Chapter 4: Atlantis and The Nephilim

Atlantis was magnificent, divided into several different islands. Each surrounding one after another in a ring formation. The Anunnaki were directly on the center island; the smallest island. Each island was divided by a body of water, making several different island rings, each island growing larger the farther you went from the center. Each Island was split through by water straight down the center of the circle, where small ships entered, traveling in between the islands. Every opening port welcomed you with statues of Enki and Enlil. They stood proud and tall looking off into the distance, their presence intimidating all. Water poured down like a waterfall from off the walls around the cities, supplying small rivers for the villagers of each island. The center island is where I was born. Here is where the Anunnaki took the firstborn to be raised in their ways. On the outskirts of the islands lived the natural-born Hybrids. Beings naturally conceived and born by one Human parent and one pure-blooded Anunnaki. These beings were enormous, they were nothing like us, our DNA was only spliced by what the Anunnaki wanted to be altered. These beings had wild uncontrollable genes. They were known as The Nephilim of Atlantis; these beings grew incredibly tall, some fifteen feet, and were extremely strong. They lived in the largest part of Atlantis. 

After Enki conceived a child with a human woman, many of the other Anunnaki decided to stay on earth with him and join in creating Atlantis. I was born 50 years after the death of Enki; Mesopotamia was still thriving, and a new civilization was being constructed by Enki's son, Osiris, named after the planet, that pained Enki's heart so much. Osiris called the land Ke-met, this land would later be known to the world as Egypt.

It was said, he had already begun building an extraordinary culture there and made his father proud before Enki's passing. Anunnaki would live to be one thousand years old on average, and their hybrid offspring inherited long lives as well. Much of the culture was the same as before. Technology had advanced immensely; water wheels powered many things in the cities. The homes were made of gold and stone, beautiful statues stood on every corner of the streets. Fruit and fish were sold in the market districts of the cities. People were everywhere, the population had grown one hundred times over than what I had seen before.

My childhood was a happy one, we were raised and taught by the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had only started taking a small number of children now. They did not need to rapidly increase the evolution process of humanity any longer. We were the last group the Anunnaki would raise before they needed to return to their planet. Humanity would be unrecognizable to them when they returned. The Anunnaki who decided to stay were incredibly old and would not live much longer. They lived on the outer islands with their offspring. The ones who taught us had not had children with humans. They only wished to care for and teach us. The Anunnaki who had children with humans were forbidden to be near us hybrids.

Enki's first son, Marduk, was born many years before Osiris, before Enki took a human wife, he was with an Anunnaki woman who died years ago. Marduk was a great king and ruler of all of Atlantis, his greatness was known across the lands and was rivaled only by his cousin, Ninurta. Back in Mesopotamia, Enlil had returned to their mothership in orbit, Enlil was incredibly old now and was only being kept alive by the ship's support systems. Enlil wanted to be buried back on Nibiru. A process Enki refused upon taking a life as a human.

For the time being Ninurta, Enlil's son saw to the last several years of govern-ship of the earth and their growing civilizations. The many Nephilim offspring created by the Anunnaki had angered Ninurta, for he was not as kind and forgiving as his father and grandfather. In his eyes, all the Nephilim were abominations. They were neither human nor Anunnaki but something else. He thought of them as big dumb brutes, only good for war, and they knew this,

it angered them to be looked down upon like this. The Nephilim began to have intense resentment towards their Anunnaki rulers, only Marduk was kind to them, and he would be the only god they would follow.

Everyone feared what would become of Atlantis when he returned to Nibiru. When I became a young teenager, we began intense physical training to prepare us for any battle, should there ever be the need. I was the best there was at first, no one could top my skills for war. Having lived the life of a warrior so many times; these things came naturally to me. Until one day, I met her. She was known as Tiamat, named after a great goddess. Tiamat was an old god, worshipped by the ancient Anunnaki themselves.

Tiamat was born on a voyage back to Atlantis, her parents were returning from a visit to Ke-met. She came right in the middle of the ocean during a great storm. It was said that the goddess Tiamat herself gave the child life, for her birth was impossible. The violent waves from the storm calmed only around the boat, the violent winds raged around them within the seas, it was said to never have been felt near the boat. The storm raged around the boat as it safely drifted through the seas, untouched by the chaos of mother earth.

