Chapter 3: The Recurring Nightmare

This transition was much like the last: fast, and painful. As I soared through the tunnel of darkness, light exploded around me until I slammed into my new shell. I couldn't believe it. Once again, I was being reborn as a clone in the future. A child born in a tube once again.

As a child, a Starseed's life is hazy. Instead of spoken thoughts, you think with emotions, most you don't even understand as your brain develops. Memories come in as dreams, some are sad, some bring great pain, some even bring joy and make you remember why you continue. This life would challenge my mental capacity like none other. Every day was the same, I slept, I dreamt, and I wept deeply within my soul.

The souls of my loved ones from all my earlier lives haunted me every night. To see their faces again, to feel their touch, to embrace them once more, I would give anything. Nevaeh, Aldrin, Lugal, Beth and so many more. I thought of them often. The memories of them filled me with joy; they were also followed by great depression. I wondered many times if this was all worth it. This everlasting life of remembrance. I had no idea the pain I would feel from so many different lives when I took hold of this destiny. Now I understood why most souls chose to never remember and refused this path, they were reborn over, and over, never wanting to remember anything.

The life of a Starseed was hard and painful. I needed to complete my mission and move on. Being stuck in this hopeless future wasn't doing any good for anyone. I wanted to give up,

"I could end it right now," I thought to myself staring out the window into the vast darkness on the surface of the moon.

I could walk out there right now and drift off into death once again. What's the point in that though? I would just come right back again; possibly a future even worse than this. I signed up for this, and I needed to finish it out. I removed myself from that way of thinking and pulled it together. The only way I was getting out of this life was to finish my mission, whatever it may be.

In time I learned to bury the feelings of my loneliness and despair; deep in my mind. The sorrow and grief of remembering how some of the ones I loved lost their lives had plagued me with guilt and remorse. I was torn by how weak I had been, I could have done more. I couldn't lose anyone else, so, in this life, I chose to not get close to anyone. I promised myself I would get stronger, and never feel like this again.

By the time I was a teenager in this familiar life, I had remembered everything and everyone from every life before. I thought a lot about my children I had in Mesopotamia and Atlantis. I hoped they had lived great lives. I pondered on what happened to the ancient Anunnaki. Where were they in all of this? I trained harder than I ever had. I soon learned what became of Beth. She was a decorated war hero, who gave her life to end the war. She died shortly after I had, in my life before. Her warship had sustained so much damage from the enemy gunfire during the battle. All seemed lost, the reptilian command center still stood strong firing back upon Beth and her crew, the ships were irreparably damaged. There was only one thing left to do for the success of the mission, she would save the lives of many of those on earth. She evacuated the ship, the crew escaped into life pods back to earth. Beth stayed behind and chose to crash the entire ship into the orbiting enemy command center. Every crew member aboard that had not evacuated sacrificed their lives with her that day. Beth and all of those that were under her command in that battle did not die in vain. There was peace on earth for over fifteen years. The reptilian fleet was crippled, the rest of Earth's warships decimated the reptilian fleet after the command center fell. They erected statues and memorial sites for her and all that died. Including myself.

Everyone on earth believed the war to be over; that all was finally as it should be for those left living on the planet. The galactic federation set up a base on the moon and began breeding us again for defense, they also built many military bases on the moon for quick battles in space. This is where I was born and trained. I never got to step foot on earth in this life. My whole life was confined to the moon.

Technology had rapidly evolved since the end of the war. The humans did not stop creating clones or building more warships. The planet was surrounded by starships and warships. Humanity would never be caught off guard again. Many believed we had destroyed all that remained of the reptilians.

I never did.

By the time I turned fifteen, I would learn I was right. The fifteen-year peace ended abruptly. The reptilians came back even harder than before. Their ships were much more advanced than before. The war raged on once again. For the first three years of the war, the reptilians struggled fighting back against the federation. Humanity had the support of the galactic federation and this time every planet that it had an alliance with. We thought we were unstoppable,

Oh, how wrong we were.

On my eighteenth birthday, I was cleared for active duty. I was not allowed to pick my job this time. I was assigned to the ground defense of the moon. The reptilians had adopted our technology and methods, they now had droppers of their own, they too would launch their troops in capsules to the moon trying to sabotage the defense systems. For years, their efforts failed.

Till that day.

