
16 years ago

'Alex! Alex! Alex! Come here you're gonna be late!', Alex's mother Celeste screamed.

'Coming Mama!', she screamed back.

'Robert did this child just scream at me.', her mother said looking at Alex's father, Robert who was eating his toast while reading the newspaper.

Shrugging he replied with, ' I didn't hear, darlin'. I was readin' the newspaper. '

Sighing she placed two sandwiches in a lunchbox and an apple which she put in a bag, along with the lunchbox.

'I'm ready! How do I look? ', Alex jumped off the stairs and showed off her uniform.

The black skirt and white shirt, along with the black-tie she was wearing was messy. Her tie was not knotted correctly and her shirt buttons were misplaced and not tucked in her shirt.

' Look at you, lookin' like a mess. Come here. ', her mother called her and began undoing her buttons and fixing her black vest, then buttoning her shirt and tucking it in.

'Mama's gonna go get your bags, come here I'll tie your tie properly.', Robert spoke.

'Daddy, can you teach me how to tie a tie.', she asked.

'Sure sweetie but when you come back for the holidays, ok, and I was readin' in the papers that demons are lurkin' around so be safe ok. ', Robert warned her.

' Ok Daddy I'll be careful. Have fun at work. ', she said with a smile.

' You too, pumpkin, have fun at school. ', he said as he placed a kiss on her head and her mother came back with her bags.

Going to her mother she grinned and flashed her outfit and smiled.

Kneeling her mother hugged her tightly, ' Take care of yourself, eat the lunch I made today, write to us and stay safe. I'll miss you.', she said holding back her tears.

Hugging her mother back she whispered, ' I will so don't cry.', the words making her mother smile.

Standing up her mother wiped her eyes with a face towel and picked up Alex's bag's and walked out of the house.

Alex opened her acceptance letter and read the words,

'Student: Alex Wood no. 15278.'

Which made the letter erupt in flames and a Phoenix appear.

'Alex Wood.', the Phoenix chirped.

'Yes sir.', Alex chirped.

'How do you know I'm a man.', the Phoenix asked.

'Your feathers, the color is one of a male Phoenix.', she spoke.

'I see. Names Kisa, Alex. I'll be your attendant till you finish school.'

'Hi Kisa, I'm Alex. Nice to meet you.', she greeted politely.

'Haha you're funny, kid.', Kisa chirped.

'Alright you passed the first test.', he whispered.

'What did you say?', Alex asked.

'Nothing, now I need you to walk-(spits a fire portal) - just walk into the portal.', he said as she walked forward while waving to her parents who were in the yard.

Shocked by her decision he thought 'Wow. This kid is doing it-', he paused mid-thought when she stopped and looked at him, 'guess I was wrong she can't do it-'.

'Aren't you tired from flying, you can sit on my shoulder?', she asked.

Sighing he thought 'This brat is different.', as he sat in her hair.

'Hey not my hair!', she said loudly.

'Just walk, kid. The portal will take you to the entrance of the school.', Kisa chirped.

'Ok. Mama! Daddy! I'm going now!', she waved as she looked back at them.

Waving back, she smiled and turned around, walking into the fire portal with her bags in her hand.

Closing her eyes she walked, suddenly feeling a gust of wind. She opened her eyes. The green grass field and the magic school was in view but there was one problem. She started counting.

'There are only 20 people!', she whisper yelled to Kisa.

'Oh that's a lot.', he replied.

'What?!', she whisper yelled again.

'There are magic schools everywhere but this one is special. All the kids here are chosen by the Queen herself and you have to pass the test too. Fifty kids are chosen and five tests are given to determine who stays and who fails. You kid have passed two already.', he spoke.

'Really. Which two?', she asked.

'Intelligence and courage. When you knew I was male, you proved intelligence and when you didn't hesitate to walk through the fire you proved courage.', he answered.

'I see so you and the other attendants determine whether we pass or fail, isn't that right teacher', she replied smiling which shocked him.

'So you knew that I was a teacher-', he sighed and flew off her head transforming into a human,'- for how long...'

In a burst of flames, the Phoenix had transformed into a 6-foot man, with gorgeous melanin skin that matched Alex's and a full afro that was on fire that made Alex gasp.

