
As I was doing this, my tattoos started burning. I screamed before my wings spasmed and I slammed into the ground, curling into a ball of pain. I heard whimpering and turned my head to see that my babies had a muzzle on both their snouts. They were trying to get out of them by clawing at it but all they were doing was hurting themselves. I whimpered as I moved, but I dragged myself over them. The human had put them on the ground and was talking to some other humans about how the twins and I had gotten in here and how I made the twins hatch. I reached my dragons and wrapped my wings around them before making quick work of the muzzles, hurting myself in the process as one of the ropes were wrapped right where the wings joined my body. I winced and the babies suddenly started to gnaw at the ropes, cutting through them in a few seconds. Right, when they finished chewing, the light in the ropes went out and I heard a few confused shouts before I felt someone grab my wings, pinching them together right at the top, stopping me from flapping them. I felt a weird sensation go through my body when the human touched my wings. I didn't like how it made me want to submit to whoever was holding my wings and do whatever they told me to do. I growled at the humans before the babies climbed up my arms and rested on my shoulders, twining together so they could have space enough to share and be able to stay there. When I felt babies on my skin I felt a calming energy flow through me, mixed with a bit of confused anger. I patted their heads before the human holding my wings yanked me again. I was filled with desire, clamping my mouth closed before a moan came out, glared at them, and stood up, towering over the humans at my full height. I yanked my wings out of the human's hand, folding them gently on my back and shaking myself, trying to get rid of that feeling. I heard a cracking noise and I dropped down to a crouch when a blue scaled, whip-like tail flew over my head. I spun around and glared at the dragon that was taller than me by two feet. Before doing anything else I decided to turn to a human so that they wouldn't attack me without feeling. A few seconds and a bright light later, I was one foot and three inches shorter, which messed up my coordination for a little, and I stumbled, and my babies yipped in dismay. I hushed them before looking at the other humans, who looked a bit surprised that I was now human. The girl that had been trying to steal my babies snapped out of the surprise quickest and started shouting, "The monster is just trying to trick us! It's trying to use our empathy to its advantage, it knows that we don't like killing our own kind! See, look at its eyes! They're glowing and fucking purple! And her hair, she's different! Who would ever trust that glowing eyes, color-changing hair, fucking shifting into a goddess forsook demon." And with that, she pulled out a glowing blue dagger and started charging at me. Before I could do anything, my babies jumped off my shoulders and literally grew in front of us, suddenly becoming the size of a large Doberman and had three times the ferocity bearing their teeth and growling, making the ground shake slightly. The girl fell to the ground and scrambled back, whimpering and reaching for her dragon, who was also slightly afraid. I let out a quick whistle and they fell back, slowly walking around me and expanding their wings so that they looked even more threatening, not letting any opening be a weak spot for me. A few seconds later the twins and their dragons came towards me. For a second I thought that my babies were going to attack them but their eyes started to glow and the twin dragon's eyes started to glow and my babies nodded their heads, letting both the human twins through their little pacing circle. The twins' dragons were half the size of mine but that didn't stop them from being just as ferocious. Every time one of the people would step towards us my twins would glare at them, if they still didn't move, the twins' dragons would jump off their humans and basically bark at them. It was a really loud noise that sounded as if a boulder and large metal disc had just collided. The noise surprised all of us at first, but now it just scares the humans outside the circle. What felt like hours later, we were still at a stalemate, but our dragons looked like they were waiting for something to appear. Suddenly, a large dragon walks through the doors and starts towards us. Its scales are a red bronze color, it's eyes glowing yellow. Its talons dig into the ground and its head is the size of a two-story house. When it reaches the humans they all bow down and move to the side, letting the dragon move by without touching it. When the dragon reached us, it lowered its head and took a big sniff of us, and opened its mouth. A little cloud of gold dust-covered us, slightly burning me before feeling like a soft and cozy blanket. I closed my eyes for a little, just taking in the feeling before opening them again and seeing a large red bronze snout in front of me. I didn't feel scared as I reached my hand out, but everyone gasped as I reached out and put my hand on it. As I did, a deep, rumbling voice spread through my mind and I almost fell to the ground at how ancient it felt, 'Hello Shifter-human. I am Bakrak, the King of Dragons and bond of the King of your land. Your power is something else, ancient, and I have told Carx, the Master of this school, about you already,' Barak raised his head and turned around, 'Come with me little one, I shall show you a tunnel to get you and your people to your rooms.' After Bakrak left my mind I felt slightly empty and looked longingly at my hatchlings, hoping that they could learn how to use mind speech soon.