I'll never forget it, as thousands of ships warped into sight surrounding the moon. Immediately firing upon every one of our ships. I was patrolling the moon gazing off into the cosmos, mapping the stars, and reminiscing on my lives in other worlds. I remember watching in horror as each draconian warship zipped into sight, immediately firing high-powered beams, it took a while for each beam to charge but with every blast, the earth ships were obliterated. Their shields barely held up; many were destroyed almost instantly. Destroyed warship debris and bodies of clones aboard them crashed into the moon all around me, I ran back to base as fast as I could, dodging the debris being pulled onto the moon, my heart was racing as explosions pushed me sideways, I almost didn't make it.

I barely made it before the reptilian ground troops started slamming onto the moon, appearing from capsules of their own now. Thousands of them scattering everywhere. I didn't understand how this could be happening? Why such force, why now?

They were tired of losing.

The reptilians attacked us with all their might that day. It was do or die for them. They sent everything they had left at us, desperate to accomplish the destruction of humanity. If they succeeded in this carnage, the death toll would be enough to satisfy Nergal, their god of death.

The enemies rushed towards us; we were highly outnumbered. We all were equipped with armored suits to survive the climate of the moon. Our suits deflected many of the shots they were firing at us. The reptilians quickly gave up firing their laser cannons at us and began to charge upon command. A group stood back and set up several miniature beam rifles. Once these charged, they tore our suits apart. We had to act quickly, or we would all surely die.

The commander of the reptilians stood atop a large pile of debris, screeching loudly as if he was ordering them all to charge at us. He pulled out a large plasma sword that resembled a wide claymore, shoving it into the air as he continued to roar. They made it clear, they were ready to die to get to us. Thousands rushed at us all at once, we fired upon them as much as we could, but it did nothing. They too were protected from our weapons by the suits they wore. We pulled out our plasma swords and prepared for close combat. The sheer force would be the only way we could penetrate their suits. I watched from the back of the lines as my men were torn apart. Hundreds were cut into pieces right before my very eyes. The only way to penetrate our suits was to behead us. Our helmets were weak along the seal of our suit's neck lining. Many of my men were thrown into the air as other reptilians pounced on them, tearing their suits off, most dying of suffocation before ever tasting the draconian plasma sabers. The pieces of their bodies floated off somewhere, forever adrift on the moon.

I ran into battle as quickly as I could; trying to save all that I can. I pulled both of my plasma swords out and charged into battle, with each step I swung my swords, constantly killing any reptile standing in my way. I danced along the battlefield, it was like an exotic dance of blood and sparks. Killing reptilians was an art to me at this point. Many tried to come after me I sent them off to their god with the heat of my plasma weapon. I made sure it was the last thing they tasted before being greeted by death. I killed so many I lost count. I quickly realized their suits were not as strong as ours. At each of their limbs, they also had weak points. I targeted their legs and as they slowly fell, I simultaneously decapitated them one by one. I glided along the battlefield, using my suit to control the gravity, twisting my swords into each reptilian, my weapons never had a chance to breathe, sizzling under the immense amount of blood engrossed over them. With each slash and thrust, I gutted, severed, decapitated one by one.

Blood and body parts floated all around me, I was unstoppable. Until I heard the screeching roar of their leader once again, the reptilian commander directly challenged me. This one was large at least ten feet tall and twice my size. The thought of these things slaughtering Aldrin and Nevaeh set a flame in my heart, rage boiled within me. The beast came at me with rocket boosters attached to his suit; flying slightly above the ground. He swung his sword at me as he thrust around on his boosters at lightning speeds, I guarded with each blade, every swing of his weapon knocked me back, further, and further. We were locked in a battle to the death. Blinding sparks of our swords surrounded us as they clashed together. The creature mocked me and laughed the whole time. It was having fun. I landed many blows on it, I even managed to damage its suit badly. I thought I had finally won once I spun around slicing off his hand and disarming him, he started to retreat, quickly sealing its suit shut. He blasted off using the jet boosters again, his ship hovered above us, he boarded it and took off quickly. I took off after him, firing the thrusters in my suit, hurling myself into deep space blinded with anger, hatred filled my heart I had to kill these monsters,

it was then I saw what was really happening.

It was all a distraction; enemy warships were retreating not because they were losing but because they had already won.