Tiamat had big, beautiful, blue-green eyes, light brown skin, and long red hair. One day, while we spared in the training grounds; she laid me out on the ground. With one swoop of her staff, I was knocked down, I had been love-struck ever since. She carried herself like a great warrior who had seen many battles and defeated me at everything. I did not care one bit; she was the most Intelligent one of us all and I loved it. One day I gained the courage to confess my love for her, trembling as I walked up behind her and yelled,

do not ask me why I decided to yell, I was a nervous wreck.

I needed to do this so the others knew I loved her, and I would one day seek to choose her as my wife, she was gorgeous, and unique, many of us favored her, when It came time to be placed with our partners, I would make sure I could choose her


I embarrassingly yelled

She turned around to look at me.

"One day I would like to make you mine, I will find the favor of the gods and make you my wife if you would have me?" I proclaimed to her.

She turned to me giggling, and with these words she responded with, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"If the gods deem it so, then so it shall be", she said with the biggest smile on her face and then quickly scattered away with her friends.

Time stood still for me for a second, those words I thought?

"Could it be?".

Those same words I once said to Lugal hundreds of years ago. Could it have been a coincidence, or was she Lugals spirit reincarnated, surely, she couldn't still remember something like that? Her eyes were the same color as lugals, I had to know. I finally managed to move from my sudden frozen shock. I ran after her; I could not find her though. I looked everywhere before I was found first by my Anunnaki teachers. We were being summoned to the temple; we were told Osiris had returned from Ke-met to meet with his elder brother Marduk. He wanted to see the progress in the training of us as warriors, he was going to choose one of us to come back to Ke-Met to lead his guards. There had never been any war on earth since they arrived, but for some reason Marduk and Osiris wanted warriors. It was strange to us, nevertheless, we obeyed our gods. Three of the best students were chosen to battle Osiris himself in a mock battle, in front of the whole city to see. Tiamat, I, and another hybrid known as Utama were the brightest and strongest of them all. They provided us with pure Anunnaki steel spears and armor. We had only one objective, to cut him once and he would yield. The one to make the laceration would be taken to Ke-met, to lead the royal guard.

None of us were particularly excited about this, as Osiris was a Nephilim. The biggest and strongest of the Nephilim; feared and loved by all humans. I was enormously proud of this, as Osiris was also my grandson in a previous life. I could see the resemblance of my daughter within him, her light brown skin, her green eyes, her red hair covering his head and beard, he had long ginger red hair pulled back into a small ponytail. The rest of him resembled his father Enki. His enormous build, his height exceeding that of them both, Osiris was a monster.

The time came and we three all lined up to enter the battlegrounds, as the gate opened, Osiris stood in the middle of the field waiting for us, his spear laid across his shoulders as his arms drooped over it. The people of the city, surrounding us. The anticipation was painted all over their faces. Osiris was the only one of the Nephilim permitted to be around other hybrids or have any rank in the city. Osiris was the only one Ninurta would not protest out of respect; for his uncle Enki, and cousin, Marduk. As we got closer to Osiris he began to speak.

"Come closer children, ready your spears. Just because you are children, do not expect me to go easy on you!" He laughed while he spoke

"Get ready now. Come show me what my dear brother has taught you!" His shouts echoed around the walls as he prepared himself to fight us, twirling his spear in the air and around his back.

Osiris looked back at Marduk; Marduk nodded his head. Before I even had time to return my gaze to Osiris, in a flash he appeared before me, I quickly threw my spear up in time and guarded against his attack. My guard made contact with his spear, effectively blocking his attack, his face grinning inches from my own. He swung again as I still defended with my spear. The force sent me gliding back this time on the sand, many feet away from the rest of them. He tossed his spear up in the air catching it by the end, and immediately spun around slamming down on Tiamat. She threw up her spear and guarded it in time, be struck her spear with so much force, it broke her spear in half. I ran to her as fast as I could as Osiris engaged in battle with her. She used the broken halves of her spear like batons, to guard Osiris's bombardment of attacks. She counter attacked, he guarded but was pushed back some. Osiris grinned, he got more serious and walked to her, she charged him and leaped into the air flipping around, trying to land a heel kick to his neck. Osiris immediately ducked down, dodging her. He dashed to her left and roundhouse kicked Tiamat so hard, she was sent flying away many feet away.

