Great Moon pack

I have never been to a pack before, so this was new to me, hell all this was new to me.

we left Bayville about an hour ago all that rolled past us now were trees on both sides of the road. As we get close to the wolf town Michael slows down. We see a sign ahead with the inscription welcome to Jordan, 'wait the wolf pack town was Jordan?'

Jordan was a smaller town compared to Bayville but it had a lot more of the cool stuffs, all the rich kids at school always used to brag about coming here as they had one of the biggest malls and it was said that not everyone could get into the town. We get to a gate and two security agents flag us down, immediately they did they point their guns at us and ask us to get down from the car. One of the men spits on the ground while muttering " fucking vamps and demons"

Jason sighs as we all get down.