Disappearing Act

"Come on in" Alpha Marion's voice booms after the third knock, he seems to be very busy with something in his office. I push open the door and walk in, he comes out from a hidden corner I hadn't noticed before.

"sit Bella" he beckons to the chair in front of him as he takes his own sit.

I do as instructed but find it difficult to state my mission, something about Marion's appearance didn't look right, even his scent is off.

"Are you okay?"

"yes I'm fine" he answers hurriedly then as if worried that I wouldn't believe him, he quickly adds

"I'm just tired, its been a stressful day, with you going missing and all, how are you?"

"I'm fine" I reply, ' smart of him to move the worry from himself to me, really smart' I think.

"why are you here, do you need something?"

oh right, I almost forgot I had a mission here.

"we're attacking the demon king today as planned, you promised to give us some of your fighters"