
Current time

'So yes that's how we met and then 2 years later we moved here and got married when we were 20.', Alex finished.

'Wait. Wait. Wait. Arena confessed first!', she said surprised.

'Yes, it was me. ', Arena chuckled.

'You could say I got the courage I needed when I realized that we might be separated.', Arena answered as she checked the food.

'Yea and we stayed together for so long I can't imagine life without her.', Alex said as she drank her cold drink.

'That's nice. I'm so lucky to have heard this story.', Alya said as she giggled.

Patting Alya's head, Alex smiled and went to go check on Amara.

Walking into the living room, she went to the two people sitting at the table and sighed, 'You two ok?', she asked with concern.

'We're fine, Alex. Just worried that's all.', Elijah answered as he forced a smile.

'Yes, we never witnessed something like this before so we were a little shaken up by it.', Elric smiled as he looked at her.

'If you say so. Guys don't stress, she'll be fine. Arena s magic is powerful enough to restore a served arm, this will heal in no time. 'Alex reassured them as she held their shoulders.

Leaving them she walked to Amara and touched her forehead gently. Wiping the sweat on her forehead with a clothe she sighed.

' How could this happen? And to you of all people. ', Alex thought as she held her hand.

Alex knew that Amara never had an injury so close to death also her fight with the dragon made them disconnect.

A dragon can heal any injury but when the bearer and dragon's emotions are disrupted their connection is lost and they become two separate individuals.

Holding Amara's hand, Alex smiled.

'She's gonna wake up.', she thought trusting her wife's magic as she let go of Amara's hand and stood up.

Walking away she stopped as heard a groan, making her, Elijah, and Elric all look in the direction where the noise came from.

'Ugh! Man, that was a good rest.', she said as she groggily got up.

Blinking twice she was greeted with surprised looks.

'Hey guys what's up.', she asked as she tried to stand but staggered.

Almost falling she was quickly caught by Elijah who held her by the waist and shoulder.

Placing her back on the sofa, he stepped back.

'I see you are well.', Elric said as he woke up from his seat.

'Yea. I'm sorry guys. I... I... scared-', she stuttered rubbing the back of her head but was stopped by Alex hugging her.

Patting her head Alex whispered, 'It must have been scary right but you're ok now.'

Gripping Alex's shirt, she hugged her back and smiled.

Breaking away from the hug, Alex ran to the kitchen to tell Arena and Alya.

Looking at Elijah and Elric, she smiled.

Walking up to them slowly she hugged them,' I'm ok. I'm ok.', she whispered as a few gentle tears formed in their eyes.

Bursting into the room, Alya looked at the trio and tears escaped her eyes as Amara extended her hand and called for her.

As the three were crying, Amara held back her tears as she hugged them, patting their heads and rubbing their backs.

Breaking away the three wiped their tears and glared at her.

'You idiot! What if you died?! Why did you pull that darn arrow out?! Idiot!', Elijah screamed.

'Yes. I agree you are a fool. What were you thinking? Did you think it was cool or something? Honestly.', Elric said in a calm but shaky voice.

'Yea! (hic) Boss is an idiot(hic) You are a fool. (hic)', Alya said as she tried to speak while crying.', Alya said as she gently hit her arm that wasn't injured.

'They are right you know. Pulling it out was dumb but...', Arena said as she paused and looked at her with a serious expression, 'You knew it was poisoned, right.'

'Yea. I could feel it entering my bloodstream. Also, I felt my magic veins getting blocked. If I didn't pull it out my magic would have piled up and exploded. I emptied my magic by sending the arrow back but I could only get one target.', she said as she walked to the table and sat down.

' There were two of them? ', Elric asked.

' Yea. Two. One I killed and one is in dimension. I guess they tried to stop the arrow but when they touched it they were sent there and the body that the arrow hit stayed in place my magic must have worn out.', she answered calmly leaving them all shocked.

' You... you guessed all that in that short amount of time and planned everything. ', Alya said in shock as Arena and Alex smiled.

' I thought you would be used to her intelligence by now but she surprises you every time.', Alex said as she ruffled her hair.

' So, how are you feeling now? Any symptoms? Your magic? '

' Chill, Arena. I'm fine but my magic isn't stabled yet it'll be back to normal in a couple of hours or a day, that poison was S grade. Enough to kill someone with bad magic control or unstable magic.', Amara said as Arena smacked her with a rolled-up newspaper.

' Chill?! Chill? You come here to my house in this condition and I must 'chill' and you have a few hours left to go back and attend a Royal Ball. You can not go, you are not in good condition, and knowing you, you will create a problem.', Arena argued.

'But... Rena, I have to go please.', she begged with puppy dog eyes and latched onto her.

Arena huffed and gripped the sides of her long dress as she turned her head away.

Sighing she looked at Amara and spoke, 'Ok. Fine. You can go but... YOU. WILL. BEHAVE.'

As a shiver ran through her body, Amara nodded her head and hugged Arena.

'Why do you want to go anyway? I thought you hated going.', Alex asked as she pryed Amara off Arena.

