Alex and Arena

6 years later

Alex and Arena age 16

'Arena! Arena! I did it. I made it.', Alex screamed as she barged into their dorm room.

Sitting on her bed she set down the book she was reading and stood up.

Looking at Alex she smiled, ' I know I saw on the board. I'm so proud of you.', she said as she hugged her.

'I... I didn't think I'd make it.', Alex answered unable to contain her happiness.

'I worked so hard these past 4 years, you know.', she said as tears escaped her eyes.

Patting her head, Arena smiled as she answered, 'I know.'

She remembered how Alex would study till 2 in the morning, go on extra missions and visit people that specialized in that craft.

'I'm proud of you Alex, no Weapons Master Alex.', Arena said with a large smile.

Pulling away she stared at Alex who leaned into the hand that was on her face making Arena's heart pound.

Pulling away she turned around and left Alex confused,' Hey, you ok? ', Alex asked.

'Ye... Yes.', she stuttered.

She never stuttered.

'Anyway, I'm gonna go to Kisa's house.  I want to visit Celine, she said the baby might come soon so I thought of dropping by, wanna come?', Alex asked as she picked up the scattered books on the floor.

'Um... Sure I have nothing to do today, my shift starts tomorrow.', she answered as Alex continued packing her books away.

Despite being roommates

(a/n:(gasp) and they were roommates)

they were very different and it showed.

Arena's books were found on a shelf above her bed whereas Alex just threw her books where ever she wanted, sometimes even being as careless as to use the books to hold her cups and plates.

Arena's bed was neat and tidy, and Alex the opposite.

The only problem with Arena was that she had too many books and cups in her room.

Cups that had tea, juice, and coffee and an excessive amount of water bottles that Alex would clean.

After Alex finished cleaning, she went to her closet and grabbed a jacket, and asked Arena if she was ready.

Arena nodded and they both went out.

Walking to the gate they showed their student id's to the guard who nodded and scowled before opening the gate.

Walking to a door that had gold and green magic surrounding it, they took their IDs and tapped the slab on the side of the door, opening a portal.

Stepping into the portal they were transported to a town filled with a bustling crowd. The air smelt like all sorts of food and fragrances.

Walking through the crowd they began talking.

'We should buy a gift.', Arena said looking at the stalls.

'Oh yea we can't go empty-handed now.', Alex answered with a bright smile.

Walking over to a store they saw jewelry and started talking again, 'How about a chain? I hear that a bead chain is good for magic control and certain crystals are good for fairies.', Arena spoke.

'So how about we each buy one. What type of fairy is Celine? ', Arena said looking at the chains.

'She's a forest fairy.', Alex answered as she looked at the bead chains.

'Ok so it's gold and green then.', she answered as she picked up the chain she spotted.

It was beautiful. It had a green crystal and inside was a forest, you could see the lake and trees moving.

'These are real.', she leaned in and whispered at Alex who nodded.

They could feel the magic in the chain. A real forest was encased in the chain and it was strong.

'Excuse me, mam.', Arena asked trying to get the seller's attention.

The woman looked up, her wrinkly face had donned a warm smile, as she answered, 'Yes child, how can I help you?'

'How much is this?', she asked.

'1 ruby.', the woman answered as Arena started taking out her bag before Alex stopped her.

'Sorry mam but we're students and it's too much.', she said.

'Alex it's ok.', Arena argued.

'No, it's not. You can't use this much. It's ok. I'll buy one.', Alex said.

Arena sighing took out the bag and picked out a ruby.

'Is this enough?', she asked as the old woman nodded.

Taking the bag she and Alex walked away.

Arena knew that Alex was upset. She didn't like when Alex was upset... at her.

Smiling she pulled Alex's hand in hers and looked at Alex.

Shocked at the warm feeling, Alex turned her head to look at Arena.

Arena smiled.

Alex blushed.

'You... Why are you holding my hand?', Alex asked as she huffed, faking annoyance.

'It looked lonely.', was Arena's short answer which made Alex blush more.

'So chessy.', Alex giggled making Arena smile.

Walking further they reached Kisa and Celine's house.

Knocking on the door, they were greeted.

'Hello.', a small child greeted.

'Hello there, Maria. Are mommy and daddy at home?', Alex asked.

Nodding her head, the child screamed for her father who came running.

'Hey, guys. Come on in.', he said as he let them in and took their coats.

'Y'all want anything. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate.', he asked as Alex asked for coffee and Arena tea before going upstairs.

Walking to a room, they opened the door and was greeted by a glowing and beautiful Celine.

'Alex! Arena! Come in. It's been a while.', she said happily.

'Hey, Celine. You're looking good.', Alex said as they stood by her bed.

'Celine we bought these for you.', Arena said as she handed over the bag and so did Alex.

Taking the gift, Celine smiled.

Waking up with the help of the two of them, she hugged them.

'Thank you, guys. Really. Thank you so much.', she said as she hugged them tighter.

She cared for the two a lot. They accepted her relationship, helped her with Maria, and always kept in touch with her and her family. Something her relatives and friends didn't even do.

Smiling they hugged back.

Maria grabbing Alex's hand, made them let go, and allowed Maria to drag her downstairs.

Latching onto Arena again, Celine whispered in her ear, 'So how are things going with Alex huh?'

Arena blushed at the question.

'Wh...what does that mean?', she asked as Celine made her sit on the bed.

