Chapter 12: Serenity's Many Lifetimes

I was given away by my human birth parents, to the God Enki to be raised. Enki was a wonderful mentor my entire life. When I was born he took me into his home and raised me with his son, Marduk. I lived in a wondrous palace made of marble and stone. The walls were coated with gold, inscribed with beautiful drawings that illustrated the ancient Anunnaki philosophy of the creation of the universe. Enki wholeheartedly still believed in the old ways of the Anunnaki. Enki had no wife, she died when Marduk was a small child. No one knows how, they never spoke about it. Enki raised both of us himself. His brother Enlil and father Annu visited us often and helped when they could. Anunnaki family was complicated, they still always had each other's back. I was taught everything about the Anunnaki this life. I was taught what I already knew, they were no gods, just an ancient species who were doing what they thought to be best for this world. They had amazing technology but did not use it on earth. They lived an ancient life like the rest of humans, slowly, but surely transforming humanity to catch up with them on their next return.

They felt the people of earth needed to view them as gods for their mission to succeed.

Enki trained Marduk and me to be great warriors. The plan for me was always to become king of humanity and lead them into greatness. Enki made sure I would be ready. Marduk was a fierce warrior much bigger and stronger than me. He never went easy on me. Still, he was always kind. After every painful blow or beat down he inflicted on me in training, he would always make sure I was okay. I became a great warrior for many lifetimes to come through this intense training. Enki educated me in the ways of the Anunnaki and taught me many valuable lessons about life. He was so good-hearted; Enki only wanted the best for everyone. I loved them all so much. The royal Anunnaki family was everything to me in this life.

Every day, all of us first children, taken to be raised by Anunnaki, attended hours' worth of education and training in schools as well. They taught us so many things that would become vital and essential to the further development of man. Farming, construction, and how to obtain resources from our planet were among the many things we were taught. We were taught a spoken language, and how to write it, recording our history was important to the Anunnaki.

Eventually, they would have to return to Nibiru. You see, the further Nibiru got from the earth the greater the difference of time became between the two planets. Once Nibiru was at its furthest rotation before swinging back around closest to the sun again, months on Nibiru would go by, comparing to many years on earth, one day the Anunnaki would need to return so they can continue to live-on in their part of time normally. This would buy them several hundred years on earth. The schools were quite simple for me, much of what I had learned, Enki, and Marduk had already taught me at home. Still, I loved going because that's when I got to see her. Ninsu was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her blood-red hair shined over her luminescent brown skin. One glance from her and you could feel the conviction in her eyes, she ripped you open with her look and evaluated the deeds of your life. If she believed you worthy, her bright blue eyes lit up with a smile exposing her beautiful teeth, complimented by the dimples in her cheeks. She would brush her hair back behind her ear every time she spoke to me. She was the purest soul I had ever felt. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. I swore to her many times I would be her husband one day. This always made her smile,

"If the gods deem it so, then so it shall be."

She would always say, tucking her hair behind her ear as she spoke.

I did just that, I begged Enki to speak with Ninsu's Anunnaki guardians and allow us to be paired together when of age. Enki promised if I worked hard and did well in my schooling when the time came, he would do it. I persevered through everything in this life to achieve his promise. In the end, an agreement was made, and Enki gave me the thing my heart most desired.


We lived an amazing life and had many children together. I became king as destined and we further advanced our civilization. At the end of this life, I had lived so peacefully and happily oblivious to everything I forgot about every painful memory that I had ever had. It was full of family, and love, and wonderful beautiful memories I'll never forget. I died peacefully of old age surrounded by all those I held dear.

Ninsu held my arm into her chest as she wept into my palm. I remember looking into her sad beautiful bright blue eyes one last time. I knew I was about to die; every forgotten memory was pouring into me again. I remembered it all, as the pain from my past lives filled me with so much despair, a tear rolled from my eye. I looked to Ninsu, I grabbed her hand gently with the arm she held, and I told her,

"Fear not my love, one day I will find you again, in another time living a whole new life. I swear it, I'll never stop looking for you."

I died after telling her this.

I reminisced in death on the beautiful life I had just lived, it buried my pain deep within me, because of this life I could feel peace within me at last. The love from Enki and Marduk, my children and grandchildren, and most of all, Ninsu. It warmed my every being.

