War lurks in the dark


I throw my cigarette on the ashtray, drink from my glass, and lean back in my chair, females were so shallow and predictable, I watch a group of girls from the corner of my eyes gawking at me, I take another long drink from my cup, and push it towards the waiter again, he refills it and places it in front of me. Micheal decided to take his girl out today to go shopping or something and I've never loved being a third wheel, I would have loved it here, it was cool, nice music and wasn't crowded but the ladies, don't get me wrong, they are pretty and I love the attention I get from women but I hated how predictable they were, have a good face and drive a nice car and they'll be all over you. I wash with a bored expression as one of them finally walks over to me, " hello I'm Clara, you seem to be in need of a drinking partner" she says smiling and flashing huge boobs in my face, I smile back at her " nice boobs" she grins pleased with herself, "they're all yours baby" she says leaning closer to me, her boobs brushing the side of my hands, she places her hands on my legs close to my crotch and winks at me, I smile back at her, she has no idea what she's getting into, if I take her with me, the only way she'll come back out will be in a body bag, I down the contents of my glass and prepare to leave, turning back to her confused face, her blond her falling down her face I smirk "if the boobs weren't fake it would have been more appealing" I watch the confusion on her face turn to shock and embarrassment as I stroll out of the bar, but I stop abruptly at the door, ' WTF'  I scream in my head.

"Hello Jason"

"Hello Christopher" I reply

" We meet again" he smiles at me " isn't that a pleasant surprise?"

It is anything but pleasant but of course, I do not say this out to me, I force a smile and give a small nod

" Why are you here?" I ask him trying to be as polite as possible

"To have a drink and take home some pretty ladies of course" his smile broadens

He's eating at my patience, I hiss under my breath and try again

"I mean here in Bayvile, I thought you hated the sun"

His smile widens even more

" Sometimes it's nice to come out of one comfort zone, and the sun isn't too bad, you know it isn't too bad once you get used to it"

A low growl escapes my throat, the two huge men standing beside him showing little interest in our conversation move forward at the same time, I straighten up to my full 6ft height and broaden my chest, it's been a hundred years already, why will they suddenly come after me? The Vauquelin brother's don't just go places without a mission, except I wasn't the mission this time, then what was it, or who were they after, I stare at Christopher who was smirking at me now, they were baiting me, darn my temper, I give a small smile and move past him " I hope you don't get staked in your sleep" I don't look back to see his expression but I laugh a little as I hop In my car and drive away.

If Christopher is here, then the rest of the Vauquelins we're here, since the war that took place hundred years ago, they've been on the low, they haven't made any appearances until now, so what changed? And why Bayvile. Vampires avoided the sunlight, even the very few ones like me who possessed an objet sacré, stayed out of the sun as much as possible, whatever the reason for their sudden appearance here cannot be good. They knew I would be at that bar, he was trying to get on my nerves, the last time they wanted something there was a war, the biggest war in the vampire history.

I stop in front of Michael's house and park my car, his car isn't here, so they aren't back yet, I pull out my cellphone and dial his number, he picks it after the 4th ring," you need to come back home now" I say into the phone, "get  Mirabella out of there".

The call ends and I sit on the hood of the car waiting for them. Fifteen minutes later Michael parks his car in front of me and walks towards me holding Mirabella beside him. They stop two feet from me " are you okay?" Mirabella ask me, and Micheal's mouth lifts in a half-laugh, his evil laugh, what has he said to her,

" Why don't you go in the house, we'll join you," he says softly to her and she nods walking towards the house.

"What did you tell her?"

"Nothing" he shrugs looking away from me

Well, that wasn't important right away, there was something more pressing

" The Vauquelins are here" I inform him

He stares at me blankly for a while and then his eyes widen as he recalls

" The three brother's whom nobody messes with? What are they doing here? I thought you said they don't leave the snow? "

" I have no idea why they're here, but if they are here then they're after something"

" So, what does that have to do with us? " He asks confused at my worried expression.

Micheal is a newly turned, he has no idea what caused the great war, or what the Vauquelins are capable of, they were a symbol of power and royalty to the vamp race up until the war, since then they haven't made any big appearances again.

"I don't think it has anything to do with us at the moment, but we have to make sure they never find out about Mirabella," I say

" And why will they be bothered about her?" Mike asks lifting his brow

I let out another sigh, I can't tell him right now

" Let's just say they were acquainted with Cataline, and not on the friendliest of terms"

He nods as it becomes clear to him

" Oh," he says

" Do you think they're here because of her?" He asks the question that has been on my mind.