While the battle was being fought, they had separate reptilian groups drilling holes into the moon and setting quark bomb charges everywhere. Once the reptilians got far enough away in their draconian warships, they blew the bombs. The moon blasted into hundreds of large pieces. I watched in utter terror as I saw the destruction of the moon, the blast blowing me back deeper into space. The memories of my father Aldrin poured in. I swore I would protect him, and I failed again. The pain in my heart weighed heavy. The blast pushed me so far back all I could do was watch the end of it all as I struggled to stabilize myself. The pieces of the moon flew everywhere crashing into so many of our warships and those that were a part of the federation's alliance. The ships exploded and many came crashing down onto the earth. That wasn't the worst part. The biggest pieces of the moon were sent flying straight into the earth. Each one crashing into the shielded systems until it couldn't hold on anymore. Too many direct hits destroyed the shield systems; allowing all the debris of the battle and the large moon rocks to come crashing down into my beautiful blue home. I watched as the land began to Ignite all around the globe, then in a blink of an eye the draconian ships left behind a large beam cannon, it had finished its charge, it fired one last time upon us, a great beam went hurling through space and directly hit the planet, the earth cracked into pieces and then exploded.

All of us were caught up in it as we watched the reptilians warp out of our solar system, scattering away as fast as they could. How could this be happening? Everything I loved and all those I wanted to protect was gone, instantly. Once again, I was too weak to stop it. I promised myself, I promised them,

Nevaeh, and Aldrin, I would protect them this time.

Finally, the blast of earth caught up to me deep in space. My life ended in another bright flash, it was over.

The light slowly started to fade, and I was standing in a field surrounded by stone monoliths. I could feel the wind blowing against my face, the smell of flowers in the ground everywhere. I heard the waves of the sea crashing down below me as I stood atop a majestic mountain. The skies were green and planets I had never seen before riddled the skies. I had no idea what was happening or where I was. I felt at peace though. It was finally over. I thought I was no longer going to be reborn after so many failures.

As the peace of the land settled around me, I fell to my knees and began to weep a river of tears, all my emotions poured out of me, the dead lost in that horrible war hindered my heart. The planet I loved so much, and the moon that protected it for so long.

Were all gone.

Her moon was forced to destroy the thing he loved the most. As I screamed out alone in pain; a voice called out to me.

"Be still and find peace again Starseed". It spoke, the tone of its voice was majestic.

" Your pain is felt amongst us all," another voice almost identical said, they sounded so familiar.

I began to look around me, the stones glowed brightly as the beings of light from the Pleiades began to come out from them as if the stones were a doorway to some heavenly realm. Insignias on each stone glowed brightly at the tips of the monoliths. I felt the ground vibrating and began to pull myself together and stand tall in front of them.

"We have been watching you young Starseed." The beings began to all speak the same thing at once.

"Fear not, we have shown you this life so that you may be prepared for when that moment comes again," Their voices echoed and boomed around me as they spoke.

I cried out "I have failed all of you, the earth was destroyed and all of humanity is gone now because I was not strong enough!"

"What you have just witnessed is the inevitable outcome of earth and all of humanity if you should not succeed in your missions. All of what you have just lived has not happened in your dimension yet." They said.

Baffled and confused, I did not know what to even say.

The beings then began to speak again.

"You now must return to your dimension and continue living until you can stop that future from happening. If you are to fail this time, there will truly be no hope left for them."

I felt relief at first, then it turned to anger.

"Are you telling me all of that was a lie? None of that was real!" I shouted

They stayed silent for a moment. Then spoke again

"What you have lived has happened, and yet it hasn't. It was within another universe, one which we could not save the earth."

Every time they gave me an answer I had even more questions, what they were saying made no sense. Dimensions? What were they talking about? I began to ask them what they meant by that, but then everything around me started to fade and they began retreating into the stones.

"We have run out of time young one. You must go now and complete your next lives on earth, everything that comes next for you will decide the fate of the earth and all that lives within it. You must make the right choices. You must stop that outcome from ever happening in your dimension, you must succeed!". They pleaded.

Before I could even respond I was sucked into the tunnel in the afterlife once again. This transition was easy and peaceful nothing like my last few lives. When I reached my shell, I could tell I was back. The Anunnaki surrounding me as I was born again. This brought boundless joy to me. The scenery was much different than before. But I knew I was back home again.

I was reborn on Atlantis many years after Enki had settled. My granddaughter and Enki had long been gone. Leaving behind an amazing civilization. I was confused at first why other Anunnaki were here in Atlantis; something must have happened. 

Chapter 4: Atlantis and The Nephilim

Available now

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