In the afterlife things became strange and I was forced into a whole new world thousands of years in the future. The world was at war with the reptilians. I was bred in a tube, raised for war. This was a very lonely life. We trained to be soldiers at noticeably young ages, those that couldn't live up to expectations were disposed of. I tried to not get attached to anyone in this life, I knew we were all destined to die.

We were all known by our birth numbers, mine was B3-T2H9. Each of us went by the letters in our pod codes, to make nicknames for ourselves, mine was Beth. One boy did manage to capture my attention. X8-V3R1. He went by Xavier. He was very skilled, this made me incredibly competitive with him. I began to grow feelings for him as we trained and learned together. I had to bury the feelings quickly, cause in this life we would never be able to be together, death was a certainty.

I focused on my training and became a starship pilot. I fought in many battles defending warships from enemies who sought its destruction. I watched hundreds of my people die in every battle. It was absolute madness, flying and fighting in space was difficult in the starships. You had no room for error. As you fought the hordes of enemy spacecraft and dodged the flying debris and bodies from the bigger warships battles. Crashing was the most common way to die before even being blown up by enemy gunfire.

I did well as a pilot and completed many missions. I was promoted and given command of a fleet, and at once sent on a new mission. We were to destroy the command center for the reptilian fleet in our solar system. They had hoped this would end the war and result in the surrender of the draconian's. This mission was almost a total failure. Our fleets were being blown away and we were quickly losing. Xavier and his men sacrificed their lives and brutally crippled the command centers defenses. Still, we had already sustained so much damage and the command center was still firing upon us. I evacuated the ship, some refused and stayed behind. We diverted every ounce of energy the ship had left to shield the front of the ship and crashed it straight into the command center. In my rebirth, the nightmare repeated, I had stopped nothing, the reptilians returned and waged war like never before, millions of ships filled the darkness of space. We fought our hardest, I died in this life watching the moon explode. One of the pieces hit my craft and in an instant I was dead. I woke up in the field again surrounded by the beings of light. They explained to me how that life had not happened yet. They claimed I was within another dimension, one in which they were unable to save the earth. I was very confused by this but before I could ask any more questions I was thrown back into reality.

This caused my mother in this life to have me much earlier than expected. My birth parents were returning from visiting family in Ke-Met, I was born in a great storm in the middle of the seas that many claimed would have been impossible to survive. I was brought to the temple and given to the Anunnaki in Atlantis. I had not known of Enki's resettlement here before I died. Still, once again I had been reborn into this familiar life that brought me peace. Things this time were different, we were all raised together by several Anunnaki teachers and caretakers. We were taught many things in this life, the Anunnaki had started the entire process for humanity to evolve into highly intelligent species. Enki had already been dead for some time when I was reborn. This hurt me a little, but now Marduk oversaw all of Atlantis. I was proud to at least see him in this life, he was a great God to his people. He would have made his father proud.

I began to acquire an admirer, early on, he professed his love for me as a child just as I had done so long ago. His name was Jax. The memories poured in, he reminded me much of myself with Ninsu in my life before. I even repeated the same words she gave to me when I declared my love for her. I liked him very much as well, I had a secret crush from afar. We trained a lot together, I bested him every time. One day we were all summoned to fight the brother of Marduk, his name was Osiris. Three of the greatest warriors Atlantis had were chosen. It was an incredible fight. Osiris was a fierce opponent. I did not think we could beat him. Fortunately, he made an error, and I took the upper hand in it. I held onto his hair like I had harnessed a horse, it was wrapped around my hand as I stood on his shoulder kneeling into him with my broken spear at his throat. I walked away from that battle with pride. Jax caught up with me after our battle, he told me Osiris said we would both be taken to Ke-met. I was so pleased to hear of this. After a short conversation, I found out Jax was Xavier in our lives before, but more importantly, he was also Ninsu, I was overcome with love and adoration for this soul. We had been in love for so many lifetimes now. We were summoned to the great hall to meet with the gods. Jax gave me a cloth with a symbol used by the divine ones.

It was so we could easily find each other in every lifetime. I cherished it and wore it in every life with pride.

