Chapter 5: The Death of the Nephilim

"Come in children!" A voice much like that of our god Enlil had shouted, we froze in fear for a brief moment,

the door loudly shutting behind us. Ninurta appeared from the shadows, Ninurta, being Enlil's son was God of All Gods. We dropped to our knees and bowed before the most high. Marduk rose from his chair and greeted his cousin. Marduk sat back down and Ninurta came to us.

"Oh, rise dear children, please get up," He said as he stood a foot away from us.

We rose, Ninurta was a powerful presence to feel. I had not felt such intimidation since the days of Annu's rule. This was indeed a pure-blooded Anunnaki.

"Amazing performance on the battlefield you two, I'm incredibly pleased with the training my dear cousin has given you.

Ninurta turned his attention toward Marduk upon saying this.

"Dear cousin, do tell me how the preparations for your return home are going," He asked of Marduk.

"They are going fine Ninu" Marduk replied

"You know I don't like it when you call me that, Marduk." Ninurta scolded him

"I'm well aware," Marduk said laughing, shortly being joined by the laughter of Osiris who stood beside him.

Ninurta glanced at Osiris. Osiris immediately stopped laughing and began coughing a little.

Ninurta returned his attention to us.

"So, tell me Marduk, which one of these fine warriors will you choose to go to Ke-met with Osiris," Ninurta asked.

"Well, I was thinking of sending both at the request of Osiris," Marduk said.

"Do you think that wise, my cousin, sending off your two best warriors while the Nephilim become so restless?" Ninurta asked with concern.

We had heard nothing of the Nephilim causing trouble in the outer cities before this.

"Now, now, Ninurta, this mustn need to be discussed in front of the children" Marduk exclaimed.

"What's that Marduk; gone soft now? Do you not want the children to know the horrors the Nephilim have committed?" Ninurta began to say with a stern tone.

Marduk rose from his chair and shouted

"I said that is enough cousin, I will not have the children judge the beings based on the actions of a few! "

Marduk's voice echoed through the halls, even taking Ninurta off guard for a moment.

Ninurta became angry and yelled even louder at Marduk


Marduk calmed down, he sat back on his throne and said,

"Forgive me, cousin, it would seem I have lost my temper. I Humbly apologize."

Ninurta, stood there silently and sternly starting at Marduk, he then began to walk to the doors in the back to exit the hall, on his walk he said.

"Marduk, if you can spare the children you may send them with Osiris first thing in the morning."

"Thank you, my lord," Osiris managed to get out as Ninurta continued talking.

"One last thing, Marduk you will name Osiris successor of Atlantis and Ke-met. He will be taking my place in Mesopotamia as well when we leave for home. Is that understood, He is the closest thing to royalty left, and I will not have the Nephilim overpowering the humans for control of the lands. He will rule until he has chosen human successors. Osiris you will protect the humans at all cost is that understood?" Ninurta demanded.

Ninurta stopped walking and turned around to look at Osiris since he did not answer him.

Osiris stood speechless staring off into the distance, shocked by the great weight just placed on him.

"I asked you a question Osiris," Ninurta said gritting his teeth at his defiance.

Osiris pulled himself together and replied.

"it's understood, my lord."

Marduk chimed in as Ninurta turned around and continued walking down the hall until he disappeared again into the shadows only shedding light in as he opened the doors.

"Do you think that wise, Ninurta? The Nephilim may resent this choice without speaking to them first." Marduk asked

"Send Osiris and the young ones to talk to your beasts then Marduk." Ninurta laughed as he said this.

Ninurta held the door open waiting for Marduk,

"Come now father wants to see you, he may not have much longer. Come say your goodbyes."