I had just arrived close enough to attack again when Utu came sliding beneath Osiris's legs, trying to cut his Achilles. Osiris raised his legs by jumping, just in time, Osiris rammed the blunt end of his spear into his forehead, knocking utu unconscious as the impact of the spear caused the back of his head to smack on the ground. Osiris turned to me, I prepared for an attack when suddenly, Tiamat appeared in the air behind Osiris, she almost caught him off guard, but he managed to place his spear behind his back, guarding against her attack, just in time. I rushed forward and like lighting Tiamat and I simultaneously began attacking. Osiris backing away successfully guarding against every attack we threw at him.

He began to laugh and yelled

"Yes, young ones, yes! What Incredible strength you two have!" He was enjoying every second of it.

Tiamat and I knew the only advantage we had was to attack together. We were relentless, pushing him farther and farther against the wall. For a moment, it seemed we could do this, together we could beat him. Until Osiris leaped into the air front-flipping over us, still guarding, as we attacked him in the air. It was at that moment in just for a split second, when we turned around to face him, he now had the advantage. He attacked us both extremely fast, we had mere seconds to guard each attack. Finally, I saw an opening, I turned around, sliding behind him. I attacked him from behind, he had no choice but to guard. We had the upper hand again, Tiamat attacked his front, while I hit him from the back. After several guarded attacks, I finally tricked him into guarding a fake strike. I stopped mid-way and shoved the point of my spear at his hands, forcing him to drop his spear or be cut on the hand. I quickly pushed Osiris back as he dodged each of our blows, now unarmed. I kicked Osiris's spear off the ground to Tiamat as I continued to attack, she now came at him with his spear and her broken one. He was serious now, dodging every strike we lunged at him. Osiris then finally managed to grab his spear from Tiamat. She held on for dear life as he pulled the spear and her up off the ground launching her at his face. At that moment, I managed to finally get so close to his leg, I thought I had him, this was it I thought, as I went to cut his shin with the tip of my spear, he slammed the end of his spear down, snapping the tip of mine off.

"It is Finished!" Marduk shouted, the bass in voice silenced all; everyone stopped in their tracks.

The people stopped screaming and cheering immediately, as I looked up, I saw Tiamat holding on to the back of Osiris's. She had his ponytail wrapped around one of her hands; her legs wrapped around his neck. In her other hand, the half-broken spear at his throat, a small drop of blood sliding down his neck. Osiris's face was so serious at first, and then he began to laugh.

"Good, young ones, amazing job you two."

He shouted with a smile in defeat.

Tiamat let go of Osiris and dropped down to me, she winked at me as she walked away, still holding the bloody spear; like a trophy. She made her way back to the gates. I was so lovestruck, she was incredible.

Osiris still laughing as he slammed his giant hand on my shoulder, it felt like a boulder crashed into me. We walked back to the gates together and spoke.

"What a queen that one would make someone one day, eh boy."

He said proudly.

"My Queen, my lord" I blurted out unexpectedly,

Osiris stopped laughing and his face became serious.

"I only meant that I hope one day the gods would find favor in me and allow me to ask Tiamat to be my wife."

I nervously said.

Osiris quickly smiled again and bent down towards me

He whispered,

"then I shall ask Marduk to take you both back with me as well, then you can always have your queen, how does that sound young one?."

As he shook my shoulder grinning widely, I thought he was going to tear my arm off

I couldn't believe it, I was so thankful he would do something like that for me.

I began to obviously thank him,

"Oh, great lord, if you would do that for me, I would pledge to protect you and yours for the rest of my life, an many lives to come." I humbly said.

Osiris, glanced at me, almost confused by my offer. We had made it back into the gates as the heavy doors shut behind us, osiris told me to wait for him, I would be summoned soon.