After we met with the gods we were ordered to speak with the Nephilim on their island. This ended terribly, everyone had to be rushed out of Atlantis, and Osiris was killed. The Nephilim poured into the islands of Atlantis and began to slaughter humans and Anunnaki alike. Marduk came down to us in a flying spacecraft and picked us up, we dropped Jax off on one island, and Marduk and I went to the other islands. Marduk got out first and began to slaughter the Nephilim with God-like force. He jumped out of the ship, landing on a mob of Nephilim. He killed two with his landing and immediately pierced his trident through the throats of two more. He spun his trident around and blew away five more Nephilim to the ground with the force of his swing, my ship got farther away, and I could no longer see, but Marduk was an absolute force of destruction. I was dropped off at the next island. This one had many Nephilim on it, I got out as many spacecraft lined up ready to take people to safety. The Nephilim chased after the people as they ran from their homes and into the ships. I ran to confront them and began to fight them off, there were so many of them. I leaped onto them and ran across their shoulders, quickly slicing their arteries, immobilizing them any way I could. I was pushed far into the city in my fight, people still were pouring out into their homes. All the craft had filled up and left and many people stranded on the docks, I had to retreat as Nephilim boats approached the humans from the riverways. I single-handedly held back the Nephilim as long as I could from the docks. I was drenched in the blood of the Nephilim and the sweat of my efforts to stop them.

Finally, Marduk showed up with multitudes of empty craft, the Anunnaki on board began to fill them with humans and Marduk joined the fight with me. Marduk leaped from the air and landed down next to me at the docks, the skies tore apart with lightning and thunder, he walked into the crowd of Nephilim as they charged at him, each one meeting its demise in a single change of Marduk's position and thrust of his blade. They stood no chance against Marduk the god of the skies, the bringer of thunderstorms, but there were still so many for just us two. There were only a few humans left, Nephilim boats began to swarm the spacecraft. Marduk engaged his spacesuit and he walked across the waters of the river, obliterating all the Nephilim boats like the god he was. He began to help the last people in his craft as I still held the Nephilim back in the city. I heard Jax scream my name telling me to run. That was when I saw it, the sea rose to the skies and crashed upon the city, the Nephilim ran in fear to the craft, they no longer cared about me, I screamed for Marduk to go, I knew I wasn't going to make it. I looked to Jax in the sky and ignored the Nephilim that came to kill me, in their last acts of desperation for this life of theirs. I had to tell Jax I would find him again somehow. I made a triangle with both my hands to mimic the insignia he made for me. I spoke softly, hoping he read my lips. The waves crashed upon me, hitting me unconscious, I eventually drowned and drifted off into my next unknown life.

In my death, I followed the Anunnaki mothership back home. Marduk's wife was expecting very soon, and I decided I would live this next life as an Anunnaki once again. I never wanted to be reborn as a reptile again. Those dark dreadful memories of my lives before as one still haunted the deepest parts of my spirit. My soon-to-be mother's name was Sarpanitu, the people of Atlantis worshipped her as the goddess of fertility. Really, she was just a well-trained doctor who took care of all the pregnant women and taught many more humans how to safely give birth. She was just as kind as my father Marduk himself. We had a great life back in Nibiru, it was nice to live life at home again. I had missed my beautiful world so much; I loved all my people despite their faults. Marduk raised me to be extraordinarily strong and extremely intelligent. I was his pride and joy. I had grown to love Marduk so much, he was family to me in every way. My brother, teacher, and now a father. My mother was the greatest healer in Nibiru, she was extremely skilled in every branch of the medical field. I couldn't have asked for a better upbringing. When I was a young adult my father, Marduk, told me all about the earth. He told me of the great wonders my grandfather had performed there and of its great disasters. My parents named me Tiamat, my name had a wonderful familiar story. Father told me Ninurta crashed the seas upon an entire island on earth and killed many people. My father had a student there he couldn't save. She died from the quick actions of Ninurta in sacrifice to protect the humans. My father explained more.

Upon learning of the attack from the Nephilim, Ninurta ordered Marduk to retrieve as many humans as he could, for Ninurta would raise the seas with the mothership and crash it upon all of Atlantis, eradicating the world of the Nephilim for the last time.

