Newfound Freedom

I opened my eyes and reached out, brushing against the Egg before it started flashing, which I found out later on, was actually me. The flashing was over in seconds, but it felt like hours that I was in euphoria. As I opened my eyes slowly, which I had closed due to the brightness I heard a gasp. I spun around and saw the two Riders had been thrown to the ground twenty feet away, while the twins stood at the foot of the stairs only a few feet away, seemingly unaffected, looking at me in awe. My eyes darted around to see what had happened and I saw a mirror. I crept up to it and what I saw shocked me and made me proud. I got tattoos as if to shout to everyone that I was a Rider now. One tattoo was on the left side of my face, covering it all and, when I lifted my shirt, it was twisting slowly around my torso, covering most of it also, until my stomach. The other one was on my right leg, and when I took off my shoe and lifted my pant leg, covering my foot and going until it met with the other tattoo, twisting and joining until you don't know which is which while still looking elegant. The lower one was black and looked as if an almost smokey or a shadowy substance was moving in my skin. The higher one was silvery-white, looking as if it was giving off a warm glow that I could almost convince myself I could feel. My eyes also changed into a toxic purple color, this made it look like my tattoo on my face had a real eye, and they looked like a cat's eyes, pupils slit, making me look as if I'm suspicious of everything I looked at. My hair hadn't changed, or so I thought, until the light hit it, revealing my black hair to be like a crow's feathers, shifting in and out of purples, blues, and blacks. I stumbled off of the stand before collapsing, my vision turning black, I saw the twins reaching for me before I waved them off, "Go. I'll be fine, get your dragons." Before I faded out, I saw them glance between me and the Egg, before sighing and walking over to the Egg, I sighed happily before blackness overcame me. When I woke up, the first thing I see is two people sitting on either side of my bed, seemingly sleeping. The next thing I notice is that the bed I was in wasn't, in fact, my bed. I glanced at my surroundings, noticing that everything looked double or triple the size it would be, even in a noble's house. I tried to get up but when I moved it alerted the two people next to my bed, startling them enough that they jumped and looked around, ready for an attack. 'They remind me of the twins, kinda...' But it couldn't be them because the boy had royal blue hair that faded to black at the roots and smoke-gray eyes while the girl had dark gold hair down to her hips and jade-colored eyes. I saw the tip of a golden dragon tail on the girl's collar bone before it disappeared under her shirt as the girl noticed nothing was wrong. The boy had a royal blue dragon tattoo peeking out from his long-sleeved shirt on his hand, the mouth, and a bit of a gray eye making it look as if it was a real dragon looking out mysteriously. I shook my head and looked at their faces before gasping, they WERE the twins, I would know their faces even if they were eighty years old. 'But that means that my dream about me being a Rider was true, right?' I gasped again as I lifted my shirt to see the two dragon tattoos still there, twinning in mystery. I let my shirt down again to see the twins looking at me again, both smiling happily before jumping on me to hug me. I laughed before pulling them down with me, glad that they would both be with me in our adventure as, "Dragon Riders..." I said it out loud. "We're Dragon Riders?"