Marduk looked at Osiris and told him to take us and head to the seventh city with one of his messengers. We must make this announcement. He congratulated Osiris and walked out of the hall. Osiris stood for a bit speechless, staring off into the distance. Eventually, he turned to us and smiled, no longer showing his shock. He smiled at me and spoke

"you owe me, one kid!" He said with a chuckle

I could never repay him for what he had just done. Osiris instructed us to get geared up and meet him in his boat. We had never been allowed out of the inner city before, certainly not the last island of Atlantis. On our trip down the water, to the City of the Nephilim, Osiris decided to tell us the story of the Nephilim. Tiamat and I listened as she sowed the cloth I gave her to the inside of her robes.

Osiris told us Anunnaki lusted after human woman, it was an exotic experience none had felt before. After Enki had shown how he was able to make Osiris a great warrior and loyal to the Anunnaki. Annu decided to allow the natural birth of hybrids in the city of Atlantis only. As the Nephilim were born one after another many of them grew up with too much ego and began to look down on humans. One day, a few decided to kidnap and murder a few humans for walking in front of them in the streets. Their bodies were found in the woods, outside the walls. It looked as if animals tore apart their bodies, Enki knew no animal did this.

He sought out the Nephilim who committed these disposable acts and had them all publicly executed. He then confined the rest of them to the seventh island. He banned the natural birth of all Nephilim once again. Anunnaki was once again forbidden to partner with a human woman. Enki even had to banish his innocent son Osiris. Osiris left Atlantis and pursued lands of his own. He did everything he could outside the walls to please the gods again. He grew farms and mined resources all by himself. He made statues in the image of his father and uncle. Enlil, pitying his dear nephew sent many humans to live with him in Ke-met. They trusted him, he built an entirely new civilization in their honor, with only humans and himself. This pleased the gods so much they decided to restore his titles and allowed him to return to Atlantis when he wished. Osiris spent the last few years of Enki's life with him. Enki was so proud of his son. He died peacefully in his sleep and was buried in the center of the city. His body laid in a tomb that was deep beneath my feet my whole life and I never knew.

Marduk took over the city of Atlantis after the death of Enki and began to ease the tensions of the Nephilim. He took pity on them and knew they were not all like those that killed. Many Nephilim resented Osiris for being allowed to return to the other islands. They called it favoritism from Enlil. Osiris cared deeply for how his kind would react to him being named king of kings. He had hoped they would all accept it and see it as a clean start for his kind. He ended his story and looked at us both and said

"You know, I heard stories as a child of the great mother and father of my mother, though, I have never met them, I believe to feel them sometimes, today I feel it stronger than ever. Now tell me, why do you think that is?"

We stood there shocked and did not know how to respond to this. I was unsure if it was some sort of sensitive clairvoyance the Anunnaki had, or something else?

Before he could explain, he was interrupted as one of his men told him we were approaching the island. We went through the great gates greeted by giant statues of Enki; they had been chipped as if someone tried to destroy them. We arrived in the city and many giants ran to the side of the riverbanks, you could hear the footsteps pound on the ground as they all ran to see who was coming down the riverway. I was in awe; they were all ten to fifteen feet tall and were the strongest-looking creatures I ever saw. Some of them holding huge tons of stone, like it was nothing. As we got closer to the dock the faces became less and less friendly. Osiris becoming overly concerned with our greeting; told us we must always stand behind him for our safety. We obeyed and followed Osiris and Marduks messenger to a large stone platform in the middle of the island. Osiris's men stood guard around us. They were fierce warriors, some of the greatest of Ke-met. They were decorated in the finest gold armor that complimented their beautiful midnight skin. They held the spears close and stood at attention. Still, these humans were no match for Nephilim. The messenger shouted, his voice resonating down every alley.

"Attention all"

He then began,

"In the Name of the most high, God of gods, King of Kings, Ninurta the great, at the time of the god's great depart. Osiris, Son of Enki, shall be named royal ruler, King of Kings until his death, in which he shall name three new human successors, to the thrones of the three great kingdoms!" Marduk's messenger shouted.

The crowd became restless and shouted their disapproval, some of them screaming,

"You think our children will be ruled by humans?"

Another said,

"I'll die before a human rules over me."

