Internal Bonds

Xian laughed, "I know, it's unbelievable..." I got up before seeing a pile of clothes on a chair. Arya spoke up behind me, "The Head sent us clothes to wear, those are yours."

"The Head?" I questioned while grabbing and looking at the shirt, seeing it was flexible while probably being better at protecting than some of the best armor in the kingdom. "Yeah, The Head of the Dragon Academy." I shook my head while going into the bathroom, "Of course we're at the Dragon Academy, we're Dragon Riders after all." I muttered as I put on the clothes, finding out that they were the perfect size for me. I put my waist-length hair up in a ponytail and made sure I didn't have any dirt on my face. I came out and Anya whistled and I giggled before twirling around. "You look so cute, girl!" Arya squealed and I laughed out laughed and I saw Xian smile. I blushed and pushed her playfully, which started a whole little civil war with pillows, Anya vs. me, and Xian, "Big Bro! How could you betray me like this, we're twins, aren't we supposed help one another!?" Xian just chuckled before chucking another pillow at her face, making her fall onto the bed her I jumped on her and struggled to keep her down until she forfeited. She did and then we finally decided to leave the room we were in to check the place out and find the Head to see what we were supposed to do. We gathered up our courage and walked out of the doors that led to the main hall. Right when we exited, multiple students looked at us, their eyes almost popping out of their sockets. I giggled but tried to keep a straight face while looking for The Head's office. We found it after a few minutes and knocked on the door. The doors opened on their own according to right after. I glanced at the twins before walking into the darkroom, with the doors slammed shut behind us. We were in darkness for a few seconds before lights bloomed into existence. What we saw almost blew our minds. Rows upon rows of eggs. Not just any egg either, they were dragon eggs! They were every color of the rainbow and more, glittering in the soft light and begging to be picked up. The only thing that's stopping us was an internal pulling, "You guys are feeling the pulling to right? I'm not going crazy am I?!" Arya, overdramatic as always, squealed while either looking around to see if anything was weird or where the pulling was coming from. "Nah, I don't think your any crazier than usual, sis. I feel it too." Xian chuckled as Arya slapped his arm. Xian frowned before slowly stepping the opposite way I was feeling the pull. I looked around to see if anything seemed like it could be a good hiding spot for attackers and didn't see anything. "Guys, I think that we should go towards the pull. Whatever we find, come back here in seven minutes, ok?" I announced. Xian and Arya nodded before full-on sprinting the way their pull was coming from seemingly. I dashed after my own pull, passing hundreds of eggs that I would have looked at if not for the pulling that I was feeling. The pulling was getting stronger, almost dragging me down corridors, making me lose track of where I was. When I started to slow down I noticed that the once filled with eggs corridors were now almost barren, only having doors with very intricate carvings in them. Flowers, trees, flames, wind, clouds, dragons, and other kinds of animals. I kept passing them without giving them a glance. At the very end of the corridor was a huge door. It looked like it was made for a huge adult dragon, I could barely see the top of the door, shrouded in shadows. The tugging pulled me towards the door and I walk slowly to the door, barely touching it when it creaked open. I stumbled when I saw what laid on the other side of the door. The inside looked just like in my dreams, a hallway leading to two cushions. On the laid two eggs. One was black with shadow-like mist drifting off it, reminding me of a summer ink night sky, warm and familiar. The other one was a bright white that glowed with radiant warmth. I slowly walked towards them and up the stairs, not taking in anything else except the eggs right in front of me. I didn't even notice that another kid had come in with me. I was just about to pick up one of the eggs when a voice made me jump five feet into the air. "You can't touch those without permission." I spun around and saw a girl with a smallish light blue dragon tattoo wrapped around her collar bone, looking as if a dragon was snugly wrapped around her neck like a scarf. She walked closer until she was at the bottom of the stairs. "Well, no one has been able to open this door for more than a thousand years and you waltz in and they open for you as if they were well oiled." She started up the stairs before the doors slammed open again and the twins ran in.