Everyone is Something

"I'm so proud of the way you handled everything out there today" Micheal is saying to me, I turn and give him one of my very big smiles. 

"At some point there I thought you were going to like go crazy and kill everyone, but the way you controlled yourself and just breathed through it is just amazing".

He walks up to me and plays with my stylishly styled hair, it took a lot of patience on the hair stylist part I must say, I still don't understand how people spend hours in saloons or in any one place letting people touch them and all.

" well, I also thought I was going to kill everyone, but I already promised you guys, I was going to be in control,so I did." 

"That's my baby girl".

Micheal says proudly lifting me off the chair and kissing me intensely on the lips, I hang on to his neck wrapping my legs around his waist, his hands gripping my butt firmly.