She heard Me

I blink my eyes a couple of times trying to adjust them to the light, my whole body is as stiff as a rock.

I turn my head to the side taking in the empty space on the bed where micheal should be, did he let me sleep in? But no, I remember the dream, everything that happened while I was asleep,daughter,the house, the chanters, the spells, all of it.

But was it just a dream or was it real? I should know the difference, I should.

I close my eyes and take in a deep long breath exhaling slowly.

I think of the events of the last few days as much as I can remember, my head throbs with pain.

I sieve through different memories in my head until I find the one I am looking for, myself and Micheal in the garden, I see it now clearly like I was back there.

I listen to the entire conversation watching Michaels scared and confused face, no wonder he looked so out of it that day, i scared the living crap out of him with my weirdness.