Chapter 13: Will It Ever End

I struggled deeply in this life with the distractions and temptation from death, my mind was torn apart every day. Just when I thought I couldn't go on any more living this cold, lonely life, free of love. We were saved, an armada of people called Pleiadeans teamed together with a group of reptilians who were all children of those I saved long ago. Together they formed the beginning of what would be known as The Galactic Federation. They blasted through the lab, the reptilians fought against their evil kin, the people from the Pleiades evacuated us out of the lab and escorted us outside. The sight was astonishing, ships of all kinds bearing the mark of the federation littered the skies as they fought against the giant automated draconian guns on the ground. Explosions riddled my surroundings, blast from the skies pushed us back with its force, as the pieces of the broken vessel plummeted to the grounds of the planet, shaking everything for miles. Reptilians shot at us as the Pleiadeans engaged their arm shields to shield us and fired back. The reptilians failed to stop them. We retreated immediately. Many lives were lost in their efforts to save us all, we had all been saved.

The Pleiadeans opened an interdimensional portal with technology on their ships, they blasted us off into space leaving the evil reptilians behind. We were taken far out into the cosmos, galaxies away. I was brought to a planet, once uninhibited, the Defacto Reptilians now claimed it as their new home. We were all suffering from malnutrition and many of the females who were forced to give births were very sick and in a state of shock. Many of them would need extreme counseling and help from these warriors of light. The defacto reptilians abandoned their reptilian names and called themselves Saurians. This species only wanted to save all those enslaved by the God of Death. This settlement started from the children of the Gian females I saved long ago, they left Nibiru to find a planet of their own. They started their settlement on this uninhabited planet the Anunnaki found for them. Eventually, they settled here and were found by the Pleiadeans who offered their ships in support of rescuing their kin from all over the universe. They trained for and planned the rescues for years, they successfully saved many lives on their first mission.

As their numbers grew and their colony advanced, they made the rescue missions more frequent and became the saviors in the galaxy. They sniffed out many of Nergal's slave camps and nursing farms and liberated them at great cost. They truly were guardian angels. I told the federation all about the plans I heard from the reptilians for their attack of Nibiru.

Nibiru was closely watched, for many years. The Anunnaki were aware of the Federation that was controlled by the Pleiadeans but never accepted to join in their alliance. The Anunnaki were prideful and this would be their downfall.

After many of us recovered quickly, we were given the choice to stay on the planet and take care of the work there or join the liberation army. I chose the life of a liberator with joy. I lived peacefully through the rest of my childhood and trained this body well. Once I grew into an older adult, I was able to remember the shapeshifting ability I acquired long ago. I told the Pleiadeans what was done to me to acquire this ability. They quickly figured out the modifications made to the DNA and replicated it on any Saurian who volunteered. This gave us a great advantage for the battles to come. We trained vigorously every day until we were deemed ready. I was placed on a ship and finally given a mission. I was to return to Nibiru and infiltrate their ranks, I needed to watch the planet from the inside.

The Pleiadeans had suspected the reptilians had already stolen the identities of the royals. We returned to Nibiru disguised in a transport ship from a far-off mining colony. They fell for our disguise and we infiltrated the cities. I followed many of the royal Anunnaki family throughout the years disguised as house workers. I lived as a palace servant for a while and closely listened to every conversation. Finally, it paid off, I eavesdropped on an interesting discussion with a familiar voice. It was Ninurta, he spoke to another man I did not know.

"you cannot expect me to allow them into our skies just because they offer peace, these creatures are cruel and I trust nothing they say"

Ninurta said to the man.

"If you don't allow them to enter it will be an all-out war, eve-"

He replied to Ninurta before being cut off, Ninurta interjected claiming

"Then war they will have, my people would rather die than trusting those disgusting creatures. "

Silence fell upon the room and a loud thump hit the floor, Ninurta began coughing

"What have you done"

Ninurta asked of the man

"I figured you would not give in to what I asked of you, so I poisoned your dink as you walked around your room. In your arrogance, you would not even look at me, and for that, it has cost you your life. I will now take your form and finally give this planet to my God, Nergal."

A lot of commotion could be heard coming out of the room, I walked away and began cleaning downstairs.

Ninurta walked out from the room adjusting his clothing and demanded an announcement be made. The reptilians would be allowed onto the planet to discuss peace.

