
Laughter and Tattoos

'To kill you...'

Amara blinked twice.

Laughing she walked up to the boy and grabbed his hair, making him lookup.

'Look here kid-', she said as she pointed to her shoulder, - 'you will never be able to kill me.'

With a murderous glare she gripped his hair tighter and looked him in the eye, 'I'm gonna ask you this only once, and if you don't give me an answer I like I'm gonna have to start breaking.'

He gulped as he shakily asked, 'Br... Break what?'

'Lie and find out.', she answered.

'O... OK, I'll talk...', he sighed.

'Good so how old are you.', she asked.


'Are you hurt?', she asked softly making him blink.

'N... No, I'm fine.', he answered surprised by her question.

'What are you? An assassin, a murderer, a kid looking to have fun, or do you want revenge.'

'I... I...', he spoke as his eyes paced around. Sighing he released a breath, 'I'm an assassin.'

'I see so she finally made her move.', Amara spoke as she walked away from him.

'She?! You... You knew who it was.', he said as Alex untied him.

'Yea I kinda guessed that evil thing has been trying to kill me for years, and now she's so desperate to get rid of me, she sent a child and an elven child at that.'

'Hey you hungry? ', Alex asked as he rubbed his wrists after she removed the restraints.

'I... Don't you realize that I tried to kill her.', he replied as he pointed to Amara.

'Are you hungry?' that's what she asked so answer. ', Amara said as she sat down.

' I... I am. I'm starving. ', he answered.

Hearing the answer made Arena run to the kitchen to bring him food.

' Well first things first, go have a bath. You stink. ', Amara said as she pointed to the guest bathroom.

Nodding his head he went to the bathroom.

Arena returning left the food on the table.

'What are you planning, Amara?', Arena asked her in a questioning tone.

'Nothingggg I'm just curious about something.', she answered as she swang her legs.

'I hate that tone. You are planning to keep him here, am I right.'

'Arenaaaa please he's important he made that weapon his magic was embedded in it.', she begged.

'What?! He created that?', Alex screamed.

'Honey, he can make weapons. Weapons! Do you know how much potential he has? He even got her in a fix-', Alex pointed at Amara'-can we please keep him. '

Looking at the two she sighed loudly,' Fine. '

' Rena I'm so sorry I know it's dangerous but trust me ok. ', Amara held her hands.

'I know what you're doing but don't forget he tried to kill you.', Arena gripped her hands back.

'Ugh-', Alex voiced as she removed Amara's hands,' - I can protect her, don't worry and get going.'

Looking at her weirdly, Amara hit Alex on the arm, 'You idiot, you seriously think I'm gonna steal your wife.'

'Not think. I know. You know you are the biggest flirt to ever exist. You flirted with a tree.'

'That was one time!', Amara said dramatically.

Laughing they all sat down and talked about old times while waiting for the boy to finish.

Walking out of the bathroom he heard their laughter and clutched his shirt.

What were they gonna do to him?

Kill him...

Murder him...

Or even worse... Sell him!

'Come here, boy!', Amara called out to him and he gasped as he walked closer to them.

'Sit.', she instructed.

Sitting down quietly he fiddled with his clothes.

He looked up at her multiple times but still could read her face.

How can someone go from laughing to being so serious?

She stood up. He gulped.

'You're gonna stay here. Ya heard. These two are gonna take care of you for a while until I get you a home and if try anything funny don't think they won't kill you.', she spoke breaking the silence.

Gulping he nodded slowly as he looked at Arena and Alex. Arena looked calm and had a soft aura, a very comforting, almost motherly aura at least that's what he thought. He looked at Alex, she had a goofy personality and appeared to be a fun and charismatic person. She also seemed to be very affectionate to Arena.

'So what is your name, boy?', Arena asked.

'My name is Armani.', he answered looking down at the floor.

'Armani...It's a beautiful name.', she complimented him as he blushed and whispered, 'Thank you.'

Looking at him properly she saw his tattoos that gained her attention.

Lifting his head at the sudden silence he saw she was staring at his neck.

'It's Liliana-', he spoke breaking the silence. Touching his neck he smiled,'- Liliana...is...was my mother's name.'

'I see, it is a beautiful tattoo-', she complimented the verticle, cursive tattoo as she carefully looked at each letter starting from 'L' and ending at 'a'. It looked good on his neck.

'Those are gorgeous too-', she pointed at his stomach and chest that had butterflies on it. Seven. Was the number that she counted, two on the right side of his waist, two on his abs, two on his chest, and one on his shoulder. It looked like a painting and entranced everyone who saw it.'- do they mean anything?'

'Yea. I always dreamt of them for as long as I can remember.', he answered earnestly. He was surprised at how he was able to talk about himself but he remembered that this is the first time people actually asked him about himself.

'Well, that's enough, go on and eat now, kid.' Amara smiled at the boy who nodded and went to the table with the hot food.

'Arena please help me get ready.'

'Sure, let us go.', she directed Amara to the room.

Entering the room, they closed the door and the preparations for evening had begun.

Laughter and Tattoos: End

Thanks for reading this chapter. Luna_P