Marduk contested this decision but Ninurta would not hear of it. Father realized he had no time to argue, the longer he did the more humans would die. Father gathered as many as he could in the Anunnaki starships. Unfortunately, he ran out of time and Ninurta killed every living soul still left on Atlantis. Not all the Nephilim attacked the humans, some stayed behind in their homes and Marduk knew this, also Anunnaki and humans alike had been taken prisoner by the Nephilim; they were drowned in the destruction of Atlantis before anyone could negotiate for their lives. Once father returned to the ship, he scolded Ninurta,

"Ninurta, how could you annihilate so many lives without even a single thought of remorse?"

Father asked him firmly.

"There was no time to think, the longer we sat here pondering what to do, the more people would have died. I'm sorry if you can't understand that Marduk."

Ninurta responded with an attitude

"Do not belittle me with your false acts of purity, Ninurta, your selfish, complacent, motives can be seen by all of us! You hated the Nephilim and always wanted to be rid of them. In your hatred you acted with such haste, you killed many other innocent people that could have been saved. You did not even dispatch but a few troops to fight back! You never even tried!"

Father responded becoming frustrated with Ninurta's condensing response

Ninurta became outraged

"You forget your place Mard-!!"

Ninurta began to yell, before the voice of my father, Marduk, shook everyone around to their core, he had true God-like power and everyone knew. He interrupted Ninurta and hollered.


The bass in my father's voice echoed throughout the ship as my father shouted this at Ninurta.

Ninurta backed away speechless in fear.

Father calmed down,

"I understand why you did what you did Ninurta, but the haste of your actions cost us more lives than necessary. I will have to add this in my reports for the federation. You will have to answer to them. You will stand trial for your decision today."

Marduk told Ninurta.

Ninurta was tried for his crimes back on Nibiru and was cleared of all wrongdoing. It was too hard a decision for them to crucify him for. I never blamed Ninurta for my death. I joined the galactic federation when I became of age and followed my mother and father on a mission to a far-off asteroid. It was a simple job, we were to protect workers that had to extract resources from the asteroid, then fill large space vessels up to bring them home. An armed presence was used for every job. Space was dangerous, and everything had to be protected. We spent many weeks out in space, I didn't mind it, I was with my family, besides, we only had a few more weeks before a replacement group came out to relieve us. My father and I bonded greatly on this mission we had each other's backs. I trusted my father so much I decided to tell him the truth of my soul.

"Father, what do you think happens in the afterlife?" I asked him

"Who knows T... I would like to think we all go on into better more beautiful worlds with everyone we love."

Father responded

"What if you kept being reborn into all kinds of different lives throughout eternity, within all of the cosmos."

I asked him

"Then I sure wish I could remember these lives, they sound fascinating."

Marduk responded in a soft chuckle

"What if those memories are so painful to bear, you suppress them at birth, so that you never feel the pain of loss from all those you loved before, so that you forget all the dark cruel afflictions brought upon you by the malice that infected all your previous lives. Things so horrifying it would frighten you to your very core. Could you bear the pain of those memories, could you live your life out knowing the dark secrets of your true existence? Can you handle the despair that weighs on your heart from this, the paranoia and fear of suffering another painful life so filled with hate? Would you be able to block out the remorse you feel of the ones you could not save after your death in every life you lived before, would you be willing to accept that and live with it every day. Could your mind handle such a thing, or would it tear you apart as you drowned in a dark abyss of sorrow and grief?"

I asked my father

Marduk looked me into the eyes and was speechless for a moment.

"I guess, I wouldn't want to live like that if I had the choice...Are you okay T, that was a rath-"

Marduk was cut short from his question to me as alarms began to shout through our ship that orbited the asteroid.

An unknown fleet was spotted far off in the distance. It was coming closer and closer to us. Father had everyone raise the shields of the ship and ordered all work to cease on the asteroid. Marduk could not connect with them through the comms of the ship. The mysterious fleet stopped just slightly before us and we recognized them.

The draconian reptilians.

Nibiru had been at war with this race for a long time. Everyone was in battle positions. Father and I boarded a starship and we lined up in formation to protect the main ship and asteroid workers living on the asteroid. The reptilian fleet launched many of their own starships. A battle was about to commence.