I caught up with Tiamat as fast as I could to tell her the news. She was just as thrilled as I when she heard. Together we would make the forces of Ke-met unstoppable. Those words she said to me still echoed in my mind. I took the chance to ask her finally.

"Tell me Tiamat, the words you said earlier, If the gods deem it so, then so it shall be. Why did you respond with that?"

She looked at me confused at first like she did not know what to say.

"Someone I cared for deeply once said them to me," she said.

"Who was that Tiamat?" I asked desperate to know.

"someone who is no longer here," she replied

"another man?" I jokingly said.

Her face turned red and she started to become irritated by my questions.

"I don't think it's any of your business who it was, and it was a woman actually!" she said as she started to storm off.

'Wait Tiamat, please" I yelled

She did not stop, I had to know the truth.

"LUGALBANDA, MY GREAT KING, MY LOVE, please, wait" I screamed.

Tiamat stopped dead in her tracks, she slowly turned around and raised her broken spear ready to attack.

"Why did you call me by that name" As she rushed to me with her broken spear, pointed at me.

"It is me, my love, it is Ninsu".  I said, revealing the name I was known by in Mesopotamia.

She stopped short of my face and lowered her weapon. She smiled, dropped her spear, and hugged me, sobbing. Sadness filled my soul, I could feel the pain release from her. She had lived through some terrible things. Horrors I couldn't even imagine. Eons of lives drowned in a dark sea of death.

She told me her story; to my Surprise, Tiamat lived on Nibiru during the great war, she was killed in the attacks as a young woman just enlisted on a warship. She met the beings of light in death in a great field much as I had seen before this life, she was given the chance to continue being reborn as a Starseed. She lived many many terrifying lives across the galaxy. Lives of a reptilian, and those being effected by their torment. The pain from those lives haunted her. She drifted off before being reborn finally as Lugal King of Mesopotamia. Once she passed in that life, she was reborn many years in the future as a great warrior known as Beth. My heart dropped and beat uncontrollably. When I told her I knew her in that life too, she admitted her reciprocated feelings for me in that life as well. I had always known deep down, beth loved me too. We had managed to fall in love many times without even knowing it. After the great war of the future, she was reborn once more as a clone who died when the moon blew up, just as I had been. I couldn't believe it; we were more in love at that moment than we had ever been before.

We snuck away to a dark hallway near us, as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in, our lips touched again for the first time in forever. That first kiss was like an explosion of emotional images in our heads, of every species we had ever lived as, holding each other close. I grabbed her hands, interlocking my fingers with hers, and pulled them above her head against the wall. I kissed her neck and cheeks and lips, slowly, passionately. We stopped for a moment to look into each other's eyes, her blue-green eyes pierced through my soul.

"I loved you then, I love you even more now, and ill love you forever and always for all eternity,"

I whispered in her ear. She overpowered me after I said that, throwing my hands off her as she jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist, holding my face, kissing me vigorously. Just then we were interrupted by a man's voice calling for Tiamat. She smiled and kissed me one last time,

"Gotta Go," she said.

She pulled herself together and walked out of the dark hallway we had hidden in. Then the man hollered for me next. I walked out of the same spot. The man was genuinely concerned for a moment, you could tell he wondered what we were doing, he did not dare question it.

"Lord Marduk and King Osiris request your presence in the great hall" he shouted to us over-pompously.

We made our way to the main hall and stood in wait. I took a piece of charcoal I found near the lanterns and tore a piece of cloth from my shirt, drawing a symbol I had seen on the stone monoliths each light-being appeared to me from, in my death before. It was a large triangle with a giant circle in the center and a smaller circle in the center of that. Three lines came out of the small circle, one to the west of the triangle, one to the south, and another to the east. Each line is connected to another small circle outside the triangle. I gave the cloth to Tiamat, I told her if we ever got separated again to remember this symbol and wear it proudly, so that I could always find her again. She smiled, then hid it away in her cloak.

The time came and the doors opened to the great hall, Osiris stood tall in the center of the hall, his brother Marduk sat next to him in a throne chair, both now ready to receive us and give us their decision. I was nervous, I couldn't be separated from her again. 

Chapter 5: The death of the Nephilim

Available now

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