Raising her eyebrow, Celine sighed, 'You know you two are the idiot couple. You two have liked each other for so long but you keep quiet. What's a fairy got to do to make you realize huh?',  she said dramatically as Arena looked lost.

The words, 'You two have liked each other for so long...', ringing in her head.

' me.', she stuttered as Celine groaned in frustration.

'Yea she does a lot. She blushes like crazy around you and that look she gives you is different from the one she gives others. To be honest, I knew from the first day you two came back from the forest, oh and you always want to hold her hand, you cook for her, make her bed in the morning.', she ranted.

'How do you know all this?' Arena blushed.

'I, my dear know everything, I practically raised you these past 6 years.', she smiled brightly.

'If you knew why are you telling me now?', Arena asked curiously.

'Because I thought if I was patient you two would budge but this is the year you two graduate, right, and I'm tired. I need to see you two together cause you two are so cute together.', she said making Arena blush.

'Honey, your shyness is showing. I'll go down wait here a while.', she referred to Arena's red face.

Walking down the stairs she chuckled and set her eyes on her next target.

Walking to Alex, she sat on the couch, next to her.

Looking at her husband, she pointed at Maria on Alex's lap and he immediately understood as he walked over and picked Maria up and while kissing his wife as he walked away.

Looking at Alex she asked, '

So how are things going with Arena?'

Alex staring wide-eyed as the beautiful fairy voiced out, 'I don't know what ya mean.', she said while rubbing the back of her head.

Celine's wings fluttered as a playful smirked donned her face.

'Oh reallyyyy. I see the way you looked at her, you know. It's the same look Kisa gives me. It's a look of love.', she said as Alex blushed.

'I...I..m..mean I do like Arena a lot maybe even love but she... does she feel the same.', Alex's shoulders drooped at the thought.

'Well did you ask her how she felt? I think she likes you. I mean she only stutters when she's around or talking about you. Something she never does and she's a blushing mess just like you. ', she rants and she stretches her arms.

Alex looked at her blankly as she stared into space.

'Alex. Alex. Oi Alex. If you don't wake up I'm gonna smack you with my slipper.', Celine threatened breaking her from the trance.

'But... I can't.', Alex said as Celine groaned even louder.

'Ugh, you lovesick puppy just ask her. You know that once you graduate you might separate she's in medical and you're in weapons. Are you really willing to let go? Take the chance-',

she said as she gripped Alex's hand,

'- just trust me ok. If you love someone tell them. ', she continued as she looked at Kisa and smiled then looking back at Alex.

'Your feelings are important too.'

'I...I'll think about it.', was the quiet answered she replied with that made Celine smile because, despite the quietness of her voice, Alex's coy smile spoke louder than the words that escaped her mouth.

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, Alex froze and stared at the end of the staircase.

Arena appearing looked less red and more reserved. The blush that stained her cheeks had been gone and her eyes searched for Alex.

Catching each other's eyes they remembered what Celine had told them.

A hint of blush staining their cheeks once more made Celine laugh causing them to look at her.

'What happened?', Alex asked her.

'Nothing really, just found something entertaining that's all. Oh, and Arena, come, sit here, I'll go talk to Kisa.', Celina stood up and left.

Going to sit near Alex, they stared at each other as one spoke, 'It's pretty cold today ain't it.'

'Yes it is.', Arena answered awkwardly.

'So when do you start. I mean getting orders and shipments.', Arena asked as she leaned her elbow on the edge of the sofa her body facing Alex.

'Oh, I start on Tuesday. I'm so excited. My first order is a family sword and a well-known one too.', she said excitedly making Arena smile.

'I'm happy for you. Work hard and always remember I'm here to help.', Arena said as she stared into Alex's eyes.

Alex smiled back as she held Arena's hand, 'I know-', she said as she gripped her hand, 'I know.'

Celine and Kisa watching from the kitchen smiled and Celine left a kiss on his lips as he held her waist.

After finishing their drinks, they left, waving goodbye to them before they turned away and began walking.

Walking to the sea, they stood by the metal rail, Arena facing forward, had her arms on the rail while Alex's back was on the rail with her elbows on both sides.

Looking at Arena, she took in the beautiful picture before her.

Arena's eyes were closed her long blonde hair was dancing in the wind, her lips were parted and the ice air that escaped them made the view even more enchanting.

But... what made Alex's heart beat faster wasn't the view it was what made the view.

The last 6 years she spent with Arena only made Alex love her more.

Arena too had developed feelings for Alex, feelings that she couldn't describe, feelings that scared her.

Her heart telling her to confess but her mind telling her that it will ruin their friendship.

She loved Alex for 4 years and will always. Could she like someone else?

She smiled.

'Never.', she whispered.

Alex breaking the silence decided to speak,' Arena I... -' she was cut off by a sudden movement and a warmth on her lips.

Pressing her lips onto Alex's, Arena blushed and her heart began to beat violently.

She pulled away and smiled as she whispered, 'Alex I'm in love with you.'

' Will you be my girlfriend?', she smiled softly with a hint of shyness.

Alex standing there shocked her mouth parted.

She grabbed Arena's waist and placed kisses on her forehead and cheeks as she repeatedly screamed, 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

Chuckling Arena grabbed Alex's face with her two hands and place a sweet kiss on her lips.

Breaking the kiss she rested her forehead on Alex's and sighed,

' I've never been so happy in my whole life.'

Alex blushing brought her hand up to meet Arena's, clasped it and brought the hand to her mouth.

She kissed it.


Alex and Arena end