Fight for the Eggs

They each had an egg in their arms, and they ran with their arms wrapped around them as if they would never let them go. As they ran towards me and the light blue dragon girl, the girl saw them coming and started to twirl her hands in a complex pattern and they started to glow a soft vermillion before a ten-foot-long tiger lept seemingly out of her palms and into existence right in front of us. Before it could leap at them, I grabbed the short sword that was hanging off of her waist and jumped onto the tiger, stabbing it in its head before it disappeared, dropping me on my butt after. I heard a frustrated growl from behind me and I lept to the side before a set of dragon claws sunk into the ground right where I had been. "You can not steal those dragon eggs, thief!" The girl said before coming at me with a dagger. I felt and would remember forever, the exact moment when both of the eggs on the cushions cracked. It was as if a burning sensation started in the middle of the tattoos and started to spread until the painful vision of the tattoos was embedded in my mind. A piercing scream echoed through the hallway and I started to writhe in pain and almost passed out. There was a bright light before it was swallowed by an ink-black shadow and by the time I blinked away all of the dots in my sight I heard little chirps and squeaks coming from the place the eggs were. I looked over and saw two little dragons covered in eggshells, looking around confused and startled at all of the chaos around them. Through all of this, the girl, who I'm assuming summoned the tiger, still held a dagger and was trying to come at me, even though she was partially blinded for the moment. While I was looking at the girl, the dragons had jumped off the cushions and waddled towards me, eyes bright with intelligence and trust. Right, when I locked eyes with them I felt so protective of them that it hurt. I knew that I would protect these hatchlings until the day I die. While I was focused on the babies, the girl had gained enough of her eyesight that she saw the babies stumbling towards me. Right when she darted towards them to grab them and "protect" them from me, I felt pain in every fiber of my being. I almost passed out with pain, again god damn it, when it went away, leaving me in an unfamiliar, but at the same time, familiar body. As I looked down at my feet, I noticed that my whole body was the color of a purplish-black bruise, but without the sensitivity. I felt muscles I never had before twitch and a leather wing, that I seemed to be controlling, came into my vision. I flinch away from it before seeing an image in the window next to me. A fanged, sharp-angled face that looked wolfish glared back at me with glowing silver eyes. My new seven-foot body was all black, twelve-foot wings extended from my back and a tail with a snakehead came from the small of my back. I saw that the whole monstrous body was supported by sinuous hind legs that looked slightly cat-like that look made for dodging and leaping. I made different faces at the monster and it made them also. 'I'm this monster...' surprisingly, I wasn't scared, I was more wondering what the body could do. 'I'm about to find out' I thought as I saw a light blue dragon shoot itself at me with lips drawn back, revealing dozens of sharp teeth, to catch me. My wings snapped open and took one stroke up which shot me up into the air, almost making me hit the high ceiling before I slammed my wings closed, stopping me before I started to fall to the ground and into the dragons' open maw. My eyes widened before I opened my wings and angled them so I would stop falling and glide away from the dragon. Before I could come up with a way to attack the dragon, I felt a sudden protective instinct shoot up my spine and I spun around looking for the twin baby dragons. I saw my friends who were fighting off a golden bear and a white lion from reaching their own eggs but I only glance in that direction before the girl run off with my babies caught my eye. Something snapped in me and, with a quick thought that I should see a therapist because of all this uncontrollable emotion, I became furious. My eyes started glowing, slowly becoming red, and I felt all my muscles ripple before I launched myself towards the human who took my babies. They were struggling to get out of her arms but they looked as if they were unable to move their legs or mouth to defend themselves. I saw a few scratch marks on her which showed that they did get a hit or two off on her before being unable to anymore. I growled, shaking the ground as I landed in front of the human that was holding my babies. "You shall let my babies go, human, and I will spare your life." The words left my mouth before I could even think. She stumbles to a stop before a fierce flame sparked to life in her eyes. 'She's difficult, this one.' I thought as I slowly walked towards her. I knew she was scared, I also knew she was stupid, or brave, whichever one of them, and she wouldn't let go of them unless she was dead, 'That can be arranged.' I grinned, showing my fangs before leaping at her. Before I could reach her, I was pulled back by a rope that had wrapped around me, my teeth snapping closed right in front of her face before flying backward. I felt a burning sensation around my midriff, I looked down and saw a white rope around me. I growled before grabbing the rope and pulled it towards me. It burned my hands but it was stopping me from reaching my babies, so I will never let go until I kill all of the humans stopping me from getting to the twin dragons. As I pulled, the rope slowly started to burn my hands, surely leaving marks as I looked at the end of the rope to see who was there. Before I could pull the person out of the darkness so I could see them, another rope, golden this time, suddenly appeared on my body. I growled in frustration before using my wings that I held above me and beating them one, two, three times, pulling my body into the air and dragging the ropes with me.