I immediately left and returned to my ship, I contacted the federation and told them of what I had learned. For days cargo ships were allowed into Nibiru to deliver goods. These were all rescue ships sent by the federation. I preached in the streets for days and gathered all I could to leave the planet. Finally, we got all that we could. The same day we left, the reptilians entered the airspace as the federation stood on guard. We blasted off and without a second wasted the reptilians began to destroy the cities. In a great flash of light, an entire city was decimated below us. Nibiru launched an immediate assault back but was halted by the fake Ninurta. The federation descended on the planet in full force and waged war on the reptilians. We watched as I piloted my ship out to orbit. Dozens of large oblong black draconian ships floated along with the skies, raining laser strikes on the land below. The federation zipped into the skies above them and obliterated the draconian ships, with high-frequency waves that tore their ships apart into tiny pieces. The frequencies rearranged the ships very matter. The federation defended the Anunnaki the best they could. It was a firework show blasting off into orbit, ships flew all around us and starships whizzed all around me. I steered off course trying to avoid the destruction of the battle in the skies and flew deep out into space.

I thought we were finally safe, the people I had saved began to question me. Out of anger for their ungratefulness and in the heat of the moment, I lost my temper and my true appearance formed, they now could see who I truly was. They cowered in fear upon seeing my scary reptilian body, I promised them they had nothing to fear. One of them recognized the sash I wore on my side of Ninsu's insignia. I thought at first it may be him, I could see in his eyes, he was not the soul I longed for. It was, however, one I recognized, although at the moment I could not figure out who. My rescue efforts had soon been almost shutdown, a reptilian vessel caught us as we flew through space, they contacted us, I spoke back and let them know I was one of them. We were forced to board their vessel and provide proof. I obeyed and conjured up a fake cargo delivery order, fooling the reptilians into thinking I was only delivering spoils of war back to their mothership. They began to believe me, until, one of the Anunnaki ran from his hiding spot in fear, he was killed brutally and I began to fight back.

I quickly stabbed out both the eyes of the reptilian in front of me, then stuffed my pistol under its chin and pulled the trigger as I pushed its body into the others; they all fell to the ground. I shot the other two who struggled to get upright in the heads, three more were left, they backed me into a corner.

Just then, the Anunnaki boy who questioned my symbol leaped onto one of their backs and killed it. I grabbed the second reptilian from behind as it turned to look at the commotion behind it, I plunged my blade into its chest over and over as I began to shoot the third one. They both fell dead as I recognized the boy now, he fought them off by the doors without fear. It was the soul of Osiris, I started up the engines and blasted off. When I looked behind me Osiris was gone.

I flew far out into the vast void of space and lost the reptilians in an asteroid field after a great chase, finally after our escape we caught up with a rescue federation crew planted to help the battle for Nibiru. They treated all the Anunnaki survivors we had saved, I immediately boarded a ship headed back for the battlefield, we reached it quickly. The Pleiadeans were wiping out the reptilian's fleets as we arrived.

They could not compete with the ancient unknown technology of the Pleiadeans. I dropped from our warship in a small gunship and wreaked havoc upon reptilian warships. I blasted them away as I felt the vibration of their demise beneath my craft. Finally, after a long-fought battle, the reptilians retreated. We had won, but Nibiru was in ruins. Billions had died and much of the planet had been laid to waste. The federation cleaned up the debris left from their battle and began efforts to rebuild Nibiru. The planet was finally brought into the alliance of the Galactic Federation and was protected from now on. The royal linage of the Anunnaki had been all killed and a new form of government was put into place. Eventually, Nibiru would recover but the people of the planet and its culture were changed forever. I went on many missions after the war on Nibiru, liberating all forms of life from Nergal's enslavement. I was feared by all and eventually had acquired a reputation, The Divine Liberator. I etched the insignia from Jax on my armor and reptilians cowered in fear when they saw it. As I liberated many planets I wiped the lizards off the face-off it. I lived for many long years saving all that I could. Back home the Saurians called me the savior, I was a hero on the planet of the Saurians. Finally, this body began to give out on me, in my final days I trained many to be fierce warriors, I told them I would come back one day, in a new body with a new name, I would lead everyone in one final battle against the reptilians. They all thought I was crazy.

In my old age, Nergal had finally discovered our planet. The Pleiadeans rushed everyone off the planet quickly as their ships warped into different dimensional portals scattering across the galaxy. The federation fought back bravely, unfortunately, Nergal himself fought this battle, the federation was crippled. I stayed behind for one final fight. I found many spaces suits Marduk created and armed all those that stayed to fight with them. We boarded starships and flew them into space dodging the storm of war in the skies, as I approached orbit I was confronted by hundreds of draconian warships. Many of them were fought off by the federation and all those that protected the planet. I blasted off at full speed to the first warship in front of me, I ejected from my ship immediately as it took extreme amounts of gunfire, I engaged my suits thrusters and took off into space, I crashed through the window of a reptilian warship command deck, lizards were sucked out deep into space as I walked across the floor with the help of my suit. I redirected the ship and flew out of it, it crashed into the ship next to it and exploded in front of me, I ripped through several more ships and boarded them, slaughtering all of those onboard, critically damaging the essential functions of each ship. Until finally a voice riddled through my mind

"I have had enough of you!," It screamed in a furious rage. It was Nergal himself.

