Chapter 4: Barbecue

[GOYATT, Blood Mist Dungeon LVL. 250]

The dark red mist shrouded the entire plateau, hindering his line of sight. The blood fangs howled, seemingly noticing their arrival.

"Is this the new level cap dungeon the game developers were bragging about?" Xtreemenator whispered.

"You could say that," Leng Mo answered as he scoured through the entire area. The best way to shake off that ugly feeling was through dungeon raiding.

Leng Mo locked onto a location then gave the order.

Coordinates E(435,546) and F(365,278). The Boss should be in either of those.

"K.O, Puppeteer and PK, go to point E."

"LT and X, come with me; we're heading out. If anything's amiss, regroup at my signal."

"Alright!" The rest sounded in unison and separated.

The raid went quite well.

It was 9:30 in the evening when his stomach started grumbling. He stood up, and went downstairs. The TV's still on and Leng Mo could hear the sobs of a woman in the midst of all the screams and cries from the TV. Mrs. Song probably got overboard again and thought that she was the female lead in the drama, though she's best suited as the evil stepmom.

He just couldn't understand the principle behind people crying over something they watched or read. Then he thought of Gu Gen Ri and her book. Did she cry too? Leng Mo shook his head at the creepy thought. He'd bet his lifetime's savings that she'd chuckle at the lead characters' misery—excited even.

Speaking of Gen Ri, his mind seemed to automatically absorb that name in his damn head. Should she thank God for him remembering her name or his Chen Ri for having the exact same names?

Leng Mo shook his head as he remembered that stupid-look she had the first time he saw her. It felt like he saw his Chen Ri before him again.

Sigh… He must be going crazy! His Chen Ri could never be that boar. She was cute and chubby—not fat.

As soon as he reached the kitchen, Leng Mo opened the lid of the casserole but found nothing—not even a left-over sauce he could be spread on rice. Leng Mo kicked off the side wall then went upstairs.

A few minutes later, he went downstairs and rushed out.

"I'm heading out!" Leng Mo said by the door, wearing his hooded jacket. Mrs. Song did not answer back as usual, instead, the TV's volume increased. She probably didn't want him around so he slammed the door behind him and walked to a nearby convenience store. A CONVENIENCE store that's not too convenient for its walking distance. It was a few blocks away from where he lived and the ever-chilling night was not helping.

Leng Mo pushed open the glass door and went to the take away food shelves.

Curry… stripped chicken… sandwiches… His stomach said to buy them all, but his wallet said otherwise. His lovely parents cut off his allowance to make room to the bastard's needs. Talk about favoritism.

Leng Mo fished out his measly money and grabbed whatever he could afford to buy: a pre-packed egg sandwich. Then he went to the counter and saw a familiar bud.

The guy looked thin with eyebags camping under his eye, making him look worse. This guy's really something. As far as Leng Mo could remember, he also worked at the internet café near the school.

Leng Mo placed the sandwich with his payment on the counter.

"You also work here?" he opened.

Hearing the familiar voice, the cashier boy scratched the side of his cheek and nodded, "Un. I kind of needed the money and thought of looking for another part-time job."

"Not feeling tired?" Leng Mo grabbed his purchase and gobbled down his sandwich, he's famished. Just like him, the guy looked sickly and slim, his bones protruding on areas they shouldn't be. Despite how he looks, Leng Mo could see an intellectual youth growing within those pair of eyes.

"I do feel tired. It's just that… I had to work double time. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to complete my plans by the time I graduate High School."

Leng Mo caught the cat by its tail as he reiterated the guy's words, "Plans? What plans?" His gaze scanned the entire convenience store then leaned over to learn more. His guts told him they were same. And it's fun acquainting oneself with someone alike.

"You might laugh at me if I told you," the guy's eyes turned into slits as his crooked smile showed. Seriously… Leng Mo has been casually talking to this guy but never knew his name. His gaze landed on the guy's name tag and took note of that name.

"Let me guess…" Leng Mo shifted his body mass to his right leg while relaxing the other, "Game Developing, right?"

Zhang Shun jolted back before he recovered his footing.

"How did you know?!"

Leng Mo gestured to his eyes then said, "I could see it in your eyes. We're kind of alike in that area so I could guess what your soul was screaming for (a world where dreams come true)." Then he munched down the rest of the sandwich and threw the plastic wrapper on a nearby trash bin. Another three points!

After a bout of distraction, Leng Mo answered,"I doing the same thing." Then turned around to the exit.

"I wish you success then. Perhaps we could be rivals one day," he said in the passing while acting cool as usual. It did not feel odd for him to talk amicably to another person whom he couldn't consider as a friend or an acquaintance. Leng Mo knew for himself that he was not really a cold person like the persona he showed the kids at school. It's even more true when facing someone alike and talented like him.

At such a young age, Leng Mo understood his strengths and weaknesses as he led a hopeful life years ago. Among all the strengths that he has, one of them was detecting and scouting people with potential. Those hidden gems that only his sharp senses can dig. He was so sure about someone being a talent when he saw one and for sure, Zhang Shun was one of those few.

Bringing out the other sandwich he bought, Leng Mo sniffed the aromatic barbeque along the street that made his stomach grumble. For the first time in his life, he regretted having sharper senses than the others—one of the cons of his strengths he was thinking about. He grew hungrier as he inched closer at the Barbeque Restaurant his family frequented.

The old and rustic yet homey restaurant.

Leng Mo stood in place while staring at a family of three, a grandpa with his two grandsons eating together. It still felt like yesterday when his grandpa dragged him into this restaurant to celebrate his birthday with his elder brother just like the picture before him. How absurd was he for not cherishing those moments?

Leng Mo gave himself a self-depreciating laugh and stepped back.

"Oh? Look who we have here?"

Leng Mo darted his attention on the man standing across him. He knew this man quite well—Mr. Zhou, the old waiter in the restaurant who used to serve their order back then. Also, his grandpa's acquaintance.

Scratching the back of his head, Leng Mo gave the old man an awkward smile.

Mr. Zhou looked at his face then down to the sandwich Leng Mo held in his hand.

"You haven't had dinner yet?"

"Uh no…. it's for my—"