
I hear faint whispers, feet shuffling, and blood on my lips, i open my mouth and hungrily devour the liquid, it is fresh and it is human. I squeeze the bag and feel my heart release in my chest.


I lay on the ground watching the blood flowing around me, the humans have finally fought back against the terror of the vampires, they stood their ground and won. I watch as they chant and cry out in victory, mothers crying over their dead sons, wives their dead husbands, everything going on in oblivion of the dying teenage boy, me. I most have lost a lot of blood because i pass out and wake up tied to a wooden table, just wide enough to contain my slim frame, my clothes are tattered and dirty. I see Antonio one of the vampires who owned me, walking towards me, 'wait, i thought he fled?'.

He stands at the head of the table, looking down at me with blood lust eyes. I've known him long enough to know that he was angry, really angry, those humans have no idea what they have done.