Osiris shouted back at them


This only made them madder. They started yelling louder and pushing each other closer to the stone platform we all stood on. Osiris men readied their spears in force, Marduk's messenger had disappeared.

Osiris pulled us back behind him,

"Ready your weapons children, prepare to defend yourselves," he said as he unsheathed his giant blade from his back.

The crowds started pushing closer to us in arms reach, screaming for our heads. Osiris men were torn to shreds. Osiris ran to save them.

Just then a giant chain came flying in from above us targeting Osiris's sword. Osiris caught it immediately with his other arm. Several Nephilim pulled it and it stretched his arm out as he struggled to pull them back to him, then another chain came flying again, wrapping around his arm once more, large hook-like teeth on each link of the chains dug deep into his arm, pulling up his flesh. Another chain came for his sword in his right hand, I charged to it countering it, wrapping it around my spear, and tossed it back as Nephilim began to swarm us. Osiris swung his sword blowing many away. Tiamat used her spear to launch herself in the air landing on the shoulder of a Nephilim, shoving her spear into his neck as his blood spewed everywhere, she leaped to the next one slaughtering each one she leaped to next. She jumped back and forth till I could no longer see her anymore just Nephilim giants dropping dead. I reverted to defending Osiris as chains were being thrown at him from everywhere. One wrapped around Osiris's neck. He dropped his weapon and grabbed me. He pulled me to his face and said

"Find her and go! Get everyone out of Atlantis now!"

He threw me in the direction of Tiamat destruction. I landed right next to her as she finished, pulling her spear out of a Nephilim skull. We took down several Nephilim together, we were unstoppable when we fought together. If only we were immortal, we continued making our way back to the boat, as we finally boarded, we could see Osiris Down on his knees, a chain around his neck, both arms, and legs. All the Nephilim pulled the chains together and eventually overpowered him, ripping his body into pieces, limb from limb. Tiamat watched in horror; trying to dive off the boat to go to him.

"He's Gone Tiamat, there's nothing we can do now, we have to find Marduk."

I pleaded with her, holding her back from jumping off the boat.

Suddenly Anunnaki starships came soaring over us and warriors dropped from the ships. They began fighting the Nephilim, but even they were being ripped apart by the sheer strength of the Nephilim. The Nephilim began boarding their boats and heading to the other islands, equipped with swords and mallets. They were going to kill the humans. A starship quickly came up over our boat. Marduk held out his hand, he was accompanied by his messenger who must have ran and alerted the Anunnaki from a watch he wore on his wrist. Ancient technology only known to the Anunnaki at the time. He brought us to the inner cities and immediately began evacuating the humans. Marduk explained,

"We don't have much time, our ships are going to every Island, we must evacuate everyone as fast as we can. Soon Atlantis will be no more, do you understand young ones. Ninurta is going to destroy the city with the mothership."

I was dropped off in the second city to help the humans board the starships and leave the city. Tiamat and Marduk went to get the rest. I did not have much time. I ran through the streets screaming and yelling for everyone to come out of their homes.

"The Nephilim have turned on us and slaughtered everyone. They have murdered the great Osiris!" I yelled in the streets.

I rounded up everyone I could until no one was left in the streets to board the starships that were coming to fill up with people. I took off into the sky in the last one, that was when I saw it, a great spaceship appeared from the skies, the ships had a ring underneath it that began to glow and hum, the ocean began to rise and rise and rise. The Anunnaki were going to flood the entire city and wipe out all the Nephilim that still lived within its walls. The sea rose higher than the entire city, then it dropped, sending a massive wave straight for Atlantis and much of the land around it. Every ship had evacuated successfully saving all the humans that were not killed by the Nephilim, except one. I could see Marduk screaming from it, telling Tiamat to hurry as the last of the humans boarded his craft, the waves came crashing down on the Nephilim city then began to pour onto the other islands. Tiamat ran as fast as she could, but the waves were coming quicker and quicker.

"TIAMAT RUN" I screamed with all my heart.

She looked back at me; she was still fighting off Nephilim who were trying to board the craft. She fought them off bravely, the last human finally boarded the ship.