Without warning the reptilian launched a full attack, hundreds of draconian starships came at us at full speed as we began to fire back. I launched our starship forward into battle as my father and many others controlled the weapons systems. We dodged all incoming fire and began to devastate the reptilian fleet, we rolled through them with ease. Quickly the battle changed for the worse. There were so many reptilian starships they ignored us and attacked our base. Many Anunnaki workers were killed, we defended them all as long as we could. Eventually, my ship was torn apart by enemy gunfire as well. We all quickly engaged the helmets on our spacesuits. Father ran to me and grabbed me. The ship tore apart and father blasted off into space using his suit holding onto me. My father was a Titan, I engaged my suit as soon as my father grabbed me, I joined him in battle immediately. He flew into dozens of reptilian starships tearing them apart by hand. He punctured each ship with the force of his entire body. I began to do the same, the reptilians struggled to tag us at first, but eventually, our suits would run out of energy. We landed back on our ship, we realized all was lost, and the battle had stopped out in space. They began to close in on our ship-to board us. Father rounded everyone up and placed them in the escape pods, but it was no use, the reptilians blew the pods apart every time they launched. The reptilians boarded us and by the dozens came out of their ships and fought my father as hard as they could. He broke every bone, snapped every neck, gutted all those that raised their weapon to him. I had never seen such carnage from one person. The reptilians poured in from every direction on the ship. My father and I held them back as long as we could, we slaughtered hundreds of reptilians, till finally, I was so outnumbered and exhausted, seven of them ganged up on me. I finally succumbed to my exhaustion and could not defeat them all. They held me hostage. They forcefully ejected my suit's helmet off and held a gun to my head. They yelled for everyone's attention. They demanded we surrender or we would all die starting with me.

My father agreed to surrender at the expense of mine and all the other's lives. They ordered Marduk to remove his suit and come forward. My father ejected his suit and began to walk to the reptilians. I pleaded with him,

"Let me die, father, you don't understand the fate that awaits us with them is far worse than death."

He looked at me with a look that said, "I have a plan", and began to say.

"It's okay T, we wi-"

He didn't finish that sentence, the reptilians blasted him away with their weapons. He continued to smile at me in his death. I screamed in rage as I tried to break free. Four large reptilians held me down as I fought and struggled to go to my father.

Marduk lied there as he soaked in a pool of his blood. My people were horrified, my mother flew into a blind rage and fought back, she was tackled to the ground and they slit her throat in front of everyone. Some still fought back but were put down quickly with an agonizing death. Finally, everyone surrendered in fear. I shut down emotionally after watching them die so horribly, I was alive but absolutely dead on the inside. The reptilians gathered all of us alive and put us aboard their ships. They stole all the resources we collected on the asteroid and brought it back to their fleet. The men were divided and sent off to some other planet, where they would be forced to work deep in the mines never seeing the light of day again the few of us females still alive were brought to nursing farms on different planets. I was chained down as they synthetically impregnated me fully awake. It was the most violating experience of my life.

I lived the next few months in utter sadness, and a state of shock as I felt the baby lizard grow inside me. I knew the fate it awaited, I feared for it. I gave birth to the creature and it was taken from me. I was forced to do this all over again many times. The reptilians spoke to each other around me; they did not know I understood their language. They spoke of an attack planned for Nibiru after these children had become of age. I had to stop this. After so many births I gave up on this life. There was nothing I could do here anymore but continue to add the numbers to this evil army. I would hurry and help Nibiru as fast as I could in my next life, so in one final act of defiance, I went out with a bang.

The next time they brought me to be impregnated once again. I laid upon the table as two reptilians tied my feet to the table. As they got closer and grabbed my arms to die them down, I quickly twisted my hands around and grabbed their arms. I twisted their arms and they spun around screaming in agony. I pushed them away to the grounds and grabbed a large surgical knife. I cut the restraints from my legs. I jumped on one of the reptiles and slit its throat. The other one got up stumbling trying to get away. I ran to it stabbing it in the spine each time I got closer. It fell to the ground, I stabbed it in the head one final time as three more armed reptilians came in. I fought them off bravely but was eventually shot to death by one of them. I wanted to die, I needed to die. It was time to move on.

I soared through the afterlife and pondered which life to live, I reluctantly decided, I had to live as a reptilian again. This was the only way I could quickly somehow stop this plan for attack on Nibiru.

I was reborn once more into a life I dreaded so much.

Chapter 13: Coming Soon