I blew up the ship I was on and flew back out into space, Nergal floated there, decked out in a golden armored space suit kinda like my own. His horns grew long, from the sides of his head, like a crown of evil. Anger filled me as I finally saw him in physical form. I blindly charged at him, he disappeared before my very eyes and grabbed my shoulder from behind, he tossed me so hard I was sent flying through space straight into one of his warships, it exploded as I ripped through it straight out the back. Nergal had been waiting behind the ship and caught me by the leg as I exited it, it dislocated instantly as the pain seared through me.

"It is time for you to die now, defiant, puny, soul, a true death this time for you."

He ripped my suit's helmet off and began to absorb my soul from me, I smiled with one more trick up my sleeve.

In my hands, I had still held a very unstable core from his ship's reactor. He stopped absorbing my soul as soon as he realized and tossed me away from him, I froze to death first before the blast tore my body to pieces.

I was flung through the afterlife after this, and eventually, my surroundings stabilized.

The beings of light all stood before me,

"Welcome back little soul, you have done amazing in your journey. You have changed so many lives and corrected so many bad outcomes in the timeline." The exclaimed

"This evilness that infects life, it's so powerful even beings like you cannot stop it, what makes you think I can stop it?" I asked them

"Not just you, but many of you, all Starseeds are working to achieve this goal of peace within the cosmos, we work through all of you, as you spread awareness and love to all. Reminding all living things what the true beauty in existence is with our light. Why do you doubt yourself? We assure you, no matter how alone you feel, we are always with you." They told me

"I feel like I'm making no difference, in any life I live, every outcome always leads to the same inedible thing. The destruction of everything at the hands of Nergal. He is truly a monster, I have never fought anyone or anything with power like that. I am fearful for the future of all life. You say to spread love and light, yet all I do is shed blood and bring death, I fear for all life." I responded

"There is no need for fear T.," A familiar voice said behind me

I was shocked as the voice of my father Marduk echoed around me, the skies lit up with lightning and thunder. Yet the sun was still shining and not a cloud was in sight. Just them he appeared before me in a form of light. It slowly began to change and the figure of my father Marduk appeared. Joy struck my body as I cried out to my father, he rushed to me and hugged me, he hugged me close and told me

"You have nothing to fear, you are my little girl, daughter of Marduk, granddaughter of the great god Enki, you are the strongest soul I have ever encountered, T. You have lived a great many, painful, grief-filled lives. Some which I wish I had never known of. You are the bravest soul I have ever met, you are a savior to many, and a real hero to all, you can do this."

I sobbed into my father's arms as he held me like a small child one last time. His words filled me with hope and brought joy to me once again. He let go of me and looked me in the eyes, he said

"Never doubt yourself, you will beat Nergal and save everyone, the power of death is only an illusion, for death itself is purely the illusion. I know you will succeed."

He looked into the skies and then back to me and finished with

"I must go now, I have lived eons of lives in the cosmos, like yourself. I chose my last life to be lived in ignorance so I could live at peace once more. I'll be reincarnated into something else entirely now they tell me. Apparently, I did something amazing lifetimes ago. I was allowed to merge my soul with the energy of the universe, I will be immortalized forever in the cosmos, to be seen and heard on all worlds, every time you see a storm kiddo, think of me as I bolt across the skies in a blaze of white light. I'll always be watching over you…Goodbye T."

Marduk faded from me in his goodbye, I pulled my emotions together and looked to the beings of light. They spoke one last time.

"Are you ready now little soul, the end soon approaches."

"I'm ready"

In a jolt I was sent flying into the afterlife, I could not control what life I would live next this time. I was reborn back onto the earth in a time of war.

World War 2 had begun when I was an adult. I was a nurse who treated all soldiers in battle. I treated many men, I held the hands of many others as they went off into the afterlife. I promised them they had nothing to fear as they went on, still, they always feared the unknown. I did this for many years, one day, I found him again. In this life, I would learn to always know him as Musarra. My love for all eternity.

Musarra was badly injured, he had survived a fight with Hitler himself. The war was over and I rejoiced as its end brought us together once again. He told me all about his hundreds of years of lifetimes of war, it pained me knowing he too lived lifetimes full of carnage.

We lived a very happy life together and had a nice family of our own. This life brought me a peace I longed for, for so long, it gave me the time I cherished with every ounce of my being, with the one soul I loved more than anything in this entire universe. The divine ones purposefully sent me here, I could never thank them enough for pushing me into this life. Eventually, after a long happy life on earth, I passed on.


Chapter 14: Coming soon