Ch 6: Unexpected

First three days were the Induction Class. Next two days, they train soft skills for trainees. The class starts at 9:00 AM

Yajna came to her classroom at 8:30 AM. The educator was already present before Yajna arrived. Yajna went to her place and switched on her system. The next to her introduced herself "Hi, I am Poonam from Chennai"

"I am Yajna from Pondicherry"

They get along well. At 9:00, the Educator said, "I will tell you the 4 letter keys. You have to hold the 4 keys in the application present on everyone's desktop for 5 sec to mark their own attendance."  Two guys entered the classroom at 9:05 AM

Educator said "You guys have to be at 9:00 clock sharp from next time"

Yajna lifts her head to see. It's Nikhil and Ankur. Yajna was surprised to see Nikhil in her class. Yajna's mind voice ~Omg, am I again imagining about him or real?~

She pinched her hand ~Ouch it's real. Why do I have to find him in my class?~

Nikhil went to the middle row of the classroom and Ankur sat in the front row of Yajna.

Educator introduced herself  "In the next two days I will be your educator to teach a soft skill class. At 9:30 AM you will be writing an exam to analyse the basic understanding of your grammar. Later, you will have another test at the end of soft skill class"

After completion of the test at 10:30 AM. Educator said "you will have coffee break from 10:30 to 10:45"

Nikhil stood up from his seat and looked around the classroom. Yajna hides herself behind the monitor. Nikhil marched towards the last row along with his bag. Yajna's mind voice ~Is he coming towards me? Did he see me? Recognised me? Please don't come here.~

Yajna covered herself with her palm and her hair. Nikhil sat in the seat next to Yajna. Nikhil saw the girl wearing salwar and loosen her hair covering her face with her hand.

Nikhil's mind voice ~she looks weird~

Nikhil asked "Excuse me, This seat is empty right?"

Yajna didn't reply. He tapped her shoulder

"Is there something wrong with your face? You acting like weirdo"

She lifted her head and removed her hand from the face and said "I am not weird. You are"

Nikhil said "It's you, Pineapple, I mean birthday girl"

"Stop giving me Nicknames"

Nikhil asked "Tell me your name. I will call by your name"

"Why should I tell you?" Yajna replied

"You don't have to tell me. I can see it myself". He raised his hand towards her stomach

"What are you doing?"

"I am checking your name" grabbed her Id Card hanging around Yajna's neck. He looked at the Id-card and read "Yajna Ajay" from the Id-card.

When he read her name she looked into him absent minded and came back to senses when Ankur called Nikhil. Yajna pulled back the Id-card into her.

Ankur asked "Why are you sitting here Nikhil?"

Nikhil replied "Where did you go? I missed you"

Ankur muttered to him "If you missed me so much, you should accompany me to restroom too"

Yajna looked at Nikhil and Ankur with a disgusted look. Educator asked the trainees to put attendance by holding 4 keys for 5 second.

While holding the keys, Yajna asked him "By the way, What's your name?"

"Wait, You are asking me" Nikhil is surprised to hear from her. Nikhil thought about Yajna is ~she is always cold~

"Yes, I am asking you"

He removed the hand from keyboard and raised his hand "I am Nikhil"

She covered her mouth with hand. Nikhil seemed confused and remembered the first time. He pulled her to kiss him when she greeted with a handshake and started Lol at her.

Yajna muttered to him "Are you mad why are you laughing at me?"

Nikhil muttered to her "You still remember every moment of our first meet?"

Nikhil saw her face reddened in anger and stopped laughing. ~Array yaar(gosh), she takes everything seriously.~

The only thought in Yajna's mind is ~I should stay away from Nikhil. ~