'What!?', he asked.

'Your hair! It's so pretty and cool.', her eyes sparkled looking at it.

'You know you have the same hair. I think yours is bigger.', he laughed.

'Nuh-uh. Mine is nice but yours is so cool. It was on-', she said as she gestured for him to bend down, '-fire just now.', she whispered.

'Haha, you're a funny kid. Actually, that was my magic. That happens a lot like-' he paused as he snapped his fingers and surrounded his hair with magic, '-now.'

'So cool, can I do that.', she asked.

'Well it depends on what magic you have and how powerful it is.', he said.

'I see. Well, I have snow magic.', she said casually.

'Snow what!?', he shouted, 'Do you know how powerful that is? Are you sure?', he asked.

'Yea look-', she raised her hands and was stopped when Kisa pulled her hands down.

'Wait I'll see in school. You can't use magic here.', he told her.

'And how did you know that I'm a teacher.'

'Phoenix's can't talk and use portal magic, they deliver messages and can only use flames to return themselves from one point to another.', she said.

'I see.', he spoke staring at her he thought, 'Clever kid.'

'Well I'll leave now the orientation starts at 12, till then you are free to mingle with other students. She'll take your bags.', he said as a woman descended from the sky.

'A... A.. A fairy!', she screamed making the fairy smile in amusement.

'Hello there, little one. I'm Celine.', the fairy said extending her hand.

Alex looked at the fairy and admired her tan skin, black hair, and her magenta-colored wings that shined in the sunlight.

Extending her hand Alex shook the fairy's hand and smiled, greeting her back.

' Hello Ki- Mr. Kisa.', the fairy greeted him with a tone that was far different from the tone that she gave Alex, her tone was pointed and rough as if she was upset with him.

'Miss Celine, hello.', he said back nervously.

'Well then, dear carry on. I'll take your bags to the room.', Celine said grabbing her bags while Alex said goodbye to both of them and went off to explore.

'Celine. I... I um.', he studdered.

'Mr. Kisa, I have a job to do and it's Miss Celine to you.', she scolded and was about to walk away when he held her hand.

'How dare you?! First, you reject me and now you hold my hand!', she shouted.

'Look Celine I didn't reject you I was surprised. I mean you suddenly confess your love to me after we were friends for so long I didn't know how to feel and you kissed me...', he said.

'I asked for your permission and when I did you pushed me away like I was a piece of garbage so you did reject me. You really hurt me Kisa.', she said ripping her hand off his and walking away.

'I... I... I was shocked I mean how could a woman like you love someone like me.', he whispered to himself.

Walking past the trees Alex looked around. It was quiet, the 20 children she saw had scattered away while she was talking to Kisa and Celine.

Walking around some more she saw 7 girls in a circle sitting and chatting, approaching them to greet them, she was instead greeted with glares and looked of disgust which made her walk away.

'Scarry.', she thought.

Walking around some more she saw a group of boys too but decided not to go closer because of what happened with the girls.'

Looking around she saw a girl sitting in a tree, the girl was pretty with long black hair and brown skin. She had black eyes and dark circles under her eyes that gave her a cool look, her eyebrows were neat and she looked well-groomed except she had a rough demeanor and a 'Don't-come-near-me', aura.

So Alex went by her, although she gave off that energy she didn't seem mean and smiled when she saw Alex looking at her.

Jumping from the tree, the girl looked at Alex who smiled. Alex could see the scar on her left eye and looked at the girl up and down. 'She gives off a cool badass vibe', Alex thought.

As if reading her mind the girl chuckled and said 'Thank you.', as she extended her hand, I'm Amara. '

' How did you know? ', Alex asked surprised.

' Can she read my mind? So cool!', Alex thought.

'Not really, I just broke in.', she replied in Alex's mind.

'Creepy. I like it. Hi, I'm Alex.', Alex said shaking the girl's hand.

Deciding to explore together they started to ask questions.

'So Alex what kind of magic do you use and do you have one type or two.', Amara asked.

'I have one it's snow.', Alex answered.

'You? ', Alex asked her interested in the mysterious girl next to her.