Marduk screamed "Tiamat, hurry."

As she got closer to the craft more Nephilim poured in from the sides near the ship and surrounded it there was not enough time.

"She yelled, "Marduk, leave me!"

Marduk fought off the Nephilim that tried to board the ship, he did not want to do leave her but had he waited any longer the waves would destroy them all. We Had only a second that seemed to last forever. Tiamat looked at me as she stopped fighting the Nephilim, who were still coming after her, smiling. Tears poured from my face as I watched the waves coming closer and closer to her. Tiamat dropped her weapon and made a triangle with both her hands, she looked through it with one eye, straight at me. I was able to read her lips, her last words were.

"I'll find you again, my love."

Ending her sentence in a smile, still looking through the triangle at me as the waves crashed upon her. She was gone, just like that, once again I had lost her...

I fell to my knees on the floor of the ship, still hanging on, watching the city's demise out the back hatch. My heart filled with pain as our ship got farther and farther away until the ruins of Atlantis we out of sight. The water pushed all over Atlantis completely drowning it.

All the humans who survived the slaughter were divided into the cities of Mesopotamia and Ke-met. I was then appointed overseer of all the lands by Ninurta. The day came for the Anunnaki to finally leave for Nibiru. We had a great ceremony for them; sacrificing much livestock to have a great feast. They celebrated all night. I had nothing to celebrate. The loss of my friend and king and the love of my soul stripped all happiness from me. The Anunnaki took off in their spaceships for home the next day, or as the humans would describe them, the great fiery chariots. Once the gods left many of those in Mesopotamia decided they too would leave to find more lands of their own. Mesopotamia, once a thriving city became, almost bare. Some stayed behind to further the civilization, I had pulled all that would come to live in Ke-met abandoning Mesopotamia from our rule. The humans that stayed, started their own civilizations within it, hiding much of its true history. We built an empire before my death; I was forced to pick a wife and make offspring to continue the line of succession in Ke-met. I loved my family there, but I often thought about Tiamat I missed her dearly and wondered often when I would see her again. I knew it would not happen again in this life. Many more civilizations would come from the settlers that left Mesopotamia; many I would help lay the groundwork for during my rule of Ke-met. Great empires like Greece, Sparta, Persia, and Rome all came from our civilizations. The Anunnaki history of the destruction of Atlantis was forgotten, never to be talked about again. It would remain a great secret only to be known as a myth for generations to come.

I grew incredibly old in this life and eventually died of heart failure during an outing on the Nile with my family. The heat finally got to me at that old age. I welcomed death, always ready to accept my fate, when the time came.

The day it happened I was immediately pulled through the tunnel. In this death my last memory was that of my friend and king Osiris, my mission was never to protect him. His death had to happen, or the Nephilim would have been a greater threat to humanity than even perhaps the reptilians themselves. Their desire to kill made them dangerous, had even a few of them lived, humanity may have been destroyed, or maybe I was wrong? Osiris was a great lord, and I regretted his death so much that I grew to hate myself a bit for it. The last memory was that of Tiamat, looking at me before she died, sacrificing herself for all the humans of Atlantis. I had trouble understanding why the flood was sent so quickly. Had Ninurta just waited a bit more we could have lived this life out happy again together once more? She didn't have to die. Perhaps, had they waited, the Nephilim would have slaughtered hundreds of more lives. Regardless, it had to of been a hard decision for them to kill their own. Ninurta probably took great joy in it.

Tiamat's death was honored greatly in Ke-met. She became a goddess to the early people, worshipped through many generations to come. I am sure wherever she was, she was destroying all in her wake to achieve her goal of peace. One day, far from now, I knew I would see her again.

I died peacefully after that. Once again, flowing down the all too familiar path before me. Ready for the next life that awaited me. At peace with what I had done in this life. I had set the course for the advancement of all the great human civilizations. The light appeared before me; I was being reborn again.

I am ready! 

Chapter 6: Coming soon 

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