'I... I want to see Callie. I haven't seen the kid for so long and...', she paused as she pulled Alex and Arena and whispered, there's a meeting today. '

' A meeting? Oh, I see smart move. ', Alex said.

'Yea, it is the perfect time to have all the leaders in one place with no suspicions.', Arena agreed.

'What are ya'll whispering about?' Alya asked.

'Nothing I was just asking Arena if she has your dress.'

'Dress? Dress!! Arena show me. Show me.', Alya said as she pulled Arena's arm.

Chuckling Arena walked past Amara and called as she walked into her room.

'Alright I made 2 outfits for the both of you.', Arena said as took out the clothes that were ironed neatly with not a single crease.

'So pretty.' Alya said in awe as she stared at the 2 dresses Arena picked for her.

'Boss. Boss. What do you think? The pink one or the green one?'Alya asked in excitement.

Amara looked at the dresses. They were very beautiful, hand-made by Arena herself. The pink one was gorgeous, it looked like a cloud with all the tule and the torso was filled with beautiful diamonds.

The green one was equally lovely, it was a beautiful light green with beautiful diamond stones and lots of tule.

Looking at Alya she smiled and picked up a dress, hovering it over Alya's frame.

'The green one. It makes your hair and wings stand out.', she said as she looked at Alya's fiery red hair and red fairy wings.

Alya smiled and took the dress as Amara handed it to her.

'And mine?', Amara asked.

'Oh, I have it. It is in this closet-' Arena said as she carefully pulled out two outfits.

I know you want both so I suggest you keep this one safe.', Arena said as she handed Amara the second outfit while Amara stared in awe at the first one.

' It's beautiful.', Amara said as she picked it up.

'Yea it is. This is probably your best work, Arena.', Alya commented.

'It is. I have to make sure you look good.', she smiled.

'Alright leave this here. Come and eat first.', Arena pushed them out of the room.

Walking to the kitchen they saw three people sitting there laughing and eating.

Join them they all began eating and enjoying Arena's wonderful cooking.

Amara watched Arena as she ate. She only ate everything sour,  an odd thing for Arena to do considering she hated everything sour and loved spicy food.

Watching her even more carefully she noticed that Arena's hand was always on her stomach and each time she caressed it she smiled.

And why were they awake so late in the night usually Amara wakes them up in the middle of the night when she visits.

And then it hit her as she stood up hitting her knee on the table making her yelp and all of them look at her.

'Ar-Arena you... you!', Amara started tearing as she pointed at Arena's stomach making Alex and Arena look at each other and smile.

'Yes. What you are thinking is correct? Took you long enough.', Arena laughed as Amara grabbed her and hugged her.

Crying she grabbed Alex and said, 'I'm so happy. Finally. Ya'll wait for so long. Finally.', she hugged her tighter as Alex embraced her.

'Uh guys what's going on?', Elijah asked.

Looking at the three, Amara looked at Arena asking for permission to tell them.

Nodding, Amara got her answer and screamed.

'Arena is pregnant!'

Elijah and Alya's mouths were hung wide open while Elric stood up and looked at them.

He knew how many appointments and how many times they tried but got denied and finally.

Tearing he walked to them and congratulated them as they 'awwed and hugged him.

'Why didn't you tell us?', Amara asked.

'Well I thought you would have figured it out and I wanted it to be a surprise.', Arena answered.

All of them congratulated them and cried as they continued eating.

After eating they all went to get dressed.

Alya put on the beautiful green gown and had her hair and makeup was done by Alex.

While the guys put on their suits and got their hair and makeup was done by Arena.

Amara looked at them and smiled.

Elijah looked very handsome in his black suit with and silk black shirt that shined along with his gelled laid-back hair.

Elric wore a beautiful blue and white suit, with a porcelain pattern tie and cufflinks. His beautiful long silver hair was styled into a low ponytail.

Alya's green dress complimented her beautiful red hair that was set in a beautiful wavy pattern. She wore long strings of gold as earrings and had natural makeup.

Looking at them she felt satisfied, they looked so magical and powerful.

'Ya'll clean up good. Well now I need ya'll to leave first I'll come in a few.', Amara said as she handed Elric the invitation card.

'Wha...what? You mean you're coming late. What if they don't let us in?' Alya asked.

'Elric's there he'll take you. I have to get ready too and don't worry. I'll be there.', Amara said.

'Here take these.', Arena said as she gave them teleporting crystals.

'It'll take a while to go back to the magic world maybe an hour but don't worry you won't even feel it. It'll feel like a second.', Alex said as she led them outside and took them to a door.

Placing the crystal in the box, Elric set the location and they all said their goodbyes.

Walking back to the house, Amara sighed and sat down.

' Sooooo... Are we gonna do it or you? ', Alex asked excitedly.

Amara smirking answered, 'Why not all of us?'

Snapping her fingers, a boy fell from above her out of a ring of purple fire.

Landing on his butt he groaned and yelped.

Going closer Amara spoke, 'So boy... why did you come here?'

'To kill you...'

Discoveries end