'Oh, I use two. It's hard to explain but it's called break and repair. So anything I break, I can repair it and depending on what and how much damage it took, determines how long it takes to repair it and the second one is dimension.', she answered leaving the girl next to her confused.

'Wait so how did you read my mind?', she asked.

'It's simple. I broke into your mind.', the girl smiled when she said it.

'My... mind? Wait am I gonna-!', Alex screamed but was interrupted by Amara.

'Chill dude. Your brain is fine but I broke your mind as in your thoughts. You see I visually pictured your mind and a lock surrounding it, then I broke it, using break and repair. Don't worry I repaired it.', she said.

'Creepy...', Alex cringed.

'Hey I don't do it all the time and besides, if your magic is strong the break and repair won't work cause you can channel me out, only if you're willing then I'll break-in. I don't do it on everyone.', Amara said.

'But you did it on me.', Alex said.

'Actually, I tested it on you and it works so don't worry I won't do it again.', Amara smirked.

'Am I a test subject?', Alex asked.

'No, you're a friend... And a test subject.', Amara laughed at Alex who was glaring at her.

'So childish.', Alex laughed.

'Well it looks like we still have a lot of time left so I'm gonna go over there we'll meet back at the entrance. Bye.', Amara said running off.

'W....ait.', Alex sighed as she walked further into the forest. Looking around she saw no one and decided to walk in the other direction that was towards the entrance.

Walking around she spotted a clump of blonde hair.

Walking towards the hair she stepped on a seed and caused it to make a loud crunch noise making the sleeping figure move and groan.

Walking closer Alex looked at the back of the tree where the head rested and smiled. The thought of someone sleeping so openly made her smile as she found the person very foolish.

'How could they leave themselves unguarded like this' ., she thought as she slowly walked toward the figure.

Facing the sleeping figure she stared at the person before her.

'It's a girl-', she paused and looked at the girl,' a beautiful girl.', she said blushing.

The girl had beautiful blonde hair and thick, neat eyebrows, her nose was pointy and long, her lips were pink and her cheeks and nose were pink probably from the heat.

Alex got closer and squatted down. Staring at the girl she looked at her and thought, 'Her neck is long and her hands are pretty. Her hair looks cute.', Alex complemented her looking at the pin that held the girl's hair in a bun.

Going closer to scare her the girl, opened her eyes and Alex was attacked with a pair of light green eyes that left her mesmerized.

All of a sudden the girl lunged forward and pinned her to the ground.

'Excu-', Alex tried to speak when the girl put her finger to Alex's lip and whispered 'Ssshhh.'

Nodding, Alex listened to the girl who smiled at her.

Alex's heartbeat increased and stopped when she heard rustling in a bush.

'That's why she-', Alex paused midway as the sound got louder. She recalled her father, telling her that demons were on the loose.

Her heartbeat sped up and the girl held Alex's hand to calm her down. Smiling at Alex she slowly got up and hoisted Alex up.

The noise getting louder made her remove the pin in her hair to use as a weapon, allowing her blonde hair to fall.

Alex watched in awe. The way Arena carried herself so calmly and bravely left Alex more interested in her and the way she protected Alex despite being scared herself made Alex like her even more and want to be her friend.

Walking closer to the bush, she stopped and looked at Alex who nodded at her as if to move forward.

Walking even closer the thing in the bush jumped out making her scream and turn to Alex who didn't even flinch.

The girl hugged Alex and Alex patted her back, 'It's ok. It was just some squirrels.', Alex said.

'I know but... the noise.', the girl spoke her voice soft and words fluent.

'Hey, it's ok. Squirrels ain't gonna do anything.', Alex reassured her.

'If you say so-', the girl said finally looking up and leaving Alex mesmerized, 'Sorry miss but what's your name?', the girl asked Alex.

'Pretty...', Alex whispered.

'Pretty? Your name is Pretty.' the girl asked making Alex blush.

'N.. no, I mean your pretty. I mean uh I'm Alex and you.', Alex studdered.

'Oh, I am Arena. Nice to meet you Alex.', Arena offered her hand to greet which Alex excepted.

'And thank you. You are beautiful yourself.', Arena compiled her back making Alex blush and leaving a sparkle in her eyes.

And that sparkle could only be called 'first love.'

Alex END