorites.', Arena spoke as Alya nodded and began cutting the mangoes as she watched Alex boil some potatoes and Arena season some chicken.

Alya watched them as she put the cubes of mango in a bowl. She watched how they smile at each other when their eyes met and how Alex would flirt with Arena and tease her while she's cooking by giving her compliments.

Alya smiled and chuckled causing them to look at her.

She blushed and squeaked out an apology that made her redder.

'What happened, dear?', Arena asked.

'Nothing it's just that you two look so happy and in love. I pray that I can have what you two have.', she said smiling.

Arena and Alex looked at each other and Alex smiled brightly with a hint of blush while Arena turned red.

'Why thank you, dear, and don't worry you will have something like this. You are very lovable and you will choose a good person but remember we too had our fair share of disagreements but if you love each other you can work through them. I just hope you choose someone carefully, I don't want another case like Amara's to happen again.', Arena told her.

Alya looked at Arena with surprise.

'Yea hearing about him is weird after so many years.', Alya spoke.

'Yea we shouldn't talk about him. Honey did you hear what she said. We are so in love but with a wife like you how can I not be.', Alex says as she hugs Arena from the back almost kissing her but stopping as she looked at Alya.

'Oh wait I can't there's a child here, isn't that right Tomato.', Alex teased as Arena playfully hit her.

'I am not a child, I'm sixteen already, and stop calling me Tomato. 'Alya huffed as Alex laughed.

'Yea you have grown. Time flies doesn't it. I remember when Amara first brought you here 8 years ago. You were so shy standing behind Amara popping your head from behind her. The first time we saw you all we saw was a blushing face with red fiery hair. From then on you were known as Tomato.', Alex laughed as she remembers the day she gave Alya the nickname, Tomato.

'Alex seriously...By the way how long are you together, cause you were living together all those years ago.', she asked curiously.

'Actually, I'm in love with her for 16 years now and we've been together for 10 years., Alex said.

'Wait you loved her from the time you were 10!', Alya said loudly.

'Yea from the first time I saw her I fell in love with her.', Alex said making Arena smile and blush.

'And you Arena?', Alya asked Arena.

'Well to be honest the first time we met was funny and we became friends so I wasn't aware of her feeling cause she never told me and neither did I and I waited till I was 16 to tell her so you could say when I was 12 I liked her and when I was 16 I confirmed my feeling and changed like to love and I confessed to her.', Arena said looking at Alex who was blushing as she planted a kiss on Alex's cheek.

'Now I am curious how did you two meet and get married.', Alya asked.

'It's a long story.', Alex answered.

Staring at both of them with puppy eyes they sighed and looked at each other as they both sat down and agreed to explain together.

'Now let's start at the best part of any story.', Alex said.

'Where?', Alya asked.

'The beginning.', Arena answered.

Feelings Of Unrest And Curiosity END